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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

Monark é burro

    Monark is a popular Brazilian podcaster
    A parte mais engraçado pra mim é que ele não faz isso porque está "desaparecendo da mídia". Ele simplesmente é burro mesmo. Ele é o tipo de burro que a gente raramente encontra por aí, pelo menos não mais. O Monark é uma relíquia de tempos mais simples, um burro bem burro, sem nenhum objetivo na vida além de ser burro. Tentam colocá-lo em alguma caixinha, "Ah é fascista!", "Ah é bolsonarista!", "Ah é centrista!", mas a verdade é que ele não tem ideologia além da burrice. Ele só é burro.
    Eu admito, é difícil de entender isso. É um mistério como alguém pode ser assim. Mas ele não tem objetivos, ele não tem planos mirabolantes, ele só é burro. Ninguém consegue torná-lo ferramenta política, ele é burro demais para seguir ordens; ninguém consegue fazer dinheiro em cima dele, ele é burro demais para ficar quieto. Ele é uma criança de 12 anos presa no corpo de um homem de 34. É burro. Burríssimo.
    Ao invés de prendê-lo, deveríamos colocá-lo em um programa tipo The Truman Show. O potencial de entretenimento é infinito. Fala-se muito das riquezas naturais do país, de nosso petróleo, da Amazônia, mas e nossos burros? E o Monark? Ele não precisa de muito para ser feliz. Só enfia maconha no cara. Ele é burro. Burro demais da conta. Venderíamos o programa para o mundo inteiro, e o Brasil logo logo se tornaria Dinamarca. À base de nosso maior burro. Ele simplesmente é burro mesmo. Não existe nada além disso. Burro.

    Open English translated

    The funniest part for me is that he doesn't do it because he's "disappearing from the media". He's just really stupid. He's the kind of donkey you rarely find around, at least not anymore. The Monark is a relic of simpler times, a very dumb donkey with no purpose in life other than being dumb. They try to put him in some little box, "Ah he's a fascist!", "Ah he's a bolsonarista!", "Ah he's centrist!", but the truth is that he has no ideology other than stupidity. He's just dumb.
    I admit, this is hard to understand. It's a mystery how anyone can be like that. But he has no goals, he has no fancy plans, he's just dumb. Nobody can make him a political tool, he is too stupid to follow orders; nobody can make money off of him, he's too dumb to keep quiet. He's a 12 year old trapped in the body of a 34 year old man. He's dumb. Stupid.
    Instead of arresting him, we should put him on a show like The Truman Show. The entertainment potential is infinite. There is a lot of talk about the country's natural wealth, our oil, the Amazon, but what about our donkeys? And the Monarch? He doesn't need much to be happy. Just put weed in the guy. He's dumb. Too dumb to count. We would sell the program to the whole world, and Brazil would soon become Denmark. On the basis of our biggest donkey. He's just really stupid. There is nothing beyond that. Dumb.

    Omg can I have a handjob pweasies teasies? 🥺👉👈

      Omg can I have a handjob pweasies teasies? 🥺👉👈 just a wittle Willy tug? Maybe choke my chicken? Massage my massive mariner? Stroke my slimey sausage? Stretch my stimulated stabber? Rub my radioactive rigatoni? Persuade my perky peanous?

      Actual incel rant

        Incel copypasta found in DMs
        Didn't know that a girl from Florida could be that beautiful. sadly girls as beautiful as you will probably end up having a shitty life, girls like you will fuck a lot for money and have no morals. you probably have sex with tons of chads and don't care about personality. modern females....
        Really jealous I can't get a gf like you. in all honesty by the age of 30 you probably won't have any success in life and wished you dated smart, good guys with real ambition. like the age of 25 will be so rich, sadly will be an incel until than probably cause modern females are so dumb.
        Sorry if this classified as creppy, pls don't block me before I can see a response. really curious about what you think of your emptiness in life Yeah I'm an ugly guy, but would it be so fucking hard for bitches like you to get drunk and suck my fucking cock. social stigma have ruined females
        I'm the most incel like person ever. all females are objectively dumb and have been manipulated by modern society into having unrealistic standards, cause they are gullible. social stigma have ruined modern females. the only point of females is sex, they are inferior in every category compared to men except for looks.
        Females fake empathy, they don't have the capability of actually feeling things. Females are so empty inside, robotic. guess they were made that way to be easily fuckable. sadly modern females don't have strong enough of sexual desires to actually fuck normal guys. only chads.
        Females shouldn't have any rights.

        Andrew Tate Losing in Chess

          Andrew Tate copypasta
          From his IG stories
          I play online chess and sometimes I lose.
          It humbles me zero.
          You may be better than me at this game you autistic fuck but in the game of life you would lose me in every metric humans can possibly fathom.
          You're a nerd cunt who rightfully would cower in my presence.

          If Someone Says “Why Dont You Marry It?”, Send Them This

            Why don't you marry it copypasta
            Ok (Insert Name Here), what you just said is foolish for a variety of reasons. For starters, just because I "love" something doesn't mean I have to marry it. Furthermore, it is merely absurd to even suggest marrying an inanimate object such as (insert inanimate object here). If I were to get married, it would be to a member of my own specie. Finally, I am not currently interested in marriage to begin with. I enjoy (insert hobby here) and having fun, I don't have time to keep up with a relationship. If this is an attempt at comedy, it falls flat due to the several inconsistencies and flaws that come with your suggestion so SHUT THE FUCK UP!!

            ter pau grande é horrível

              Having a big dick is horrible copypasta
              Eu especialmente sinto ódio de mulheres que dizem "quanto maior melhor", simplesmente não tem nem como caber tudo se vc tem um pau grande, machuco a minha mina sem querer, tem posições que mesmo com todo cuidado não posso fazer, quando acelero tenho o q tempo todo controlar quanto to colocando se não ela vai sentir uma dor aguda, a camisinha custa o dobro ou triplo, não tem em todo lugar (se eu me esforçar mt a normal cabe, mas no meio do sexo ela volta e fica presa só na cabeca). Eu sinto que poderia fazer muito mais com um pau pequeno, MEU QUADRIL NEM ENCOSTA NA BUNDA DELA PQ TEM MEU PAU NO MEIO.
              Se vc diz q quanto maior melhor vc provavelmente nunca transou, ou pelomenos, nunca transou com alguem com o pau grande, vai tomar uma cutucada la no fundo e vai percebe q o pau na media é bem melhor

              Open English translated

              I especially hate women who say "the bigger the better", there's just no way to fit everything if you have a big dick, I accidentally hurt my girl, there are positions that even with all the care I can't do, when I accelerate I have what I want all the time control how much I'm putting it on, otherwise she'll feel a sharp pain, the condom costs double or triple, it's not everywhere (if I try hard, the normal one fits, but in the middle of sex it comes back and gets stuck only in the head). I feel like I could do so much more with a small dick, MY HIP DOESN'T TOUCH HER ASS BECAUSE IT HAS MY DICK IN THE MIDDLE.
              If you say that the bigger the better you've probably never had sex, or at least, never had sex with someone with a big dick, you'll get a nudge deep inside and you'll realize that the average dick is much better