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Copypasta related to the president of the United States or other world leaders.

What’s Bofa?

    My fellow Americans, it is with great sadness that I must report that Bofa has collapsed. Many have asked me: “What’s Bofa?”, to which I respond: “Bofa Deez Towers”. I can say with full conviction that deez attacks were not bussin fr; we will find the people responsible for this evil act, and bring them to justice. No cap

    My fellow Americans, I have an urgent message.

      To all you bitch ass niggas calling me sleepy joe, I’m wide awake nigga and if you keep talking, I’m going to pull out the magic wand and make you sleep forever. My glock got the extendo clip so long, you niggas would think it took a Viagra laced with forbidden spells. I got the eraser cause all you niggas some mistakes. We smoking that evil shadow realm, haunted kush so diabolical that will make your dentures get cavities. Nigga, we got that shit that will turn you into a supervillain. All my ops getting turned into that potion, that dark elixir, that codeine; when I put them in my cauldron. Niggas won’t see it coming when I cast fireball and set their cloak aflame.

      In Peachment

        Trump sat back in his chair with a smirk. He was ecstatic about the fact that the constitution would protect him from democracy due to the fact that the only way to remove him from office was to put him in a peach. A PEACH. He could never fit in such a small object, such a feat was impossible. "ORDER ORDER" said Pelosi. "Donald Trump, you have abused executive power for far too long. I order that you are put in peach" Trump laughed. "Your honor, there is no way I can fit in peach." Pelosi grinned and then turned to the gates at the back of the room. "BRING OUT THE GIANT PEACH." Trumps heart stopped. The gates slowly and ominously opened to reveal a massive peach the size of a two story building. "I-impossible" Trump said, his orange skin turning pale. "How could this be?" "Today Ladies and Gentlemen..." said pelosi with an even wider grin. "Blumpf In peach"

        Hello everyone. This is Donald Trump.

          Hopefully your favourite President of all time. Better than Lincoln, better than Washington, with an important announcement to make. I’m doing my first Official Donald J. Trump NFT collection right here and right now. They’re called Trump Digital Trading Cards. These cards features some of the really incredible artwork pertaining to my life and my career. It’s been very exciting. You can collect your Trump Digital Cards just like a baseball card or other collectibles. Here’s one of the best parts, each card comes with an automatic chance to win amazing prizes like dinner with me. I don’t know if that’s an amazing prize but it’s what we have. Or golf with you and a group or your friends at one of my beautiful golf courses, and they are beautiful. I’m also doing Zoom calls, a one-on-one meeting, Autographing memorabilia and so much more. We’re doing a lot. My Official Trump Digital Trading Cards are $99 which doesn’t sound very much for what you’re getting. Buy one and you will join a very exclusive community. It’s my community and I think it’s something you’re going to like and you’re going to like it a lot. They also make perfect gifts, so you can buy them with your credit card or crypto. All you need is an email address. Go to and buy your Trump Digital Trading Cards right now before they are all gone and they will be gone. This is my first Official Trump Trading Card NFT collection and you get a chance to meet me. Go to right now and remember Christmas is coming and this makes a great Christmas gift.

          Orthodox rabbi Bill Clinton

            I would like to nominate this award to my reformed orthodox rabbi, Bill Clinton.
            You know real quick I would like to thank everyone and say that I think I want to nominate this award to my reformed orthodox rabbi Bill Clinton thank you everybody

            Xi here to own Biden with my new rap 😎

              Yo, Biden. This is from Xi. Glory to the ccp🇨🇳🇨🇳
              The U.S. is a shithole
              Because it's your butthole
              The mightiest man in the world
              Who can't remember a word
              You feel like you're omnipotent
              But in reality you're just impotent
              An adult man who can't ride a bike
              Gas prices rising, ya'll soon hitchhike
              Elections nearing, republicans rising
              Bitch boy biden's democrats in a crisis
              Impossible to attract new voters
              When your plans appeal only to fat losers
              Your nation celebrates pride
              Here gays look for places to hide
              Can't get it straight without a pile of blue pills
              Or even with a room full of small young girls
              The chinese man's dick may be small
              But at least he can see it, you fat wall
              Blm, you let the protesters run loose
              Meanwhile here they're hanging in a noose
              A red sun rises in the sky
              Our country sings with pride
              China first, America last
              Try to cope with that fact
              More on spotify.