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Copypasta related to an internet joke.

find the gay person:

    If you're bi, does that mean that you'll be trapped in purgatory?
    find the gay person:
    👩🏻👩🏼👩🏽👩🏾👩🏿👩🏻👩🏼👩🏽👩🏾👩🏿 👨🏻👨🏼👨🏽👨🏾👨🏿👨🏻👨🏼👨🏽👨🏾👨🏿 👦🏽👦🏾👦🏿👦🏻👦🏼👦🏽👦🏾👦🏿
    can’t find them?
    that’s because they live among us, looking like normal people. the only real difference is they’re going to hell

    Oh, so you like minecraft? Name every block

      Variation A
       Birch-Wood Slab
       Black Wool
       Block of Coal
       Block of Diamond
       Block of Emerald
       Block of Gold
       Block of Iron
       Blue Wool
       Bone Block
       Brick Slab
       Brick Stairs
       Brown Mushroom (Block)
       Brown Wool
       Carpet (White)
       Chorus Flower
       Chorus Plant
       Clay Block
       Coal Ore
       Cobblestone Slab
       Cobblestone Stairs
       Cobblestone Wall
       Cyan Wool
       Dark Prismarine
       Diamond Ore
       Emerald Ore
       End Portal
       End Portal Frame
       End Stone
       End Stone Bricks
       End rod
       Fence (Oak)
       Glass Pane
       Gold Ore
      G Cont.
       Grass Path
       Gray Wool
       Green Wool
       Hardened Clay
       Hay Bale
       Head (Creeper)
       Head (Skeleton)
       Head (Steve)
       Head (Wither)
       Head (Zombie)
       Iron Bars
       Iron Ore
       Jungle-Wood Slab
       Lapis Lazuli Block
       Lapis Lazuli Ore
       Leaves (Oak)
       Light Blue Wool
       Light Gray Wool
       Lily Pad
       Lime Wool
       Magenta Wool
       Melon (Block)
       Melon Vine
       Mob Spawner
       Monster Egg (Stone)
       Moss Stone
       Mossy Cobblestone Wall
       Nether Brick
       Nether Brick Fence
       Nether Brick Slab
       Nether Brick Stairs
       Nether Quartz Ore
       Oak-Wood Slab
       Orange Wool
       Packed Ice
       Pink Wool
       Polished Andesite
       Polished Diorite
       Polished Granite
      P Cont.
       Prismarine Bricks
       Pumpkin Vine
       Purple Wool
       Purpur Block
       Purpur Pillar
       Purpur Slab
       Purpur Slab (Double)
       Quartz Block
       Quartz Slab
       Red Mushroom (Block)
       Red Sandstone
       Red Sandstone (Chiseled)
       Red Sandstone (Smooth)
       Red Sandstone Slab
       Red Sandstone Stairs
       Red Wool
       Redstone Ore
       Sandstone (Chiseled)
       Sandstone (Smooth)
       Sandstone Slab
       Sandstone Stairs
       Slime Block
       Snow Block
       Soul Sand
       Spruce-Wood Slab
       Stained Clay (White)
       Stained Glass (White)
       Stained Glass Pane (White)
       Stone Brick Slab
       Stone Brick Stairs
       Stone Bricks
       Stone Slab
       Structure Block
       Wood (Oak)
       Wooden Plank (Oak)
       Wooden Slab
       Wooden Stairs (Oak)
       Yellow Wool
      Variation B
      Air, stone, granite, polished granite, diorite, polished diorite, andesite, polished andesite, grass, grass path, mycelium, dirt, coarse dirt, podzol, cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, oak wood, spruce wood, birch wood, jungle wood, acacia wood, dark oak wood, oak planks, spruce planks, birch planks, jungle planks, acacia planks, dark oak planks, oak sapling, spruce sapling, birch sapling, jungle sapling, acacia sapling, dark oak sapling, sugar cane, bedrock, sandstone, chiseled sand stone, chiseled res sand stone, smooth red sandstone, red sand stone, smooth sandstone, sand, red sand, gravel, water, lava, magma block, obsidian, coal ore, iron ore, redstone ore, redstone ore when you start to mine it and it lights up, gold ore, lapis ore, diamond ore, emerald ore, nether quartz ore, coal block, iron block, redstone block, gold block, lapis block, diamond block, emerald block, quartz block, chiseled quartz, quartz pillar, slime block, oak leaves, spruce leaves, birch leaves, jungle leaves, acacia leaves, dark oak leaves, sponge, wet sponge, note block, rail, powered rail, detector rail, activator rail, bed, cobweb, dead bush, shrub, tall grass, fern, piston, sticky piston, dandelion, poppy, blue orchid, allium, azure bluet, red tulip, orange tulip, white tulip, pink tulip, oxeye daisy, sunflower, lilac, rose bush, peony, brown mushroom, red mushroom, brown mushroom block, red mushroom block, bricks, TNT, bookshelf, torch, fire, mob spawner, oak stairs, spruce stairs, birch stairs, jungle stairs, acacia stairs, dark oak stairs, sandstone stairs, red sandstone stairs, cobblestone stairs, brick stairs, stone brick stairs, nether brick stairs, quartz stairs, purpur stairs, chest, trapped chest, ender chest, farmland (aka hoed dirt), furnace, lit furnace, sign, sign attached to a wall, oak door, spruce door, birch door, jungle door, acacia door, dark oak door, iron door, trapdoor, iron trapdoor, ladder, lever, stone button, wood button, wood pressure plate, stone pressure plate, light pressure plate/gold pressure plate, heavy pressure plate/iron pressure plate, tripwire, daylight sensor, redstone, redstone torch, redstone torch turned off, redstone comparator, redstone repeater, redstone lamp on, redstone lamp off, dispenser, dropper, observer, hopper, command block, command block repeater, command block chain, snow block, snow layer, ice, packed ice, blue ice, cactus, clay, jukebox, oak fence, spruce fence, birch fence, jungle fence, acacia fence, dark oak fence, oak fence gate, spruce fence gate, birch fence gate, jungle fence gate, acacia fence gate, dark oak fence gate, nether brick fence, nether bricks, red nether bricks, netherack, soul sand, glowstone, bone block, nether wart, nether wart block, cake, stone bricks, mossy stone bricks, cracked stone bricks, chiseled stone bricks, iron bars, melon block, melon stem, pumpkin, pumpkin stem, jack o lantern, vines, water lily, enchantment table, brewing stand, cauldron, end portal frame, end stone, end bricks, end rod, purpur block, purpur pillar, purpur slab and double slab, beetroot, chorus plant, chorus flower, dragon egg, oak slab, spruce slab, birch slab, jungle slab, acacia slab, dark oak slab, stone slab, sandstone slab, cobblestone slab, brick slab, stone brick slab, nether brick slab, quartz slab, red sandstone slab, cacao block, anvil, beacon, cobblestone wall, mossy cobblestone wall, flower pot, carrots, potatoes, hay block, skeleton skull, wither skeleton skull, zombie head, creeper head, white wool, orange wool, magenta wool, light blue wool, yellow wool, lime wool, pink wool, gray wool, light gray wool, cyan wool, purple wool, blue wool, brown wool, green wool, red wool, black wool, terracotta, white terracotta, orange terracotta, magenta terracotta, light blue terracotta, yellow terracotta, lime terracotta, pink terracotta, gray terracotta, light gray terracotta, cyan terracotta, purple terracotta, blue terracotta, brown terracotta, green terracotta, red, terracotta, black terracotta, white glazed terracotta, orange glazed terracotta, magenta glazed terracotta, light blue glazed terracotta, yellow glazed terracotta, lime glazed terracotta, pink glazed terracotta, gray glazed terracotta, silver glazed terracotta, cyan glazed terracotta, purple glazed terracotta, blue glazed terracotta, brown glazed terracotta, green glazed terracotta, red glazed terracotta, black glazed terracotta, white concrete powder, orange concrete powder, magenta concrete powder, light blue concrete powder, yellow concrete powder, lime concrete powder, pink concrete powder, gray concrete powder, light gray concrete powder, cyan concrete powder, purple concrete powder, blue concrete powder, brown concrete powder, green concrete powder, red concrete powder, black concrete powder, white concrete, orange concrete, magenta concrete, light blue concrete, yellow concrete, lime concrete, pink concrete, gray concrete, light gray concrete, cyan concrete, purple concrete, blue concrete, brown concrete, green concrete, red concrete, black concrete, white carpet, orange carpet, magenta carpet, light blue carpet, yellow carpet, lime carpet, pink carpet, gray carpet, light gray carpet, cyan carpet, purple carpet, blue carpet, brown carpet, green carpet, red carpet,  black carpet, glass, glass pane, white stained glass, orange stained glass, magenta stained glass, light blue stained glass, yellow stained glass, lime stained glass, pink stained glass, gray stained glass, light gray stained glass, cyan stained glass, purple stained glass, blue stained glass, brown stained glass, green stained glass, red stained glass, black stained glass, white stained glass pane, orange stained glass pane, magenta stained glass pane, light blue stained glass pane, yellow stained glass pane, lime stained glass pane, pink stained glass pane, gray stained glass pane, light gray stained glass pane, cyan stained glass pane, purple stained glass pane, blue stained glass pane, brown stained glass pane, green stained glass pane, red stained glass pane, black stained glass pane, prismarine, prismarine bricks, dark prismarine, white shulker box, orange shulker box, magenta shulker box, light blue shulker box, yellow shulker box, lime shulker box, pink shulker box, gray shulker box, light gray shulker box, cyan shulker box, purple shulker box, blue shulker box, brown shulker box, green shulker box, red shulker box, black, banner, banner attached to a wall, barrier block, ancient debris, block of netherite, basalt, blackstone, blackstone slabs, blackstone stairs, blackstone wall, chiseled polished blackstone, chiseled nether bricks, cracked nether bricks, cracked polished blackstone bricks, crimson button, crimson door, chain, crimson fence, crimson fence gate, crimson hyphae, crimson fungus, crimson nylium, crimson planks, crimson pressure plate, crimson roots, crimson sign (on wall and on floor), crimson slabs, crimson stairs, crimson stem, crimson trapdoor, crying obsidian, gilded blackstone, loadstone, nether gold ore, nether sprouts, polished basalt, polished blackstone, polished blackstone brick slab, polished blackstone brick stairs, polished blackstone brick wall, polished blackstone bricks, polished blackstone button, polished blackstone pressure plate, polished blackstone wall, quartz bricks, respawn anchor, shroomlight, soul campfire, soul fire, soul lantern, soul torch, soul soil, striped crimson hyphae, striped crimson stem, striped warped hyphae, striped warped stem, target block, twisting vines, warped door, warped button, warped fence, warped fence gate, warped fungus, warped fungus on a stick
      Another variation
      Acacia Leaves Acacia Log Acacia Planks Acacia Sapling Acacia Stairs Acacia tree Acacia Wooden Slab Abandoned Mineshaft Allium Andesite Apple Armor Arrow Axe Azure Bluet Bed Bedrock Beef (cooked) Beef (raw) Beetroot Beetroots Seeds Beetroot Soup Biome Birch Leaves Birch Log Birch Planks Birch Sapling Birch Stairs Birch Tree Birch Wooden Slab Black Carpet Black Stained Clay Black Wool Block of Coal Block of Diamond Block of Emerald Block of Gold Block of Iron Block of Quartz Blue Carpet Blue Light Carpet Blue Orchid Blue Stained Clay Blue Wool Bone Bone Meal Book Bookshelf Bow Bowl Bread Breeding Brick Stairs Brick Bricks Bricks Slab Brown Carpet Brown Stained Clay Brown Wool Bucket Cactus Cactus Green Cake Carpet Carrot Charcoal Chest Chicken Raw Chicken Cooked Chicken Chiseled Quartz Block Clay Clock Coal Coal Ore Cobblestone Cobblestone Slab Cobblestone Wall Cobblestone Wall (Mossy) Cobweb Cocoa Beans Compass Cooked Beef Cookie Cow Crafting Table Creative Mode Creeper Cyan Carpet Cyan Dye Cyan Stained Clay Cyan Wool Dandelion Dandelion Yellow Dark Oak Leaves Dark Oak Log Dark Oak Planks Dark Oak Sapling Dark Oak Stairs Dark Oak Tree Dark Oak Wooden Slab Dead Bush Diamond Diamond Armor Diamond Ore Diamond Axe Diamond Boots Diamond Chestplate Diamond Helmet Diamond Hoe Diamond Leggings Diamond Pickaxe Diamond Shovel Diamond Sword Diorite Dirt Double Tallgrass Dungeon Dye Egg Emerald Emerald Ore End Portal End Stone Enderman Feather Fence Fence Gate Fern Flint Flint and Steel Flowers Food Fuel Furnace Glass Glass Pane Glowstone Glowstone Dust Gold Armor Golden Axe Golden Block Golden Boots Golden Chestplate Golden Helmet Golden Hoe Gold Ingot Golden Leggings Gold Ore Golden Pickaxe Golden Shovel Golden Sword Granite Grass Grass Block Gravel Gray Carpet Gray Dye Gray Stained Clay Gray Wool Green Dye Green Carpet Green Stained Clay Green Wool Gunpowder Hardened Clay Hay Bale Hoe Ice Ink Sac Iron Armor Iron Axe Iron Bars Iron Block Iron Boots Iron Chestplate Iron Helmet Iron Hoe Iron Ingot Iron Leggings Iron Ore Iron Pickaxe Iron Shovel Iron Sword Jack 'O' Lantern Jungle Leaves Jungle Log Jungle Planks Jungle Sapling Jungle Stairs Jungle Tree Jungle Wooden Slab Ladder Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli Ore Lapis Lazuli Block Large Fern Lava Lava Bucket Leather Leather Armor Leather Boots Leather Tunic Leather Cap Leather Pants Light Blue Dye Light Blue Stained Clay Light Blue Wool Light Gray Carpet Light Gray Dye Light Gray Stained Clay Light Gray Wool Lilac Lily Pad Lime Carpet Lime Dye Lime Stained Clay Lime Wool Logs Love Mode Magenta Carpet Magenta Dye Magenta Stained Clay Magenta Wool Melon Melon Seeds Melon Slice Milk Bucket Minecart Monster Spawner Mooshroom Moss Stone Mushroom (brown) Giant Mushroom (brown) Mushroom (red) Giant Mushroom (red) Mushroom Gills (Creative Mode) Mushroom Cap - Brown (Creative Mode) Mushroom Stem (Creative Mode) Mushroom Cap - Red (Creative Mode) Mushroom Stew Mycelium Nether Brick Nether Brick Block Nether Brick Stairs Nether Quartz Nether Reactor Core Netherrack Oak Leaves Oak Log Oak Planks Oak Sapling Oak Stairs Oak Tree Oak Wooden Slab Obsidian Orange Carpet Orange Dye Orange Stained Clay Orange Tulip Orange Wool Ore Oxeye Daisy Painting Paper Peony Pickaxe Pig Pillar Quartz Block Pink Carpet Pink Dye Pink Stained Clay Pink Tulip Pink Wool Podzol Polished Andesite Polished Diorite Polished Granite Poppy Raw Porkchop Cooked Porkchop Potato Baked Potato Powered Rail Pumpkin Pumpkin Pie Pumpkin Seeds Purple Carpet Purple Dye Purple Stained Clay Purple Wool Quartz Slab Quartz Stairs Rail Raw Beef Red Carpet Red Sand Red Stained Clay Red Tulip Red Wool Redstone Redstone Ore Rose Bush Rose Red Sand Sand Stone Stairs Sandstone Sandstone (chiseled) Sandstone (smooth) Sandstone Slab Sapling Seeds Shears Sheep Shovel Sign Silverfish Silverfish Block Skeleton Slime Snow Snow (ball) Snow (block) Spawn Point Spawn Chicken Spawn Cow Spawn Creeper Spawn Enderman Spawn Mooshroom Spawn Pig Spawn Sheep Spawn Silverfish Spawn Skeleton Spawn Slime Spawn Spider Spawn Villager Spawn Wolf Spawn Zombie Spawn Zombie Pigman Spider Sponge (Creative Mode) Spruce Leaves Spruce Log Spruce Planks Spruce Sapling Spruce Stairs Spruce Tree Spruce Wooden Slab Stained Clay Stairs (list of all stair types) Steak Stick Stone Stone Axe Stone Brick Stairs Stone Bricks Stone Bricks (cracked) Stone Bricks (mossy) Stone Bricks (chiseled) Stone Bricks Slab Stone Hoe Stone Pickaxe Stone Shovel Stone Slab Stone Stairs Stone Sword Stonecutter String Stronghold Sugar Sugar Canes Sunflower Survival Mode Sword TNT Tools Torch Trapdoor Trees Tree Leaves Village Villagers Vines Water Water Bucket Wheat White Carpet White Stained Clay White Tulip Wolf Wooden Axe Wooden Door Wooden Hoe Wooden Pickaxe Wooden Planks Wooden Shovel Wooden Slabs Wooden Stairs Wooden Sword Wool Yellow Carpet Yellow Stained Clay Yellow Wool Zombie Zombie Pigman
      Name every Item
      Acacia Boat
      Armor Stand
      Beetroot Seeds
      Birch Boat
      Bottle o' Enchanting
      Bucket of Cod
      Bucket of Pufferfish
      Bucket of Salmon
      Bucket of Tropical Fish
      Cocoa Beans
      Dark Oak Boat
      End Crystal
      Ender Pearl
      Eye of Ender
      Fire Charge
      Firework Rocket
      Fishing Rod
      Flint and Steel
      Item Frame
      Jungle Boat
      Lava Bucket
      Lingering Potion
      Melon Seeds
      Minecart with Chest
      Minecart with Command Block
      Minecart with Furnace
      Minecart with Hopper
      Minecart with TNT
      Nether Wart
      Oak Boat
      Powder Snow Bucket
      Pumpkin Seeds
      Redstone Dust
      Splash Potion
      Spruce Boat
      Sweet Berries
      Water Bucket
      Wheat Seeds
      Baked Potato
      Beetroot Soup
      Black Dye
      Blue Dye
      Bone Meal
      Book and Quill
      Brown Dye
      Carrot on a Stick
      Chainmail Boots
      Chainmail Chestplate
      Chainmail Helmet
      Chainmail Leggings
      Chorus Fruit
      Cooked Chicken
      Cooked Cod
      Cooked Mutton
      Cooked Porkchop
      Cooked Rabbit
      Cooked Salmon
      Cyan Dye
      Debug Stick
      Diamond Axe
      Diamond Boots
      Diamond Chestplate
      Diamond Helmet
      Diamond Hoe
      Diamond Horse Armor
      Diamond Leggings
      Diamond Pickaxe
      Diamond Shovel
      Diamond Sword
      Dried Kelp
      Empty Map
      Enchanted Golden Apple
      Glass Bottle
      Glow Ink Sac
      Gold Ingot
      Golden Apple
      Golden Axe
      Golden Boots
      Golden Carrot
      Golden Chestplate
      Golden Helmet
      Golden Hoe
      Golden Horse Armor
      Golden Leggings
      Golden Pickaxe
      Golden Shovel
      Golden Sword
      Gray Dye
      Green Dye
      Honey Bottle
      Iron Axe
      Iron Boots
      Iron Chestplate
      Iron Helmet
      Iron Hoe
      Iron Horse Armor
      Iron Leggings
      Iron Pickaxe
      Iron Shovel
      Iron Sword
      Knowledge Book
      Leather Boots
      Leather Cap
      Leather Horse Armor
      Leather Pants
      Leather Tunic
      Light Blue Dye
      Light Gray Dye
      Lime Dye
      Magenta Dye
      Explorer Map
      Melon Slice
      Milk Bucket
      Mushroom Stew
      Music Disc (11)
      Music Disc (13)
      Music Disc (Blocks)
      Music Disc (Cat)
      Music Disc (Chirp)
      Music Disc (Far)
      Music Disc (Mall)
      Music Disc (Mellohi)
      Music Disc (Pigstep)
      Music Disc (Stal)
      Music Disc (Strad)
      Music Disc (Wait)
      Music Disc (Ward)
      Name Tag
      Netherite Axe
      Netherite Boots
      Netherite Chestplate
      Netherite Helmet
      Netherite Hoe
      Netherite Leggings
      Netherite Pickaxe
      Netherite Shovel
      Netherite Sword
      Orange Dye
      Pink Dye
      Poisonous Potato
      Pumpkin Pie
      Purple Dye
      Rabbit Stew
      Raw Beef
      Raw Chicken
      Raw Cod
      Raw Mutton
      Raw Porkchop
      Raw Rabbit
      Raw Salmon
      Red Dye
      Rotten Flesh
      Spectral Arrow
      Spider Eye
      Stone Axe
      Stone Hoe
      Stone Pickaxe
      Stone Shovel
      Stone Sword
      Suspicious Stew
      Tipped Arrow
      Totem of Undying
      Tropical Fish
      Turtle Shell
      White Dye
      Wooden Axe
      Wooden Hoe
      Wooden Pickaxe
      Wooden Shovel
      Wooden Sword
      Written Book
      Yellow Dye
      Banner Pattern (Creeper Charge)
      Banner Pattern (Flower Charge)
      Banner Pattern (Globe)
      Banner Pattern (Skull Charge)
      Banner Pattern (Snout)
      Banner Pattern (Thing)
      Blaze Powder
      Blaze Rod
      Clay Ball
      Dragon's Breath
      Enchanted Book
      Fermented Spider Eye
      Firework Star
      Ghast Tear
      Glistering Melon Slice
      Glowstone Dust
      Gold Nugget
      Heart of the Sea
      Ink Sac
      Iron Ingot
      Iron Nugget
      Lapis Lazuli
      Magma Cream
      Nautilus Shell
      Nether Brick
      Nether Quartz
      Nether Star
      Netherite Ingot
      Netherite Scrap
      Phantom Membrane
      Popped Chorus Fruit
      Prismarine Crystals
      Prismarine Shard
      Rabbit Hide
      Rabbit's Foot
      Shulker Shell
      Bat Spawn Egg
      Bee Spawn Egg
      Blaze Spawn Egg
      Cat Spawn Egg
      Cave Spider Spawn Egg
      Chicken Spawn Egg
      Cod Spawn Egg
      Cow Spawn Egg
      Creeper Spawn Egg
      Dolphin Spawn Egg
      Donkey Spawn Egg
      Drowned Spawn Egg
      Elder Guardian Spawn Egg
      Enderman Spawn Egg
      Endermite Spawn Egg
      Evoker Spawn Egg
      Fox Spawn Egg
      Ghast Spawn Egg
      Guardian Spawn Egg
      Hoglin Spawn Egg
      Horse Spawn Egg
      Husk Spawn Egg
      Llama Spawn Egg
      Magma Cube Spawn Egg
      Mooshroom Spawn Egg
      Mule Spawn Egg
      Ocelot Spawn Egg
      Panda Spawn Egg
      Parrot Spawn Egg
      Phantom Spawn Egg
      Pig Spawn Egg
      Piglin Spawn Egg
      Piglin Brute Spawn Egg
      Pillager Spawn Egg
      Polar Bear Spawn Egg
      Pufferfish Spawn Egg
      Rabbit Spawn Egg
      Ravager Spawn Egg
      Salmon Spawn Egg
      Sheep Spawn Egg
      Shulker Spawn Egg
      Silverfish Spawn Egg
      Skeleton Horse Spawn Egg
      Skeleton Spawn Egg
      Slime Spawn Egg
      Spider Spawn Egg
      Squid Spawn Egg
      Stray Spawn Egg
      Strider Spawn Egg
      Trader Llama Spawn Egg
      Tropical Fish Spawn Egg
      Turtle Spawn Egg
      Vex Spawn Egg
      Villager Spawn Egg
      Vindicator Spawn Egg
      Wandering Trader Spawn Egg
      Witch Spawn Egg
      Wither Skeleton Spawn Egg
      Wolf Spawn Egg
      Zoglin Spawn Egg
      Zombie Horse Spawn Egg
      Zombie Spawn Egg
      Zombie Villager Spawn Egg
      Zombified Piglin Spawn Egg

      Tiananmen Square Copypasta

        动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

        How to convince a kid you’re not an Italian mob member.

          My dream is to talk like this
          Ey look buddy, you cant just say am an italian mob member jus coz im italian ait? Das very offensive, ait? Now, lemme give ya som advice kid - in dis typa wold you either a smart fella, or a fart smella. An lemme tell ya, ya seem like a smart fella to me, wich is gud cuz ya dont wanna be a fart smella, cuz fart smellas get thei knee caps broken, ait? fart smellas go sleepin wit de fishes, ait? you dont wanna be a fart smella. Ey look buddy, I like ya, my boss Big Al, he gots a pizza restaurant right around da corna, if ye wants to make som extra cash and can work wit clientz go tell em Giorgi sent ya, ait? Stay otta trouble smart fella.