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Cursed Thoughts

Cursed thoughts shared in discussions that is ridiculous and absurd in nature that it became a meme. Usually about popular characters and people.

I masturbated to The Heavy from Team Fortress two.

    Yes, I did it, and I am not afraid to hide it. I masturbated to The Heavy from Team Fortress two, a critically acclaimed First-Person-Shooter made by Valve, a large in-game-item and games-from-other-studios redistributer, as he was carrying his 36 inch penis and placed them between his breasts, which sagged to the ground, and hung out between the back of his legs.
    The part where Tavish Finnegan DeGroot, another character from Team Fortress two, a critically acclaimed First-Person-Shooter made by Valve, a large in-game-item and games-from-other-studios redistributer, more commonly known as the Demolition Man, or Demoman for short, proceeded to take off his eyepatch, and inserted the Heavy's penis into the empty socket, was exceedingly arousing to me, as his head shortly after exploded as if a cum-filled landmine had been detonated in his skull.
    Afterwards, as The Heavy was putting Tavish's bones inside of his penis, I nutted the hardest I had ever done in my life, with enough force to set off 78 volcanos in my vicinity, and proceeded to impregnate the continent of Australia.

    Why are Chess Players so Racist???

      Chess hasn't been updated in almost 200 years and it's obvious the devs have abandoned it.
      Every time I here a chess player talk about race, they always say stuff like “I’m so glad that I am white this game” or “He was black, so he didn’t stand much of a chance that game”. Seriously, what is up with this blatant racism guys??? It’s getting so bad I am even hearing this sort of shit from some Indian players as well. Your color doesn’t mean anything, you are still the same person!!!!!!

      I like female horses

        Someone call the authorities
        Female horses are so hot I think it's because of they're muscle and they're vags they're vags are massive warmer and tighter it's just so arousing I'm getting a boner just typing this.
        Well a common argument alot of people make is that human on animal could harm the animal both physically and mentally this is not the case with female horses as they mate with male horses that have much longer and thicker dongs. As for the mental part horses will let you know when they are in heat and ready to mate they will raise they're tail and they will squeal more often. So yes I do think humane and some animal sexual relationships are wrong but horses no or maybe I'm delusional either way I believe it's okay to frick a horse when they consent. I think I will be an offender when I'm much older

        Looking at the meat

          Bruh sometimes I be chilling at home and I would feel my weiner on my leg and I would just like really feel it. And be like "damn this shit nice and juicy" and get hard thinking about my own penis. Am I gay?! What the hell is that?😂

          I want to fuck Moaning Myrtle

            Just use a transient curse smh
            Yes obviously she's a ghost so of course it's not possible to fuck her, but I want her to flirt with me, like she did with Harry in The Goblet Of Fire when he had a bath with her. I mean, could you imagine how sexually frustrated she must have been? Being in that bathroom for god knows how many years, not being able to get any dick? She obviously wanted Harry's big fat cock inside of her tight ghost pussy. Everyday I jerk imagining how she would start flirting with me in the bath and I'd show her my big hard cock and start jerking off with her while she rubs her wet ghost pussy. As she gets near her climax she'd moan "Please, cum on my face!" And I'd stand up and shoot my load at her face, which would obviously go through her head because she's a ghost but just the sight of it would give her the greatest orgasm she's ever experienced. This would be our little secret, we would be in a forbidden living/ghost relationship. Never being able to touch one another but still give each other great sexual pleasure. God I want to fuck Moaning Myrtle so bad.

            Saying “Legos” instead of “Lego” makes you look like a fucking idiot.

              You know it isn't "Legos". You've had FUCKING YEARS to adjust to the actual, correct way to say the term. It's Lego. Lego bricks, Lego sets, Lego kits, Lego mini-figures, Lego City.
              There are no such things as "Legos". They don't exist. "Lego" refers to the COMPANY THAT MAKES THE TOY, and thus the shortening Lego is acceptable. Saying "I'm playing with my Lego" works because it's referring to the sets themselves: The individuals aspects that make of the toy from the bricks to the mini-figures to the electronics to the other little parts. It isn't claiming that the fucking square bricks are each a Lego. THE ENTIRE THING IS. If you were to say "I'm playing with my Legos" that implies that you're playing with at least two different types of Lego set at once, i.e. Lego City and Bionicle.
              Still saying LEGOS after all these years makes you look like an assclown. Here in Europe, the continent responsible for this toy (no, it wasn't made by America, no matter how much your capitalistic toy industry wants you to think), you'd be laughed out of the room if you said that.