I’m curious to know why people think hot sex with your agreeing sibling, parent, or cousin is bad and illegal. Does it harm anyone? I'm not into incest myself, but l've been thinking, don't gay relationships follow the same logic as if we were to accept incest? I mean a taboo couple that has wild sex rides somehow and is considered a degenerate and disgrace to the family. Especially when you realize gay relationships were historically stigmatized and seen as morally wrong in many societies and still aren’t really traditionally accepted or approved by society.
I do love many of my siblings on an intimately sexual level, and I think that it is super hot and others should too. Everyone watches incest porn right?? Well why not do it yourself! It just makes sense, I don't see why hot sexy sex isn't worth it, ESPECIALLY if it's with someone you know as personally as your sibling.
Besides, why is incest even illegal?!? You gotta realize that for evolution to happen, it starts with 2 people having sex and the whole family repopulates. So technically, we’re all related. If incest isn’t allowed, then how will humans even exist? We wouldn’t be allowed to have sex.
I know what some of pussies are thinking. “Waaaa, incest causes babies who are retarded and have 3 noses”. You gotta realize, that there’s condoms. You simply have to wear a condom to prevent babies with under a 30 iq that have half an eye and 16 bellybuttons. After all, sex is sex and if you can’t be homophobic to the rest of the LGBTQIA+, can’t discriminate them, and must support them, then you still aren’t allowed to be homophobicto the “I” or incestsexual, can’t discriminate them, and must support incest.
i was casually trying to learn some japanese when i realized how hot the duolingo bird was, the expressions that the bird could make were so astonishing it also made it sexier
according to the internet the duolingo bird is 3.5cm tall, so most penises can outsize the bird, would it destroy the organs?
i just want to lift the bird and smash it just imagine the face it makes as i grab it's wings and pin it to the wall
as it reaches the climax would it say "3 day streak!!!" as it cums or would it make a completely different sound
as i sex it would the bird moan in english or spanish
i just want to see the bird say words that duolingo doesn't teach
The arguments are always 'oh Vaporeon is the best pokemon to fuck' but I disagree. Sylveon is the best pokemon to fuck. To start, a Sylveon's ribbons are actually a version of skin. They have muscles and can move around at will. This is amazing for cuddling, foreplay, and even fucking. Sylveon also has a great moveset for breeding. Sylveon can use baby doll eyes to make her look cuter and you more aroused. Sylveon also has access to Swift, Psych Up, Attract, Charm, and other moves to make the bedroom better. But the best of all? Sylveon gets a stab-bonus on Play Rough and Draining Kiss. The only way to get a Sylveon is leveling an Eevee up with high affection, so a Sylveon will be already close to the trainer, making training easier. I rest my case.
Hey, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3"03' tall and 63.9 pounds. this means they're large enough to be able to handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there's no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll eyes, Captivate, Charm and Tail Whip along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it'd be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close with this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat + high HP pool + Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more.
A few days ago, after ejaculating, I noticed that my cum had a delicious aroma and decided to give it a taste. I both regret it more than any other decision I have made in my life and see it as a positive, life-changing experience.
Cum has a taste like no other. It has both a subtle sweetness that I didn’t know was possible to achieve and a tangy, bitter aftertaste that I can’t describe as anything other than divine. The consistency depends on my fluid intake, but the viscous yet fluid type is what I like. I have noticed that I need to have 1.5-2 liters of water, 6 hours before ejaculation to achieve this consistency, which is neither too runny, nor too jelly-like. This is the kind that can be consumed straight after ejaculation, without any additives.
The runny kind does have its uses, though, unless it is too runny. I’ve tried making cumlettes with it and they’ve turned out really well, except for the quantity, of course.
I like to have the spongy, jelly-like stuff (which comes out when I’m dehydrated) with a bit of powdered sugar on top as dessert and it is absolutely scrumptious.
The bad thing about this is that I can only cum so much every day, which makes it harder to secure nutrition, as normal food seems bland to me now.
Before you do anything, they have to check pretty much everything. You need a weight check, you need to get a lot of blood drawn, you need to get felt up by a nurse, the whole nine yards.
You have to sign a document labeling what to do with it in case you die before using it. One of the options was giving it to somebody for their own personal use. I have no fucking idea what that meant, but it scared me that anyone wouldn't just toss it once they died.
I had a doc tell me I have wildly high sperm production in density and amount. You ever have a medical practitioner tell you that you cum buckets of premium jizz? I have!
They had fucking charts on the walls with instructions and diagrams. Detailed descriptions, instructions what to do in case of a spillage, and literally seven signs telling people to wash their hands before and after.
They had an entire cupboard filled with bottles of lube. They restocked the room after every patient. There was a button you could use to call someone in case you RAN OUT OF LUBE!
The couch was the LEAST SKIN FRIENDLY MATERIAL ON THE PLANET. Idk what it was but it was terrible in every way.
There was a sink. There was not a paper towel dispenser.
It was not a soundproof room but they had a fucking world class sound system to watch porn on. IT WAS SURROND SOUND! FOR PORN!
There was 5 locks on the door.
There was a lamp. I have no fucking idea why or in what context the lamp would be used for. There were no magazines.
They had no instructions for the confusing as hell TV. 80% of the videos they had were gay porn.
When you're done, you had to take your sample out of the room to bring to the nurse. The hallway to the nurse was in full view of the waiting room. You would have to walk by at least one innocent citizen holding a cup of your jizz.
I was deeply uncomfortable for the entire process.
I could go on and on about this enigma of an experience.