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Archive of all known CSGO copypasta about pro players to Valve’s meme response to Hiko’s missed shots to the 48 year old man from Somalia.

WHAT a performance from Karrigan

    Karrigan copypasta
    WHAT a performance from Karrigan, 30 camera glances, 12 pointing at his head after his teammates clutched a round, 5 stand ups out of his chair, 4 ear cuppings after winning against an eco, 2 staring contests with the camera and to top it all of 1 kill in the deciding map, truly GOAT status 

    Ji Tu – Art of Choke

      G2 team in CS2

      Similar to the Hu Xi copypasta, its a troll on G2 Esports by romanization of the player and team names into Chinese. Snax, NiKo, huNter, m0NESY, malbsMd and G2 has been changed into their respective Chinese equivalent.

      Ji Tu - Art of Choke
      Starring Snak Su, Ni Koh, Han Ta, Mo Neh Xi, and Mal Sem Di.

      azk he is the north American player but the titan he is the French stars

        azk copypasta

        It’s an old CSGO meme from HLTV, there was a thread at one point where someone suggested that AZK join Titan because he was a really good player and because he speaks French. The first reply was “azk he is the north American player but the titan he is the French stars”.

        azk he is the north American player but the titan he is the French stars


        n4rrate he is the french player but the sentinels he is the north americans stars. 

        Thats fucking esports right there

          It’s the “Thats fucking football right there” copypasta but changed into CS in response to NiKo smashing his table on LAN. The incident has become an iconic CS moment hence the memes about it.

          Thats fucking esports right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging smile for the webcam bullshit. NiKo punches, NiKo bleeds on the stream, NiKo delivers their new born baby on their HyperX Alloy Elite 2 Mechanical Gaming Keyboard™. Fucking hard core dick in the ass butterball Counter-strike fuck it chuck it shoot it game time shit. Esports are back, baby 

          Energizing win for (any team playing against Falcons). You really hope to see (any team playing against Falcons) have strong showings

            Originated from a comment on HLTV after Falcons lose and quickly became a copypasta within the CS community. Its often used as a joke on hating a specific team.

            Energising win for (any team playing against Falcons). You really hope to see (any team playing against Falcons) have strong showings, especially against opposition like this. Again, it was a good match, and I’ll definitely continue to support (any team playing against Falcons) in the future. Fantastic game guys, gg gl next. 

            Astralis version

            Energizing win for (any team playing against Astralis). You really hope to see (any team playing against Astralis) have strong showings, especially against opposition like this. Again, it was a good match, and I’ll definitely continue to support (any team playing against Astralis) in the future. Fantastic game guys, gg gl next.

            All this kid does is just hold a gay ass off angle

              Niko hold gay ass angles

              Started off as a post on Niko’s low sensitivity playstyle on the HLTV forum, this has been a classic CSGO pasta since then.

              All this kid does is just hold a gay ass off angle with his deag and one clicks people in the side of the head CT side. Fucking terrbile player tbh.....1.4 sensitivity 400dpi using trashcan. Anyone who uses a low sens does not have the dexterity to properly play FPS games on PC.
              All the shitty baiters use a low sens to click people in the back of the head, or they are equally worthless and use the telescope gun and one click people in the body.
              I bet this kid doesn't even play FFA DM's cuz he'd throw his arm out of his socket checking corners. When was the last time you've seen Niko popflash through a smoke, and flick too two people to open up a site??? All this dude does is hold shift and prefire common angles. like wow dude, ur fucking nuts. you can have parkinsons disease and play on 1.4 sens if ur just baiting and clicking heads on common angles.
              this is why forest and get right are sick players. they play on higher senitivities, and can do more than bait and off angle one click.