Miyamoto Musashi is a significant historical figure, to the point that he can be compared to a saint

The copypasta came from a review of Fate/Samurai Remnant particularly about a genderbend version of Miyamoto Musashi.
Miyamoto Musashi is a significant historical figure, to the point that he can be compared to a saint. He was a philosopher, a great warrior, and a man. He was not a woman, it is disrespectful and unnecessary to depict him as such. It would have been fine if said girl was his descendant, but that's not the case. It's a needless gender change. The game is woke. There are other instances of wokeness, the most significant being the main male character being referred to as weak by the main female character. When you successfully dodge an attack she will say something along the lines of "that was lucky". On multiple instances, after winning a fight, he will say they won thanks to her efforts, regardless if the player dominates the fight or not. It is insulting to both men and women. This type of trash cannot be tolerated.