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Copypasta of anime culture, weebs and meme quotes from popular anime such as Jojo, My Hero Academia and Haikyuu. Also contains popular anime ASCII art such as Oh? You’re Approaching Me?” and “Suprised Pikachu”.

ok so this drunk dude sued me and then coffee guy

    ok so this drunk dude sued me and then coffee guy took me in then this penguin lookin mofo installed an app on my phone and then i met this dude who liked ramen and then we infiltrated kamoshidas palace and we met a weird ass cat and this girl that the weird ass cat obsessed over and then fast forward to madarame we met his pupil who was gaslighting himself until he put on a fox costume and then fast forward to kaneshiro and your super hot sister needed help so we infiltrated kaneshiro's palace because if we didn't she would get raped and then we kicked kaneshiros ass and your sister (super hot) was very thankful then we went to hawaii and did fuck all and also on the last day i spent time alone with your super hot sister and then medjed happened we were contacted by best girl and then we infiltrated her palace and she was depressed and we helped her then she took down medjed by herself then we rehabilitated her then went to the beach (btw your sister is super hot) and then okumura was being a sussy baka uwu so we needed intel then the dumbass cat got pissed off and ran away with okumuras daughter then me and the gang (which includes your very hot sister who at this point is starting to open up to me) and then we reconciled and then haru joined us and okumura died lol then your sister (very hot) pretended to date me and then we started dating for real then she hacked into your computer and we infiltrated your palace but we were stressed so i had sex with her the day before then we went in and your shadow self was being a massive bitch so we kicked your ass and dont forget the part when me and your sister has passionate love making daily at this point because shes so hot and i love her and then we got ambushed by akechi and now were here

    Bailu is the most compatible for humans

      Hey buddies, did you know that in terms of male human and female vidyadhara breeding, Bailu is the most compatible for humans? Not only is she a loli😭, which are known to be tight💢, Bailu is around 3’2’’ tall and 37.5 pounds, this means that she’s going to be huggable sized when you plap her, and with her impressive HP stats and access to ingrain, you can be rough with her. Due to her dragon based biology and command over the waters, I have no doubt in my mind that an aroused Bailu would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex for hours without getting sore thanks to the water in her body being able to heal. She has many unique features such as being cute, funny, bratty, energetic, and having horns and a tail to grab onto or to rub depending on who is being pleasured. Bailu can easily get you into the mood whether you want a dommy loli or a submissive cutie, and as a doctor, she definitely knows all about the body to get you going. With her being on the path of abundance and one of the best sustains in the game in terms of survivability, she can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other character comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, people will try to tell you that vidyadhara can’t reproduce but by my calculations, it’s possible with around 69 gallons of sperm!

      Aya Shameimaru

        Manipulating my gf into becoming Aya

        I'm actually manipulating my gf into becoming Aya. I convinced her to take lessons in journalism and I managed to convince her to dye her hair black by telling her she'd look prettier that way. She always had her hair at shoulder lenght so that saved me some effort. I started dating her on purpose because she was a japense girl of similar height and build as Aya, so she's the perfect candidate. Lately I have been playing "Wind god girl" I during her sleep and whispering "You love being a journalist, you love spreading misinformation, you love laying eggs..." on weekdays and on weekends, I read a book full about Japanese folklore, mostly for the parts that include Tengu's, and Tengu related information, I found it on amazon, so occasionally I talked to her about on a daily basis and to my surprise it worked. She now loves writing fictitious journalistic articles online, where she cherry picks the facts and makes things up without a source, they are made in way to bait clicks, and has started developing an significant interest in Japanese folklore, She isn't capable of laying eggs yet, but she'll know how when I'm done brainwashing her. Soon I will start subtly changing my body language around her to reflect approval towards outfits Aya would wear and things Aya would say. I've also been keeping her on a strict diet which keeps her slim. I am also the editor for her online news articles. By next year the project should be done and I will hand sew her a replica of Aya's outfit so that I will be the first man on earth to try truly date a Touhou in real life. her Or at least as close as is possible'

        Aya’s Eggs

        Eggs are pretty good food. But man I really wonder what Aya's eggs would taste like. Like seriously, they'd probably be really really good because Aya moves around so much in the first place. The healthier and more active a bird is, the better quality and tasting their eggs will be and Aya is extremely active. Her eggs would probably be the richest, smoothest, most creamy tasting eggs on the planet, no matter how they're cooked. Heck I'd even eat her egg raw. Even if she is a carrier of salmonella it'd be worth it in the end because I could say that I ate one of Aya's divine pure white orbs of mouthwatering goodness. Just thinking about cracking open one of Aya's show white ovals into the pan and hearing the sizzle and smelling and filling my head with basically pure Aya essence fills me with ecstasy, even if it's just the mere thought. Oh god what I'd do for a chance to taste the sovereignty of the flavors dancing on my tongue knowing that those flavors came out of Aya in the shape of an oblong sphere like object. Who I'd kill just for a chance to smell the musk on Aya's freshly laid eggs. Please god just grant me this one chance. This one favor. The last and final thing I need in life is a couple of Aya's freshly laid eggs still coated in the fluids that come out of her body. Please let me watch her lay her eggs and her cloaca expanding as she pushes out a fresh steamy warm unfertilized egg right in front of me. Oh what I'd do to suck out the egg right from the cloaca and swallow it whole like a snake.

        Aya was the main perpetrator for creating the fake moon landing

        Hey guys, did you know that Aya was the main perpetrator for creating the fake moon landing? Yeah, it's actually Aya who orchestrated the whole thing. The whole "space race being an arms race to show whose technology is more superior" is just a cover story made by this conniving bird. Aya isn't the only person who faked it, she had the help of Nitori and the advanced for outside world humans at the time, greenscreen technology and CGI, though unwillingly as Aya had some dirt on her that could ruin her business and PR.
        Now you gotta be wondering why she did it. Well, first of all it's to fool the lunarians into believing that people did land on the moon and are powerful enough to take them on. Making the lunarians believe that outside world humans are more powerful than they could ever imagine. The cover story also affecting humans are just an unintended consequence. There was also the motive of profit, the 25 BILLION dollars is a LOT of money, and all she had to do was a fake a moon landing? That's a steal for her! And the scariest reason she did it is to show that she can do it, for shits and giggles! Can you believe it? Orchestrating the biggest conspiracy in the planet that humans landed on the moon, labeled a momentous achievement for humans but was actually faked. Faked by this so called "Pure and honest" reporter.
        NASA didn't fake the moon landings just to avoid humiliation, Aya's information network is so vast that it actually covers the outside world too so she has dirt on NASA as well, if word got out that the moon landing was fake. Hundreds, even thousands of leaked sensitive information that could ruin the administration.
        And most importantly, Aya is a great photographer and photo editor, she is REALLY good at it. She can doctor any image and make it so convincing you would be swayed by her photos and sweet little lies she does. You think Aya's just your average paparazzo who takes nude pictures, but you'd be dead wrong. She is probably the most informed character in all of gensokyo and has enough skills in manipulation and data suppression that she actually has the whole world at her fingertips.

        You have to have a very high IQ to understand Neon Genesis Evangelion


          The original variation was for Rick and Morty that started from a 4chan post. The copypasta template has since been adapted to fit different medias.

          To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Neon Genesis Evangelion. The plot is extremely complex, and without a solid grasp of human psychology most of the themes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Anno's atheistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his show- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Søren Kierkegaard literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these characters, to realize that they’re not just cartoons- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Evangelion truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the depth in Gendo's famous line “Get in the robot, Shinji,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Sigmund Freud's idea of the Oedipus Complex and how Shinji is fighting the urge to literally be inside his mother. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Hideaki Anno’s genius wit unfolds itself on their screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂
          And yes, by the way, i DO have a Eva tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎

          I’ve become so much like Shinji Ikari it’s scary.


            The original variation of this copypasta is for Eren Jaeger from Attack on Titan. It started from 4chan and became a meme within the anime community. The copypasta has been adopted to fit different characters from other anime or medium.

            I've become so much like Shinji Ikari it's scary.
            I run away from women and have no friends.
            When I cum i can't help but say "戦い, 戦い" (which means "I'm so fucked up" in american.)
            I can't masturbate to regular porn anymore , now i only masturbate to hospital CCTV footage of comatose patients
            Whenever I see a guy flirting with me i either get extremely homophobic or have sex with them on the spot
            When my mom dies i plan on gutting her insides , getting inside her and piloting her like EVA-01

            I’m Shiorisexual

              I have a problem, and I need advice!
              Ever since I found out I'm Shiorisexual, I've been keeping all loads I bust to mommy shiori in a gallon so when I finally meet her I can give it to her as a demonstration of my pure love to her and determination to get her pregnant. Unfortunately, I have to hide it in my wardrobe under my clothes because I live with my shioriphobic parents. They refuse to refer to me by my novelitegender pronous (novelite/noveliteself) and hired a therapist for me that had the nerve to prescribe me shizo pills because he believes I am 'mentally deranged' (I never took a single one of them). I can only endure this abuse for years now because I akasupa to Shiori and watch her streams of tangents and comfort on a daily basis, and I knew that if my parents ever found my sacred cum gallon they were gonna pour it all down the drain and Shiori would never forgive me if I allowed that to happen. Well, today my parents found it while they were cleaning my room and threatened to just that, to which I freaked out and screamed and started throwing everything I could find at them to try to stop them, but it was no use and they took my cum gallon away and locked me in my room. I am currently hearing my parents fight downstairs, blaming each other for raising such a 'demented weirdo' and discussing wether to kick me out or send me to military school. I don't want either to happen to me so I'm desperately wondering what should I do and how can I get my cum gallon back. I've already akasupa'd to Shiori for guidance but she hasn't replied yet so I'm worried they already poured all my years worth of pure love for Shiori down the drain. So I really need you guys advice on this whole situation. I am a Shiorist, so I don't celebrate christmas. However, my Shioriphobic parents forced me to celebrate it and dine with them on christmas night. I tried calling the police and tell them that my parents were abusing me for forcing me to sin against Shiori, but they called me a 'prankster' and hung up (yet another example of Shioriphobia)
              Please someone, just offer a solution! I am running out of options here...