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This is the worst map in the history-the worst song, the worst map, the worst-like-dude

    Pro Osu player was commenting on Cookiezi maps on his livestream which got clipped and became a meme.

    This is the worst map in the history-the worst song, the worst map, the worst-like-dude like, this is just, like what the hell is this? Dude every time I like- I randomly click on
    cookiezi's stream I see him playing that map it makes me like wanna blow my brains out in
    fortnite, ya know, with the pump shotgun? It's so annoying. Like what is wrong with him? It must be so brain damage to play that... and then I just instantly click off his stream, that's just like,
    and then I'll go and check reddit and they'll be like "oh my god he did this like crazy score", and
    then I'll tune into his stream and then he'll be playing this stupid ass annoying pee dough file map. #KWANGRINDSET 💪😎

    What does Not for Sale Fossil Even Mean?

      What does Not for Sale Fossil Even Mean? Like a Fossil that’s not for sale? Why don’t they just say Fossil not for Sale? Kinda Dumb if you think about it. Or is she like referring to like a person like, Not for Sale, Fossil, she’s calling a grandma or a grandpa oh. Why would she even be selling a Fossil? is she an archeologist? Oh maybe it’s about like, her selling her soul to like, oh wait I don’t think I can talk about this on Stream.

      Dude. I. … LIKE… Who? look away because you put shit after the spinner.

        From a livestream where a pro Osu player Ryuk was commenting on Junshin Always beatmap.

        Dude. I. ... LIKE... Who? look away because you put shit after the spinner. Dude this map already never ends at the end. Look look look. Listen listen. Okay. Like, like this. Okay. Big jumps, alright, alright. Okay fine, there's an outro, alright. Come on, you're about to end. You expect it.. it's about to end on this one stream and that's it. No, it goes back again and you get another one. It keeps going like you're about end. Yeah, yeah. Oh, there's a big….. one more jump right. Okay. Nope, there's still more jumps. And then you get this. And then you get this stupid thing. And then the spinner and then there's one more, there's two more. Stop!!! Just shut the fuck up and end the song already!!! This is fucking unbelievable…

        This is actually one of my least favorite maps in all of existence.

          This is actually one of my least favorite maps in all of existence. Like I know I can fc this but this map is so fucking dogwater god awful, like, bullshit, underwater, coral reef, coffin level, graveyard, shitbag like, fucked up, cat piss, cat poop map. This is like literal like dirt. It isn't even dirt its like sand. Blown away in the Swind. So bad. Its like salt and seawater. Horrible.

          Whatever I’ll let Mathi go fc that.

            Whatever I'll let Mathi go fc that. He's better than me anyways. He can read higher ar. Doesn't lose stamina by singletapping and he can hit triples with his other finger and he can play ar 11 in 10 tries. He's just a well...he's just a better player than i am. He's got a bigger cock than me, more handsome, better looking, better grades, richer than me, better lifestyle, better computer, better desk, better chair, better house, better country, better everything. He's got everything, you know, better. He's got more bitches than me. I got none. He got 50 lying around around the corner, chilling. Unbelievable. All around the corner, He got more money, more asset. He got better everything, better client, better stream,better urgh, i got everything to lose man