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Whatever I’ll let Mathi go fc that.

    Whatever I'll let Mathi go fc that. He's better than me anyways. He can read higher ar. Doesn't lose stamina by singletapping and he can hit triples with his other finger and he can play ar 11 in 10 tries. He's just a well...he's just a better player than i am. He's got a bigger cock than me, more handsome, better looking, better grades, richer than me, better lifestyle, better computer, better desk, better chair, better house, better country, better everything. He's got everything, you know, better. He's got more bitches than me. I got none. He got 50 lying around around the corner, chilling. Unbelievable. All around the corner, He got more money, more asset. He got better everything, better client, better stream,better urgh, i got everything to lose man