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Yaoi Fangirl

    Yaoi is a genre of fictional media originating in Japan that features homoerotic relationships between male characters.
    No. No. You just wait a FUCKING SECOND. What the fuck did you just call me? WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST CALL ME? I’ll have you know that I’m a yaoi fangirl and PROUD. You don’t INSULT me. And by the way, no. No, it’s not “gay.” Do you even KNOW where that came from? Japan. “GAY” CAME FROM JAPAN. THE PROPER TERM FOR “GAY” IS YAOI. Just because I’m eleven doesn’t mean that I can’t be a perv. I’m mature. I write yaoi fanfiction. I have many people who like my yaoi posts on and deviantART. I read yaoi every day. Yaoi is my life. I couldn’t live without yaoi. I would die without it. I know everything about yaoi sex. I read a fanfiction where the seme (that’s the dominant male in the relationship.) fingered the uke. (that’s the smaller guy.) He used four fingers. That’s to prepare him for sex. I’M NOT STUPID. I read my first doujinshi when I was ten. I’m NOT like other kids, SO STOP SAYING THAT I AM. I’m sick of it. I’m so fucking sick of all of it. I’ll have you know that I knew what a penis does when I was NINE FUCKING YEARS OLD. NINE. I WAS FUCKING NINE. I BET THAT YOU DIDN’T KNOW WHAT A PENIS WAS WHEN YOU WERE NINE. I type with proper grammar, and you don’t. You aren’t better than me. You don’t even use the right word for yaoi. It’s not gay. Do your research. By the way, gay porn is disgusting. It’s nothing like yaoi and it’s unrealistic, and gross. The ukes are usually not even shorter than the seme. It’s disgusting. Fuck all of you. I’m eleven and I’m not “stupid” because I actually know about the origin of yaoi and you don’t. Fuck you. Fuck off

    Sincere apology

      Dear , i am not mad at you. I just haven't been able to realise fast enough that the things you say have been jokes. I am truly sorry and I do hope i can make this up to you. I don't hate you or anything but if you want to be mad at me then go ahead i pretty much deserve it. All I've wanted in this year is to get along with people and not upset them. I do hope I haven't ruined our friendship and that we still like each other as friends. Whatever goes on in the future fuck knows but what's is to come next I do not really care anymore, I have been a dick to you and I know it. I do hope we can talk and sort something out as right now I am certainly not up for losing more mates, I let a game get to me how retarded am I this has been bothering me all night now and I just want to point out to you that I am sorry and I am willing to make it up to you. Its up to you now whether you accept me as a friend or dont but I messed up all this time and I know that I just let it get to me and in the end i just couldn't keep it in and just go so fed up as a person can only take so much that I didn't want to unleash anger I just thought to do the wise thing. I am now leaving this choice to you whatever happens, happens I deserve it. 

      Why do people always say not my proudest fap?

        My proudest fap was jacking off to a doujin that had bad grammar and I corrected everything in the comments of said doujin while nutting
        Why do people always say not my proudest fap when refering to really wierd or bad porn? What's supposed to be your proudest fap then? When you came in 5 minutes from some vanilla porn? If you manage to get yourself off to some giantess pegging interacial porn you should be way more proud than if you only cum to a man and a woman having boring regular sex. It takes commitment, time and effort to get off to incest fishnet stockings vore porn. When you cum it feels like a real achievement, something to be proud of, but if you just cum to what everyone else is already watching then there's nothing to be proud of. You've done the bare minimum. Masturbating to furry reverse birth scat porn takes true effort just to stay hard. It trains your mental fortitude and teaches you to push on against all odds and when you finally orgasm it feels like you earned it. Now that's something to be proud of.

        ok and?

          ok and?
          "ok and?" and? and what? suck my dick? what the fuck do you want me to say? i already got my point across to your pubic brain and here you are acting like a smug smartass in a miserable way to be funny and trying to win an argument against me cause you won't accept fair criticism

          POV: you just got downvoted by me 😎

            I just down voted you.
            Listen📢👂up⬆️ kid🔞. This is 🔥🔥Reddit🔥🔥 and I just ⬇️downvoted👎 you. Do you really🙈think🧠🚫 your opinion😂😂 can exist🦄 being so grossly🤢🤮 different (more like wrong😂) to my own?🤦‍♂️Think again edgelord🙅‍♂️ ⚰RIP☠ in✌peace☮ to your karma buddy📉 because that arrow🏹 is gonna be ⬇️down👇 and 🥶blue😱 when I get through with you😂 Perhaps🤔 you should think🧠✌ twice✌ before disagreeing🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️with 🃏🧐me😎🃏
            Throwing you a dislike 👎because:
            ☝: Your comment wasn't epic
            ✌: It was not funny
            🤌: not cute or wholesome
            🖐: I'll edit in another reason later
            Better luck next time. I'd rather watch 5 Mr Bean movies than read that sh$t again......
            To my followers: hope y'all liking my new way of roasting redditors. I'm enjoying your feedback and take it to heart I love improving the site and making people better humans because of my replies to them. Beace out ✌

            Geometry Dash is easy

              Geometry Dash is a series of music platforming video games
              Do not fucking talk trash to me like this. You are garbage at Geometry Dash, do you fully understand how fucking shit you are the game? You're sitting there with an ass full of shit, and you're smashing your keyboard at me trying to beat the first level, the first fucking level. I want this to become very clear to you - I have beaten every single level in Geometry Dash, and I have collected all 3 of the secret coins. Can you even COMPREHEND my level of skill in Geometry Dash?