We're all having a laugh at "DA VINKY?" and all, but most people fail to see what actually happened here. Reading "Da Vinci" most people default to Florentine Vulgar Latin (modern Italian) pronunciation "Da Vin-chi"; generally that would be correct as Leonardo Da Vinci was actually Florentine. However, if we consider that Italian is just based on a vulgar regional dialect of Latin, we can look at official Latin pronunciation which would sound more like "Da Win-ki", and given that the twins are allegedly of Hungarian descent we know that most Eastern Europeans interpret "W" as "V". What I'm getting at here is that the twins are not actually just stupid and think "Da Vinci" is pronounced "Da Vinky", I'm saying that the twins speak true Roman Latin and know that it's actually pronounced "Da Win-ki" and due to their Eastern European upbringing they pronounce it as "Da Vin-ki". These twins must have been around long enough to have heard Classical Latin, and thus must have been around since the age of the Western Roman Empire.
These twins aren't stupid, they're geniuses. They are immortal beings, who simply toy with humans by pretending to be fools for our amusement and their benefit. We shouldn't mock them, we should fear them.
To think that every event since the Big Bang has led up to your pathetic existence should make anyone depressed. However, I do take great solace in the fact that you will leave no legacy (outside of being an douche) in any domain, will be crippled by mental instability for the rest of your pathetic life, and will likely die nameless and alone. It’s actually genuinely saddening that thousands of likable, emotionally stable and intelligent people die of illness everyday, yet you remain.
This is the last day I nut. From now on, every single upvote I get will be one day I won't nut. I need to stop, I'm an athlete, this will hurt me if I keep going like this. I' 'm not doing this just for upvotes, I just want to stop, and the upvotes mean a lot to me since that means there's a bunch of people behind me that will support me on the journey. Thank you
You're happy about a person from the gay and furry communities (both of which have been historically discriminated against and significantly underrepresented in all areas of society) being accused of something like this? What's wrong with you?
Just because they're gay doesn't mean you can discriminate against them. That has no relevance to this discussion.
I knew a kid with similar feelings to you a few years ago - homophobic, hated women, black people, and furries. You know what happened to him?
Absolutely nothing.
That's because society perpetuates the discrimination of these marginalized groups by shielding their opponents from any consequences of their derogatory and discriminatory language.
This needs to change. You need to be held accountable for your actions, as well as almost everyone else in this thread. This post is essentially a dog whistle for these hateful ideas to continue and thrive, so I'll be reporting everyone who comments anti-gay or anti-furry sentiments, unless of course, you kindly remove your comments first (I would prefer this option).
I'm disappointed that it's come to this, but all I hope is that we can have a better future for all, regardless of their sexual orientation or sexual preferences.
Red sus. Red suuuus. I said red, sus, hahahahaha. Why arent you laughing? I just made a reference to the popular video game "Among Us"! How can you not laugh at it? Emergeny meeting! Guys, this here guy doesnt laugh at my funny Among Us memes! Lets beat him to death! Dead body reported! Skip! Skip! Vote blue! Blue was not an impostor. Among us in a nutshell hahahaha. What?! Youre still not laughing your ass off? I made SEVERAL funny references to Among Us and YOU STILL ARENT LAUGHING??!!! Bruh. Ya hear that? Wooooooosh. Whats woooosh? Oh, nothing. Just the sound of a joke flying over your head. Whats that? You think im annoying? Kinda sus, bro. Hahahaha! Anyway, yea, gotta go do tasks. Hahahaha!
Oh you think you’re funny eh? Yeah you’re so funny commenting nice on a number that represents reproduction. Yeah so funny. Wouldn’t it be nice if somebody came at your doorstep at 4:20 am with a bat that has 69 written on it? Yeah that will be as funny as your joke.