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replies copypasta

Water isn’t wet

    Water isn't wet you troglodyte
    Water isn't fucking wet, it makes other things wet.
    Wet means something is covered in water. As an example, when you are covered in nice clothes, you say you are dressed up. Would you say that a suit hanging in your closet is dressed up? 
    Water isn't wet. 

    When someone replies with K

      K? Really you fucking idiot? I pour my heart and soul into a message and you reply with k? Do you think this is some kind of joke? Do you not realize how much this hurt me? This is like giving a man you risked his life in combat to save 100 other soldiers and giving him a bar of chocolate. God you are so inconsiderate. Come back when you learn to text like a normal person.

      So, you’ve lost NNN.

        So, you've lost No Nut November. What does that mean? It means you're weak for you've succumbed to mere temporary carnal pleasure. You have abandoned the power of self-control for a few seconds of ecstasy, and where does that leave you? Alone, Abandoned, Ashamed. You may claim that you stand strong, tall and healthy over us for the simple act of stimulating your sexual organ might help prevent prostate cancer, but what are 30 days of releasing your unborn children against 335 days of being able to. Your sick perversion has left you down with all the other rotten peasants who couldn't stray from their addiction for a simple month. You could've joined your comrades in the majestic gates of Valhalla as you pleasured yourself to even the most depraved tags in your website of preference, yet here you lie defeated as your comrades continue to fight strong to the urge of mating whether it be with a sexual partner or their own extremity. Your mere presence disgusts them as their trust and belief in you slowly drifted from their hearts with each stroke you gave to your rod. May the guilt of your actions weigh you down for what's left of the month

        The truth of the REAL GAMER

          neckbeard gumball the og gamer
          Here is the truth, there are people out there myself included that dont think anyone is a gamer unless they are "core". I would never in a thousand years waste my time playing a single player game as a core gamer. People that play single player games, are not really gamers to us core gamers... they are tourists. We core gamers spend hrs looking up configs, exploits and load outs, playing at low settings on 144+ hz monitors with 1000hz polling rate mice, we are extremely competitive. The definition of casual gaming to a core game is: playing single player games on ultra settings. a casual gamer plays for the escape, not the destruction of others. and to us, a casual gamer is not a gamer. CS toxic players are not more toxic to women than other players, it might be that you are sensitive. if you can be trolled to the point you are not having a good time, you need to turn within. harden up. Some people are more sensitive than others, maybe stay single player.. keep in mind to some of us 2 hrs a day is not gaming, its warming up.

          Honestly, that’s what I call a cool story bro.

            cool story bro
            Honestly, that's what I call a cool story bro. Such a riveting tale, I honestly copy and pasted it to word, saved on my hard drive, backed it up on a jump drive, drove to the bank, put the jump drive in the safe deposit box, and will leave it there until my kids turn about 12 (when they can actually state their age, and ask what it is I'm showing them), when I will pick it up, put it in an old USB drive reader and relay this cool story to them and tell them, "kids, this is what a cool story should look and sound like...not like the stories your generation tells.

            oof 100

              oof 100
              Shut the fuck up you absolute lobotomite. You think adding your poorly edited Skyrim makes this funny? What a joke. Get a grip on reality, stop saying "oof" during a serious conversation just because your two braincells cant ever send signals to eachother to form a response. Honestly pathetic. Oh guys look at me Im so funny OOF 100! Its so funny and quirky because its a roblox noise right guys? Hahah skyrim reference!! Shut the fuck up you absolute fucking dusty toilet. I would flush you down the drain in an instant.