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Are you an Anime Girl pickup line

    r/teenagers share a pickup line
    Are you an Anime Girl? You have the perfect hips,the huge big and perfect breasts,the smile makes me smile,Your body is perfectly coordinated,Not only are you sweet and kind,your perfectly balanced in your body,your a sweet girl,To perfect for me,so you must be a Anime Girl from my dreams.
    Boy, are you a hentai category? Because youre an ugly bastard

    My friend ejaculated on his calculator

      "Calculate and ejaculate"
      We were in maths class doing a very mathematical maths test. My friend got very turned on by the maths on the page so he made a penis on the calculator and started rubbing one off in class. He was wanking for about 10 minutes until we all heard a loud "UUUHUUUUH YEA" HIS CUM WAS ALL OVER THE CALCULATOR. He tried to deny it saying his dad did it but we know math makes him cum. "Calculate and ejaculate" - friend.

      I found my sisters nudes and I…

        r/teenagers copypasta
        Plain and simple I found an old phone in my closet my younger sister had and out of curiosity I went through it and found out your typically stuff, ranting to her friends, talking to guys, found what seemed to be a boyfriend or something, etc, until I decided to see her images... SHE HAD LIKE 2 VIDEOS AND A FEW PICTURES OF HER NUDE
        At first I freaked out and got a sick feeling in my stomach so I deleted them and threw the phone back in the closet of old junk where I found it.
        A few days later I decided to masturbate at night while noone was home and sadly I remembered my sisters phone, I went to gallery and clicked the recently deleted images and recovered all her nudes and I don't know what or how I just decided to finish off to a video of my sister stripping down.
        After I finished I legit had the worst post nut clarity in my whole fucking life, I redeleted the damn nudes, went to recently deleted and deleted them again until there was no trace of them. The next day I couldn't bare what I did so I just told my sister I found her old phone and gave it back to her... I am just hoping she doesn't remember she had nudes on there herself and notices I deleted them

        Dear r/teenagers please shut up.

          r/teenagers copypasta
          Dear r/teenagers,
          Please shut up.
          I get it, you’re horny. But nobody wants to hear about all the times you’ve masturbated to your sibling, and nobody wants to hear about һоѡ your tits got in the way of something. Nobody wants to hear your “pwease be my friend 🥺👉👈” crap when posting stuff like this is exactly the reason why you have no friends. You complain about not having bfs/gfs and yet you post garbage with zero self awareness. “Boobs tits or ass” һоѡ about grass you cum stained landwhale. Go outside. Get some vitamin D. Get some friends. Get something other than erection every time you see a woman.