haha just kidding.. 😂 unless.. ? 😳

What if I... put my Minecraft bed... 😳 next to yours... 😳 aha ha, just kidding.. 😂 unless.. ? 😳
What if I... <text>... 😳 <text>... 😳 aha ha, just kidding.. 😂 unless.. ? 😳
What if I... put my Minecraft bed... 😳 next to yours... 😳 aha ha, just kidding.. 😂 unless.. ? 😳
What if I... <text>... 😳 <text>... 😳 aha ha, just kidding.. 😂 unless.. ? 😳
Am I The Asshole for dropping my 6 year old off at an orphanage for his inability to Minecraft pvp?
This started about 4 years ago when my son was 2 years old. I started to supplement his cartoons with beginner pvp youtube videos and Dream's Manhunt series. Over the course of these years I feel like he has retained absolutely nothing even though I have spent every waking minute trying to make him understand. I have done almost everything that I have thought of including having Sweatgod's videos playing while he is sleeping and only having Bloje on the TV to try and make him understand the community. I felt as though I got to a breaking point when he couldn't differentiate between a sword and a rod even though we we went through different strategies for almost a month straight. I finally convinced my wife that we were doing the right thing when I said that he will soon be a Wendy's worker begging his wife's husband for a weekly allowance because he will never amount to be anything. I couldn't fathom raising a kid who was not able to pvp the best by the time he was 10. With all that said if anyone wants a 6 year old child who is shitty at minecraft pvp check out Eternal Sunny Orphanage in Omaha, Nebraska and maybe your luck will be better than mine with him.
in this video, me and this cute short femboy cosplayer will have hardcore anal sex. will i cum inside his adorable tight ass sissy boy asshole before i beat the ender dragon? also according to youtube statistics only 15% of the people who watch my videos are subscribed, so if you end up liking the video consider subscribing, it’s free and you can always subscribe later. enjoy the video.
Birch-Wood Slab
Black Wool
Block of Coal
Block of Diamond
Block of Emerald
Block of Gold
Block of Iron
Blue Wool
Bone Block
Brick Slab
Brick Stairs
Brown Mushroom (Block)
Brown Wool
Carpet (White)
Chorus Flower
Chorus Plant
Clay Block
Coal Ore
Cobblestone Slab
Cobblestone Stairs
Cobblestone Wall
Cyan Wool
Dark Prismarine
Diamond Ore
Emerald Ore
End Portal
End Portal Frame
End Stone
End Stone Bricks
End rod
Fence (Oak)
Glass Pane
Gold Ore
G Cont.
Grass Path
Gray Wool
Green Wool
Hardened Clay
Hay Bale
Head (Creeper)
Head (Skeleton)
Head (Steve)
Head (Wither)
Head (Zombie)
Iron Bars
Iron Ore
Jungle-Wood Slab
Lapis Lazuli Block
Lapis Lazuli Ore
Leaves (Oak)
Light Blue Wool
Light Gray Wool
Lily Pad
Lime Wool
Magenta Wool
Melon (Block)
Melon Vine
Mob Spawner
Monster Egg (Stone)
Moss Stone
Mossy Cobblestone Wall
Nether Brick
Nether Brick Fence
Nether Brick Slab
Nether Brick Stairs
Nether Quartz Ore
Oak-Wood Slab
Orange Wool
Packed Ice
Pink Wool
Polished Andesite
Polished Diorite
Polished Granite
P Cont.
Prismarine Bricks
Pumpkin Vine
Purple Wool
Purpur Block
Purpur Pillar
Purpur Slab
Purpur Slab (Double)
Quartz Block
Quartz Slab
Red Mushroom (Block)
Red Sandstone
Red Sandstone (Chiseled)
Red Sandstone (Smooth)
Red Sandstone Slab
Red Sandstone Stairs
Red Wool
Redstone Ore
Sandstone (Chiseled)
Sandstone (Smooth)
Sandstone Slab
Sandstone Stairs
Slime Block
Snow Block
Soul Sand
Spruce-Wood Slab
Stained Clay (White)
Stained Glass (White)
Stained Glass Pane (White)
Stone Brick Slab
Stone Brick Stairs
Stone Bricks
Stone Slab
Structure Block
Wood (Oak)
Wooden Plank (Oak)
Wooden Slab
Wooden Stairs (Oak)
Yellow Wool
Air, stone, granite, polished granite, diorite, polished diorite, andesite, polished andesite, grass, grass path, mycelium, dirt, coarse dirt, podzol, cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, oak wood, spruce wood, birch wood, jungle wood, acacia wood, dark oak wood, oak planks, spruce planks, birch planks, jungle planks, acacia planks, dark oak planks, oak sapling, spruce sapling, birch sapling, jungle sapling, acacia sapling, dark oak sapling, sugar cane, bedrock, sandstone, chiseled sand stone, chiseled res sand stone, smooth red sandstone, red sand stone, smooth sandstone, sand, red sand, gravel, water, lava, magma block, obsidian, coal ore, iron ore, redstone ore, redstone ore when you start to mine it and it lights up, gold ore, lapis ore, diamond ore, emerald ore, nether quartz ore, coal block, iron block, redstone block, gold block, lapis block, diamond block, emerald block, quartz block, chiseled quartz, quartz pillar, slime block, oak leaves, spruce leaves, birch leaves, jungle leaves, acacia leaves, dark oak leaves, sponge, wet sponge, note block, rail, powered rail, detector rail, activator rail, bed, cobweb, dead bush, shrub, tall grass, fern, piston, sticky piston, dandelion, poppy, blue orchid, allium, azure bluet, red tulip, orange tulip, white tulip, pink tulip, oxeye daisy, sunflower, lilac, rose bush, peony, brown mushroom, red mushroom, brown mushroom block, red mushroom block, bricks, TNT, bookshelf, torch, fire, mob spawner, oak stairs, spruce stairs, birch stairs, jungle stairs, acacia stairs, dark oak stairs, sandstone stairs, red sandstone stairs, cobblestone stairs, brick stairs, stone brick stairs, nether brick stairs, quartz stairs, purpur stairs, chest, trapped chest, ender chest, farmland (aka hoed dirt), furnace, lit furnace, sign, sign attached to a wall, oak door, spruce door, birch door, jungle door, acacia door, dark oak door, iron door, trapdoor, iron trapdoor, ladder, lever, stone button, wood button, wood pressure plate, stone pressure plate, light pressure plate/gold pressure plate, heavy pressure plate/iron pressure plate, tripwire, daylight sensor, redstone, redstone torch, redstone torch turned off, redstone comparator, redstone repeater, redstone lamp on, redstone lamp off, dispenser, dropper, observer, hopper, command block, command block repeater, command block chain, snow block, snow layer, ice, packed ice, blue ice, cactus, clay, jukebox, oak fence, spruce fence, birch fence, jungle fence, acacia fence, dark oak fence, oak fence gate, spruce fence gate, birch fence gate, jungle fence gate, acacia fence gate, dark oak fence gate, nether brick fence, nether bricks, red nether bricks, netherack, soul sand, glowstone, bone block, nether wart, nether wart block, cake, stone bricks, mossy stone bricks, cracked stone bricks, chiseled stone bricks, iron bars, melon block, melon stem, pumpkin, pumpkin stem, jack o lantern, vines, water lily, enchantment table, brewing stand, cauldron, end portal frame, end stone, end bricks, end rod, purpur block, purpur pillar, purpur slab and double slab, beetroot, chorus plant, chorus flower, dragon egg, oak slab, spruce slab, birch slab, jungle slab, acacia slab, dark oak slab, stone slab, sandstone slab, cobblestone slab, brick slab, stone brick slab, nether brick slab, quartz slab, red sandstone slab, cacao block, anvil, beacon, cobblestone wall, mossy cobblestone wall, flower pot, carrots, potatoes, hay block, skeleton skull, wither skeleton skull, zombie head, creeper head, white wool, orange wool, magenta wool, light blue wool, yellow wool, lime wool, pink wool, gray wool, light gray wool, cyan wool, purple wool, blue wool, brown wool, green wool, red wool, black wool, terracotta, white terracotta, orange terracotta, magenta terracotta, light blue terracotta, yellow terracotta, lime terracotta, pink terracotta, gray terracotta, light gray terracotta, cyan terracotta, purple terracotta, blue terracotta, brown terracotta, green terracotta, red, terracotta, black terracotta, white glazed terracotta, orange glazed terracotta, magenta glazed terracotta, light blue glazed terracotta, yellow glazed terracotta, lime glazed terracotta, pink glazed terracotta, gray glazed terracotta, silver glazed terracotta, cyan glazed terracotta, purple glazed terracotta, blue glazed terracotta, brown glazed terracotta, green glazed terracotta, red glazed terracotta, black glazed terracotta, white concrete powder, orange concrete powder, magenta concrete powder, light blue concrete powder, yellow concrete powder, lime concrete powder, pink concrete powder, gray concrete powder, light gray concrete powder, cyan concrete powder, purple concrete powder, blue concrete powder, brown concrete powder, green concrete powder, red concrete powder, black concrete powder, white concrete, orange concrete, magenta concrete, light blue concrete, yellow concrete, lime concrete, pink concrete, gray concrete, light gray concrete, cyan concrete, purple concrete, blue concrete, brown concrete, green concrete, red concrete, black concrete, white carpet, orange carpet, magenta carpet, light blue carpet, yellow carpet, lime carpet, pink carpet, gray carpet, light gray carpet, cyan carpet, purple carpet, blue carpet, brown carpet, green carpet, red carpet, black carpet, glass, glass pane, white stained glass, orange stained glass, magenta stained glass, light blue stained glass, yellow stained glass, lime stained glass, pink stained glass, gray stained glass, light gray stained glass, cyan stained glass, purple stained glass, blue stained glass, brown stained glass, green stained glass, red stained glass, black stained glass, white stained glass pane, orange stained glass pane, magenta stained glass pane, light blue stained glass pane, yellow stained glass pane, lime stained glass pane, pink stained glass pane, gray stained glass pane, light gray stained glass pane, cyan stained glass pane, purple stained glass pane, blue stained glass pane, brown stained glass pane, green stained glass pane, red stained glass pane, black stained glass pane, prismarine, prismarine bricks, dark prismarine, white shulker box, orange shulker box, magenta shulker box, light blue shulker box, yellow shulker box, lime shulker box, pink shulker box, gray shulker box, light gray shulker box, cyan shulker box, purple shulker box, blue shulker box, brown shulker box, green shulker box, red shulker box, black, banner, banner attached to a wall, barrier block, ancient debris, block of netherite, basalt, blackstone, blackstone slabs, blackstone stairs, blackstone wall, chiseled polished blackstone, chiseled nether bricks, cracked nether bricks, cracked polished blackstone bricks, crimson button, crimson door, chain, crimson fence, crimson fence gate, crimson hyphae, crimson fungus, crimson nylium, crimson planks, crimson pressure plate, crimson roots, crimson sign (on wall and on floor), crimson slabs, crimson stairs, crimson stem, crimson trapdoor, crying obsidian, gilded blackstone, loadstone, nether gold ore, nether sprouts, polished basalt, polished blackstone, polished blackstone brick slab, polished blackstone brick stairs, polished blackstone brick wall, polished blackstone bricks, polished blackstone button, polished blackstone pressure plate, polished blackstone wall, quartz bricks, respawn anchor, shroomlight, soul campfire, soul fire, soul lantern, soul torch, soul soil, striped crimson hyphae, striped crimson stem, striped warped hyphae, striped warped stem, target block, twisting vines, warped door, warped button, warped fence, warped fence gate, warped fungus, warped fungus on a stick
Acacia Leaves Acacia Log Acacia Planks Acacia Sapling Acacia Stairs Acacia tree Acacia Wooden Slab Abandoned Mineshaft Allium Andesite Apple Armor Arrow Axe Azure Bluet Bed Bedrock Beef (cooked) Beef (raw) Beetroot Beetroots Seeds Beetroot Soup Biome Birch Leaves Birch Log Birch Planks Birch Sapling Birch Stairs Birch Tree Birch Wooden Slab Black Carpet Black Stained Clay Black Wool Block of Coal Block of Diamond Block of Emerald Block of Gold Block of Iron Block of Quartz Blue Carpet Blue Light Carpet Blue Orchid Blue Stained Clay Blue Wool Bone Bone Meal Book Bookshelf Bow Bowl Bread Breeding Brick Stairs Brick Bricks Bricks Slab Brown Carpet Brown Stained Clay Brown Wool Bucket Cactus Cactus Green Cake Carpet Carrot Charcoal Chest Chicken Raw Chicken Cooked Chicken Chiseled Quartz Block Clay Clock Coal Coal Ore Cobblestone Cobblestone Slab Cobblestone Wall Cobblestone Wall (Mossy) Cobweb Cocoa Beans Compass Cooked Beef Cookie Cow Crafting Table Creative Mode Creeper Cyan Carpet Cyan Dye Cyan Stained Clay Cyan Wool Dandelion Dandelion Yellow Dark Oak Leaves Dark Oak Log Dark Oak Planks Dark Oak Sapling Dark Oak Stairs Dark Oak Tree Dark Oak Wooden Slab Dead Bush Diamond Diamond Armor Diamond Ore Diamond Axe Diamond Boots Diamond Chestplate Diamond Helmet Diamond Hoe Diamond Leggings Diamond Pickaxe Diamond Shovel Diamond Sword Diorite Dirt Double Tallgrass Dungeon Dye Egg Emerald Emerald Ore End Portal End Stone Enderman Feather Fence Fence Gate Fern Flint Flint and Steel Flowers Food Fuel Furnace Glass Glass Pane Glowstone Glowstone Dust Gold Armor Golden Axe Golden Block Golden Boots Golden Chestplate Golden Helmet Golden Hoe Gold Ingot Golden Leggings Gold Ore Golden Pickaxe Golden Shovel Golden Sword Granite Grass Grass Block Gravel Gray Carpet Gray Dye Gray Stained Clay Gray Wool Green Dye Green Carpet Green Stained Clay Green Wool Gunpowder Hardened Clay Hay Bale Hoe Ice Ink Sac Iron Armor Iron Axe Iron Bars Iron Block Iron Boots Iron Chestplate Iron Helmet Iron Hoe Iron Ingot Iron Leggings Iron Ore Iron Pickaxe Iron Shovel Iron Sword Jack 'O' Lantern Jungle Leaves Jungle Log Jungle Planks Jungle Sapling Jungle Stairs Jungle Tree Jungle Wooden Slab Ladder Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli Ore Lapis Lazuli Block Large Fern Lava Lava Bucket Leather Leather Armor Leather Boots Leather Tunic Leather Cap Leather Pants Light Blue Dye Light Blue Stained Clay Light Blue Wool Light Gray Carpet Light Gray Dye Light Gray Stained Clay Light Gray Wool Lilac Lily Pad Lime Carpet Lime Dye Lime Stained Clay Lime Wool Logs Love Mode Magenta Carpet Magenta Dye Magenta Stained Clay Magenta Wool Melon Melon Seeds Melon Slice Milk Bucket Minecart Monster Spawner Mooshroom Moss Stone Mushroom (brown) Giant Mushroom (brown) Mushroom (red) Giant Mushroom (red) Mushroom Gills (Creative Mode) Mushroom Cap - Brown (Creative Mode) Mushroom Stem (Creative Mode) Mushroom Cap - Red (Creative Mode) Mushroom Stew Mycelium Nether Brick Nether Brick Block Nether Brick Stairs Nether Quartz Nether Reactor Core Netherrack Oak Leaves Oak Log Oak Planks Oak Sapling Oak Stairs Oak Tree Oak Wooden Slab Obsidian Orange Carpet Orange Dye Orange Stained Clay Orange Tulip Orange Wool Ore Oxeye Daisy Painting Paper Peony Pickaxe Pig Pillar Quartz Block Pink Carpet Pink Dye Pink Stained Clay Pink Tulip Pink Wool Podzol Polished Andesite Polished Diorite Polished Granite Poppy Raw Porkchop Cooked Porkchop Potato Baked Potato Powered Rail Pumpkin Pumpkin Pie Pumpkin Seeds Purple Carpet Purple Dye Purple Stained Clay Purple Wool Quartz Slab Quartz Stairs Rail Raw Beef Red Carpet Red Sand Red Stained Clay Red Tulip Red Wool Redstone Redstone Ore Rose Bush Rose Red Sand Sand Stone Stairs Sandstone Sandstone (chiseled) Sandstone (smooth) Sandstone Slab Sapling Seeds Shears Sheep Shovel Sign Silverfish Silverfish Block Skeleton Slime Snow Snow (ball) Snow (block) Spawn Point Spawn Chicken Spawn Cow Spawn Creeper Spawn Enderman Spawn Mooshroom Spawn Pig Spawn Sheep Spawn Silverfish Spawn Skeleton Spawn Slime Spawn Spider Spawn Villager Spawn Wolf Spawn Zombie Spawn Zombie Pigman Spider Sponge (Creative Mode) Spruce Leaves Spruce Log Spruce Planks Spruce Sapling Spruce Stairs Spruce Tree Spruce Wooden Slab Stained Clay Stairs (list of all stair types) Steak Stick Stone Stone Axe Stone Brick Stairs Stone Bricks Stone Bricks (cracked) Stone Bricks (mossy) Stone Bricks (chiseled) Stone Bricks Slab Stone Hoe Stone Pickaxe Stone Shovel Stone Slab Stone Stairs Stone Sword Stonecutter String Stronghold Sugar Sugar Canes Sunflower Survival Mode Sword TNT Tools Torch Trapdoor Trees Tree Leaves Village Villagers Vines Water Water Bucket Wheat White Carpet White Stained Clay White Tulip Wolf Wooden Axe Wooden Door Wooden Hoe Wooden Pickaxe Wooden Planks Wooden Shovel Wooden Slabs Wooden Stairs Wooden Sword Wool Yellow Carpet Yellow Stained Clay Yellow Wool Zombie Zombie Pigman
Acacia Boat
Armor Stand
Beetroot Seeds
Birch Boat
Bottle o' Enchanting
Bucket of Cod
Bucket of Pufferfish
Bucket of Salmon
Bucket of Tropical Fish
Cocoa Beans
Dark Oak Boat
End Crystal
Ender Pearl
Eye of Ender
Fire Charge
Firework Rocket
Fishing Rod
Flint and Steel
Item Frame
Jungle Boat
Lava Bucket
Lingering Potion
Melon Seeds
Minecart with Chest
Minecart with Command Block
Minecart with Furnace
Minecart with Hopper
Minecart with TNT
Nether Wart
Oak Boat
Powder Snow Bucket
Pumpkin Seeds
Redstone Dust
Splash Potion
Spruce Boat
Sweet Berries
Water Bucket
Wheat Seeds
Baked Potato
Beetroot Soup
Black Dye
Blue Dye
Bone Meal
Book and Quill
Brown Dye
Carrot on a Stick
Chainmail Boots
Chainmail Chestplate
Chainmail Helmet
Chainmail Leggings
Chorus Fruit
Cooked Chicken
Cooked Cod
Cooked Mutton
Cooked Porkchop
Cooked Rabbit
Cooked Salmon
Cyan Dye
Debug Stick
Diamond Axe
Diamond Boots
Diamond Chestplate
Diamond Helmet
Diamond Hoe
Diamond Horse Armor
Diamond Leggings
Diamond Pickaxe
Diamond Shovel
Diamond Sword
Dried Kelp
Empty Map
Enchanted Golden Apple
Glass Bottle
Glow Ink Sac
Gold Ingot
Golden Apple
Golden Axe
Golden Boots
Golden Carrot
Golden Chestplate
Golden Helmet
Golden Hoe
Golden Horse Armor
Golden Leggings
Golden Pickaxe
Golden Shovel
Golden Sword
Gray Dye
Green Dye
Honey Bottle
Iron Axe
Iron Boots
Iron Chestplate
Iron Helmet
Iron Hoe
Iron Horse Armor
Iron Leggings
Iron Pickaxe
Iron Shovel
Iron Sword
Knowledge Book
Leather Boots
Leather Cap
Leather Horse Armor
Leather Pants
Leather Tunic
Light Blue Dye
Light Gray Dye
Lime Dye
Magenta Dye
Explorer Map
Melon Slice
Milk Bucket
Mushroom Stew
Music Disc (11)
Music Disc (13)
Music Disc (Blocks)
Music Disc (Cat)
Music Disc (Chirp)
Music Disc (Far)
Music Disc (Mall)
Music Disc (Mellohi)
Music Disc (Pigstep)
Music Disc (Stal)
Music Disc (Strad)
Music Disc (Wait)
Music Disc (Ward)
Name Tag
Netherite Axe
Netherite Boots
Netherite Chestplate
Netherite Helmet
Netherite Hoe
Netherite Leggings
Netherite Pickaxe
Netherite Shovel
Netherite Sword
Orange Dye
Pink Dye
Poisonous Potato
Pumpkin Pie
Purple Dye
Rabbit Stew
Raw Beef
Raw Chicken
Raw Cod
Raw Mutton
Raw Porkchop
Raw Rabbit
Raw Salmon
Red Dye
Rotten Flesh
Spectral Arrow
Spider Eye
Stone Axe
Stone Hoe
Stone Pickaxe
Stone Shovel
Stone Sword
Suspicious Stew
Tipped Arrow
Totem of Undying
Tropical Fish
Turtle Shell
White Dye
Wooden Axe
Wooden Hoe
Wooden Pickaxe
Wooden Shovel
Wooden Sword
Written Book
Yellow Dye
Banner Pattern (Creeper Charge)
Banner Pattern (Flower Charge)
Banner Pattern (Globe)
Banner Pattern (Skull Charge)
Banner Pattern (Snout)
Banner Pattern (Thing)
Blaze Powder
Blaze Rod
Clay Ball
Dragon's Breath
Enchanted Book
Fermented Spider Eye
Firework Star
Ghast Tear
Glistering Melon Slice
Glowstone Dust
Gold Nugget
Heart of the Sea
Ink Sac
Iron Ingot
Iron Nugget
Lapis Lazuli
Magma Cream
Nautilus Shell
Nether Brick
Nether Quartz
Nether Star
Netherite Ingot
Netherite Scrap
Phantom Membrane
Popped Chorus Fruit
Prismarine Crystals
Prismarine Shard
Rabbit Hide
Rabbit's Foot
Shulker Shell
Bat Spawn Egg
Bee Spawn Egg
Blaze Spawn Egg
Cat Spawn Egg
Cave Spider Spawn Egg
Chicken Spawn Egg
Cod Spawn Egg
Cow Spawn Egg
Creeper Spawn Egg
Dolphin Spawn Egg
Donkey Spawn Egg
Drowned Spawn Egg
Elder Guardian Spawn Egg
Enderman Spawn Egg
Endermite Spawn Egg
Evoker Spawn Egg
Fox Spawn Egg
Ghast Spawn Egg
Guardian Spawn Egg
Hoglin Spawn Egg
Horse Spawn Egg
Husk Spawn Egg
Llama Spawn Egg
Magma Cube Spawn Egg
Mooshroom Spawn Egg
Mule Spawn Egg
Ocelot Spawn Egg
Panda Spawn Egg
Parrot Spawn Egg
Phantom Spawn Egg
Pig Spawn Egg
Piglin Spawn Egg
Piglin Brute Spawn Egg
Pillager Spawn Egg
Polar Bear Spawn Egg
Pufferfish Spawn Egg
Rabbit Spawn Egg
Ravager Spawn Egg
Salmon Spawn Egg
Sheep Spawn Egg
Shulker Spawn Egg
Silverfish Spawn Egg
Skeleton Horse Spawn Egg
Skeleton Spawn Egg
Slime Spawn Egg
Spider Spawn Egg
Squid Spawn Egg
Stray Spawn Egg
Strider Spawn Egg
Trader Llama Spawn Egg
Tropical Fish Spawn Egg
Turtle Spawn Egg
Vex Spawn Egg
Villager Spawn Egg
Vindicator Spawn Egg
Wandering Trader Spawn Egg
Witch Spawn Egg
Wither Skeleton Spawn Egg
Wolf Spawn Egg
Zoglin Spawn Egg
Zombie Horse Spawn Egg
Zombie Spawn Egg
Zombie Villager Spawn Egg
Zombified Piglin Spawn Egg
firstly minecraft steve is sexy as fuck why are you not attracted to him, secondly it's spelt "miner" dumbass
people are also calling me gay as well even though they would probably also let steve fuck them
edit: edited the post
The working class has been exploited and abused in the world of Minecraft. Take a look at the villages you find among the biomes. Clearly there’s a wealth gap among the villagers as there’s a huge difference between the houses as some are well built for security and sustainability while others are built as shacks and vulnerable to mob attacks. Of course, the churches in the village are better then most houses since the villager cooperate oligarchs probably give them tax exempts so the church can influence the religious, poor working class in exchange.
Why do you think there are so many abandoned mine shafts across the world? They truly reflect the failure of capitalism as monopolization has led the mineral industry to collapse by poor working conditions and bare minimum wage. The lower class villagers have no choice but to live on the conditions of the wealthy as only a village can provide safety from the dangers of Minecraft mobs.
Let the ruling class tremble by the revolution the Pillagers are leading. The pillagers, the United free villagers, have nothing to lose but their chains. Let the pillagers of all biomes unite in the revolution