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Listen here you twatmunching

    listen here
    Listen here you twatmunching cunt puntee sisterfucking cuckold inconvenient fire drill raging gravy tunnel dwelling solidified jizz ball shitdildo utilising scumbag arsewipe dicklicker Neanderthal prostate examiner without a medical license son of a 13 year old prostitutes warty semi-shaved skin tagged vagina with a dazzling array of stds, I just want you to know what a total tosser, what a monumental Vauxhall vectra with a caravan ass motherfucker you are, what a humuongenourmous mong you are, that you feel like the unhygienic unlovable piece of unwanted garbage that you fucking know you are. You're so fucking weak you could overdose on paracetamol. I'm surprised natural selection hasn't ruled you out for a "cruel and unusual punishment" involving a literal ton of shit, several angry farmyard animals and a dildo. Shut your fucking mouth you blistering thundercunt, and don't even think about typing a pissing response you malodorous dolt, you're so feckless I doubt you could even type half a response out before your incestuously deformed heart acts up again. I'd ask you to die, but my potplant needs more oxygen, and I value it's existence tenfolds more than yours, if you can even call it that.
    I was bored. I have a lot of anger.

    Shawty’s👱🏻‍♀️ like🤤a🅰️melody

      Na ✊na✊na ✊na ✊everyday
      Shawty's👱🏻‍♀️ like🤤a🅰️melody🎶in⬆️my🙋‍♀️head🧠 That I😃can't😞 keep ✊out👉 Got me 😄singin'🎵like💕 Na ✊na✊na ✊na ✊everyday📆 It's like 💕my 🙏ipod 📱stuck💋 on replay🔁, replay🔄-ay-ay-ay

      I am a Twitch Moderator

        twitch mods are cringe af
        Hey man can you delete this please. One of the hardest parts of my job is going around and making sure that these clips do not see the light of day. What is under a streamers clothes is only for her, her boyfriend and me to see. Its disgusting that you are perpetuating what is supposed to be a special moment between a streamer and her mod. And if you don't, well I'm going to have to come down on you. And trust me you don't want to see a mega mod genius like me get angry. I have a vast network of twitch streamers and top chats at my command. I can say the word and your puny presence will be wiped off the face of and if thats still not enough I will find your alt accounts. You won't be safe from my wrath.
        SO yeah buddy, you can be a perv and creep on the delicate flowers of our wonderful platform. But know that if this goes on. You'll be done for. Some other jerks might stand by and watch this abuse but I won't. I am a twitch moderator.

        PepeRip ASCII

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