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Minecraft, but he’s torturing my cock and balls

    Minecraft, but he's torturing my cock and balls. In this video, I have to beat Minecraft while my friend is torturing my cock and balls. He has a humbler, a stretcher and can actively kick them at any time he wishes. Can I beat the Ender Dragon before my testicles are ruptured? Watch to find out.

    If you want to be proud of a large animal you killed then you need to kill it with a spear.

      If you want to be proud of a large animal you killed then you need to kill it with a spear.
      Seriously where is the challenge in killing a Buffalo with a high caliber rifle round from long range? Congrats, the animal never saw it coming! Your supersonic lead blew its brains out from 300 yards with the flick of a finger. Man the fuck up and fight the animal 1v1. It’s got horns, and you have got a spear. It has brawn, and you have brains. Test your agility against its brute strength. Cut its heart out and eat it raw. Then I might be impressed.

      AITA for asking my parents to read a piece I wrote, not warning them that it involves very sexual graphic depictions of cunnilingus?

        There’s two things you need to know about me: I’m a 24 year old man and I love eating pussy. Seriously it’s my favorite thing and unlike most males, I don’t have much interest in blowjobs or even sex. I’m also a writer and I realized I should stop trying to write the next great American novel and just write what I know....
        So I wrote a nonfiction (but...flowery, I’d say) piece about eating pussy. It’s not porn, it’s like modern day Anais Nin type intellectual sexual content. It’s also very feminist because there are men out there (nay, boys) who still have childish hang ups about French kissing a woman’s delicate rose. Apologies for all my various euphemisms. Like I said I’m a writer.
        My parents aren’t even conservative but they got really uncomfortable after I had them read my piece. My mom said it was a bit too much for her. I asked her which part, and she said all of it but specifically pointed to a line (copy paste): “I slither my tongue through her sumptuous flaps, lapping up her golden honey with fervor as I feel her stiffening turtles head poking into my nostril.” She and my dad have always been supportive of my writing but they said this was “private” and they’d rather not read any more stuff about my sex life.
        I have to admit I’M a little offended because this is my art and I also believe this is the piece that might actually be something. My dad draws in his free time and this includes nude portraits of people we don’t even how is that ok but my writing isn’t?
        Alas. The perils of being in a family of creatives lol. Anyway who’s in the wrong?

        Angry g*mer from bangladesh

          Fam i'm 12 years old, and still smarter than you, and i'm from Bangladesh and live in England. I've been brought up in London for all my life and ive only been in Bangladesh on holidays. overall i've spent around 15 weeks there. i learned about Nazis a year ago and i'm all against them. There's also a game called Call Of Duty World War 2 where you go AGAINST the Nazis and fight in the American army. do you think i'm stupid and old enough (I'm 12 to remind you) to be a Nazi? You people are so jarring and you don't understand the impact of games and what they mean. I've always hated Nazis. why would you think a 12 year old gamer is a Nazi, you stupid bitch? Most of my life, I have spent gaming. This is not wasting my life and i play for fun. I am a Muslim and pray every day. I PRAY 5 TIMES A DAY AND YOU TELL ME HOW TO LIVE MY LIFE AND HOW TO PRAY TO A DIFFERENT RELIGION YOU RACIST CUNT!? 5 TIMES IS THE AMOUNT YOU ARE MEANT TO PRAY AS A MUSLIM! I MAKE ALL THE PRAYERS GODDAMMIT.

          These guys are bullies, plain and simple.

            These guys are bullies, plain and simple. Most of them probably grew up without a father figure in their life and it shows.
            You need to show them you're not afraid of them (or anything.)
            Find a good tattoo/piercing artist in your town. Ask around for who's reputable because an infection is serious business.
            Ask him about getting a glans piercing. The glans is the tip of the penis. It will hurt, though there may be numbing spray. It will be like a little metal rod through the pee-opening with two studs on the end.
            Next you'll need a bike. A basic mountain bike will do but make sure the seat is adjustable incase your manhood (penis) isn't long enough to reach the front tire.
            When you encounter one of these gangs whip out your pee-wee (penis) and let it rub on the spokes of your spinning bike wheel. This will sound like a motor bike (motorcycle) and will startle the thugs/bullies.
            The vibrations from the stud on your glans (penis tip) will quickly make you climax/cum. Anyone who sees you cum will be scared of you and your penis tip.
            This may sound crazy, but I'm serious. It's gotten me laid twice so far.

            Wore a mask at Target today

              I wore a mask at Target today. Three of my lungs collapsed as I got carbon monoxide poisoning from breathing in my own bacteria. A brave patriot wearing an Affliction shirt, a MAGA hat, and sweet wrap around sunglasses saved me by giving me CPR. I thanked him and asked if he was a doctor and he said "who needs doctors when we have our fellow Americans, the ones who are here legally I mean." I hugged him and threw my mask on the ground. The Star Spangled Banner played on the speaker system as everyone in the store ripped off their masks and threw them on the ground, chanting "down with communism!" God, Jesus, and all the angels looked down upon us from Heaven and clapped.