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The emoji movie except it’s a copy and past of all the emojis in chronological order.


    Found this on some r/murderedbywords Trump post.

      My buddy works as a guard at one of Trump's immigration facilities (concentration camps). He said Trump came to visit the facility one day. Trump requested 5 immigrants be placed in a room and he be left alone with them to interrogate them.
      Trump entered the room alone and shut the door. My buddy then heard 5 gunshots. Trump left the room, winked at my buddy and said, "that's how you make America great".
      My friend went in the room and saw all 5 immigrants were dead. He also said there was significant evidence that Trump had performed dark blood magics. Also, the bodies were molested.
      Bernie Sanders was visiting the facility the same day to bring food and water to the immigrants. He tried to save them but was too late.

      The fact that her milkshake brings all the boys to the yard does NOT mean it’s better than mine.

        In the song titled "Milkshake" by Kelis, she exclaims how all the boys show up in her yard for milkshakes which claim to be better than mine. Not only is this self entitlement, but she doesn't give any valid reasons as to why her milkshakes are better. According to the lyrics of this boastful chant, she is willing to offer lessons for making such a milkshake but for a price. Could that mean that the ingredients used to make this milkshake cost more than the labelled price and instead of increasing it to maintain profit, she gives lessons on how to make such a milkshake in order to compensate for her lack of total earnings? Is she that desperate to keep the ALL the boys in her yard!? A low price in exchange for a higher consumer rate, and yet she claims that her milkshakes are better than mine. What if she were to increase the prices, will all the boys still head to the yard cause the milkshake is THAT good?? She even says that her milkshake making techniques "drive the guys crazy" and "freak these boys". It's unbelievable how one's milkshakes can be judged simply by how it's prepared. I highly believe that my milkshakes are capable of bringing all the people to the yard with hard work and reasonable prices. I'm assured that one day, I will be capable of creating ultimate milkshake which brings not only boys, but also girls to my yard. Let not one sex judge and conclude without having to hear from the other. And from there, it will bring equality and fairness into this competition of milkshakes. With that, I conclude that her milkshakes are not better than mine just because it brings all the boys to the yard.

        Ass, Tiddies, Thighs, Feet

          Ass, Tiddies, Thighs, Feet.
          Once the nations lived in peace and harmony but everything changed when the feet niggas attacked.
          It was a peaceful time everyone could enjoy their own aspect but when the feet niggas decided to attack the thigh guys it was over. The times of peaceful handling and watching were over. Immediately the thigh guys informed the boob dudes and ass bro’s about the betrayal and they all agreed on planning a counter attack. This was, of course in the form of memes. The memes flooded all of reddit, ridiculing the feet niggas but this only made them stronger. The people seeing the memes decided to do their own research and found out in what group they belonged, unfortunately some found out that they were feet niggas.
          This couldn't happen we can't make our enemies stronger we must do something! Said the boob dudes. Agreed this cannot go on any longer! Said the ass bro’s. So the thigh guys went thinking and came up with a solution. Now I know this isn’t ideas. Said the thigh guys. But we have to get help from some of our alliances, the weebs. We know that there are a lot of foot niggas over there but they also have a literal religion around anime thighs. If there is someone who can help it is the weebs.
          So they sat around a table, discussing tactics on how to defeat the feet niggas once and for all. We could make memes right? Asked the weebs. No we already tried but it only made them unite and become stronger. Answered the ass bro’s boob dudes and thigh guys. So they had to find something new. Suddenly it stuck them all at once. To get rid of the feet niggas for once and for all we must do what is necessary, we must not make memes about them. We must make them a meme.
          And so it happened, r/animemes r/dankmemes r/memes r/okebuddyretard and even r/pornmemes rised up in retaliation against this wack af fetish. They made the feet niggas a meme. This stopped them from recovering from it, the group became smaller because no one want to be part of a bad meme and the boob dudes ass bro’s and thigh guys invited the weebs to the big table, the table of 4. Now the feet niggas where finished a new alliance had to be made. The alliance of scientific purposes.
          The end.

          If you’re not a SIMP, then you’re gay

            If you're not a simp, then you're gay
            Because if you thirst after girls, that's called being a normal teenage boy, but if you don't thirst after girls then you're probably gay

            If Queen Elizabeth dies, the throne should die with her.

              If Queen Elizabeth dies, the throne should die with her. The family is already in shambles, Liz has been queen longer than any of us and some of our parents have been alive, what's the point of going on after this? The 1000 year monarchy should end with the longest-reigning monarch. God save the queen.