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Wash 😝your bum bum 😳wash your bum bum

    Wash 😝your bum bum 😳wash your bum bum 🍑every single day ☀️ wash your bum bum 😜wash your bum bum 🤯wash the dirt 🛁away now ⬇️ the bum bum’s squeaky clean 🧼 but there’s no ❌ towel to be seen⁉️but we can always shake it 💃🏼shake it 🕺🏼shake it💃🏾 shake it 🕺🏾 but we 🤝 can always shake it 💃🏽 till it’s dry 🐪

    Today while playing Fortnite I ran into Allah

      Today while playing Fortnite I ran into Allah at pleasant parks while he was trying to run solo squads. Knowing he was weakened, I told my squad to stay high ground while I engaged him on my own. He had worse loot and no heals but he's an amazing player.
      He is so fucking powerful. I'm not cracked enough at the game to do this alone. I barely escaped with my life and ran out of heals. His edits are immensely cracked and he cranks 90s at an ungodly speeds.
      I can't imagine what he would do to a new, unsuspecting default skin. I'm scared that I will have to face him again soon if I ever want to continue climbing the Fortnite ladder. I'm currently using medkits and mini shields that my squad gave me to try and heal as quickly as possible.
      Please be safe everyone. Allah is much stronger than I first imagined and we will have to do this together (maybe even cross team) if we want to shit on this god.

      I spend 5 hours masturbating before my prostate exam

        "Best thing is we have free healthcare here, so the doctor gets me off and it's covered by taxpayers."
        I spend 5 hours masturbating before my prostate exams. I edge, and edge, and edge, until a butterfly sneezing on my taint could bring me to orgasm. I tactfully shuffle my way down to the doctor's office and when he lubes up I nearly cum every time. But I've trained my keggle muscles enough to the point where I can hold in Mount Vesuvius's wrath. then as soon as he puts the smallest bit of pressure on my prostate | unleash with the fury of a lion hunting it's prey. As the room gets covered in my hot sticky juices the doctor looks on disgusted and leaves the room. I always go to a hospital far away from where I live to get it so that I don't have to go in for surgery under the doctor that | busted to. Best thing is we have free healthcare here, so the doctor gets me off and it's covered by taxpayers. That's my fetish.

        Can we mass send memes to the Taliban

          360 no scope from a tree while I peee
          Like what if we get a small part of this sub to send memes to taliban accounts on twitter to lobotomize them. We get them too busy browsing reddit to actually plan shit and we make them waste their day watching memes.
          Imagine there's this taliban sniper about to take out a child when all of a sudden he remembers "peter griffin halal ben shapiro cringe القرف haram turtle swanson القرف free no virus no download 100% gratis 2013 (ملحمة ساءت)", he laughs and he misses the shot. Or a suicide bomber accidentally setting off the vest because he mistook the remote for his mouse while trying to replay a video. Or maybe we get them to become lazy as fuck and all they do bow is share memes.
          We must feed the Taliban memes Basically, epic reddit do your thing make the talibans retarded like you

          Do NOT face Allah alone when Astral projecting

            I will build battle Allah
            Today while astral projecting I summoned allah to try and weaken him so our hexing spells would work better.
            He is so fucking powerful. I'm not at a power level to do this alone. I barely escaped with my life and I'm spiritually injured to a great amount, but I think I'll make it.
            I can't imagine what he would do to a new, unsuspecting witch. I'm scared that I will have to face him again soon if I ever want to continue astral projecting. I'm currently burning healing incense and drawing spiritual energy from my crystals to try and heal as quickly as possible.
            Please be safe everyone. Allah is much stronger than I first imagined and we will have to do this together if we want to slay a god.

            On only fans banning nsfw

              Only fans banning porn!??!! This is literally 1984
              I, for one, am glad they’re banning the hard core stuff. I’m so sick and tired of having to see penises inside of these sweet young women’s, asses, vaginas and mouth. I hate it when their faces, breasts, and other various body parts are covered in these perverts semen. I really hate seeing it on the internet. Now I can use onlyfans for its original purpose. Reading the Bible.