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Oh great! Another 2 sentence long pasta!

    Oh great! Another 2 sentence long pasta! What a game changer! I'm sure the 5 measly lines of text you just posted are going to be the next big copypasta in no time! This is hilarious! Great Stuff! I can really see this being the next big thing! It's gonna be the next "Navy Seal" or "Penguin Of Doom", I can feel it! I love how short and boring it was! Extra points for being extremely forgettable with no interesting lines, a complete lack of tone, and, as I mentioned earlier, an extremely compact 30 to 40 word length! You know what you should do? You should, unprompted, post this godawful pasta in the comments of a post on a separate subreddit and when people downvote you you can post it to r/AteThePasta! Now that would be funny! Almost as funny as the pasta itself, which, may I remind you, is extremely short! God I can't believe you came up with this all on your own! Thanks so much for this! It's truly a gift! And it made me realise that no matter how hard I try I will never find a copypasta as funny as this roughly 30 word paragraph that has already been forgotten by the 47 people who upvoted it, and the 20 people who commented !thesaurizethis over and over again! And I should give up all hope of coming up with such a great pasta in my life, so I'm simply going to kill myself tonight! This is your fault! Your copypasta made me kill myself! I'm going to write your reddit username in my suicide note, as well as the entire copypasta, which I should have no trouble fitting on the page since it's so fucking short! Thanks again! 😁

    Delete Your Warlock.

      First, your helmet does not match the set, the outfit is too buff to match that helmet.
      Secondly, the gauntlet does not fit the style of the set and does not shade well with the rest of the armor.
      Thirdly, the pants are boring, uninspired, but I will give u a pass on that cause all warlock pants are bad.
      Fourthly, the bond is horrible, does not stand out too much and the shading is very much off, wrong bond.
      And finally the chest piece is lackluster, lifeless, shades horribly, the red does not match the white color, and you have multiple colors and the shading is all over the place with mixed brown, red, white and black. But again warlocks don’t have many options when it comes to chest piece since majority of their chest piece looks like they borrowed from some homeless on the streets of last city.
      in end, a very boring look, seen it many times, altho can’t blame for that one due to my previous statement above, either way it’s ugly something I won’t stop to stare at it and say “nice” this is an abomination.
      Delete it.

      AITA for doing my mom?

        So I (39M) got told by someone on the internet ( to do my mom (79F) so I (39M) decided to proceed with it. First, I (39M) proceeded to give my mom (79F) comfort and just generally talked with her (romantically). After the relationship got better, I let her (79F) make the first move, then I rubbed her vagina (to masturbate her) then I (39M) slipped in between her (79F) lips (face) and rubbed her (79F) inner labia (vagina). I had dreams about having sex with my mom (79F) for a long time (5 years) actually. I always call her (79F) 'darling' and 'dear' (romantically) and I think my mom (79F) is my 'guilty pleasure waifu'.
        So, am I (39M) the asshole?

        Having to call a judge “your honor” is so cringey and dumb

          Having to call a judge “your honor” is so cringey and dumb
          “Your Honor”. I mean gimmie a fuckin’ break, dude. What else do you want me to call you? Your highness? Do you want me to fondle your nuts while I blow you, too?
          I’ve seriously seen courtrooms where they’ll say “Sir” and the judge will be like “It’s “Your Honor” young man!!”
          Fuck off. How much of an egotist you gotta be to care about some medieval-ass title?
          It’s some LARPING I’d expect kids to do. “Oh Billy you have to call me supreme ruler snorlax the magical wizard!!1!”
          Shut up.

          Transcript of the leaked Chris Chan phone call

            Chris: so yeah she's got really— a bit— sensitive G-spot— C-spot because apparently I don't believe her— I don't believe Mr C or any of her past boyfriends and ex husbands— they haven't really hit her G-spot with their dicks. They were more focused on their own instead of focusing on her which— that's my focus... yeah it is. But still have Magi-chan and Crystal incest fanfics. We're both using care and caution... there was— there was a time where I just gave her comfort and talked with her... and we just crashed out slow and steady... and I approached her positively by her making the first move. She wanted to do it and... yeah. Ugh, I don't remember exactly... it was her first move by my approach... well I forgot what exactly— what terminology I used. I approached with care and caution... and I was direct and firm with her for the most part. I don't remember exactly what she said but... I think she was partially confused at one point... but then she came around obviously... with the more approaching that I was doing with her. But yeah it was simple... lip to lip kissing... but yeah it was actually good and it felt right. Well obviously I remember a long time ago that I even had dreams where I had... Where I had sex with her obviously. Yeah that's right... the Oedipus— I would say it was satisfactory... it took a while, a few tries, to— it was also... she's very understanding about the whole thing as well... I was direct with her— still direct and honest with her... and I made sure that I honestly made sure that I'm never going to propose marriage to her at all... because we're already daughter and mother. We're doing it on every third night... with the first night being on June 27th. Yeah... it took us a few nights to figure out... what feels right and... didn't feel right and... yeah, she's having a good time with what we figured out. Yeah, I haven't called her mom in... quite some time now. I'm more calling her love at this point. Yeah... between Barbara and I it is... it is an open relationship... I made that very clear with her. Uhh... not anything extravagant but... we do, as often as possible, we do the dinner table together... we try to eat at the dinner table but we haven't been able to do much as I've had a crown on my tooth… so have had to switch to a soup diet ...and bring out her inner child side. I try and guide her towards the positives and— yeah obviously, would've wanted someone younger or who was close to my age... obviously. But yeah, not to many others at this point in time. But yeah... I'm attracting my twin flame, we proceed towards it more slowly. Alright... so anyway... with the events and everything I was feeling I really needed like... a sexual release. Everything was coming into good alignment... I thought I would take a dive for it and really... I was just very very horny and... the true and honest relationship to come about... Obviously this was the best way to do it. I don't want to believe labels and all, but— [video ends]

            40,000 digits of pi but some numbers are wrong

              *Warning* Open long wall of text