Today I (f, 24, vegan) accidentally ate some chicken ( f, 8 weeks, not vegan) and it made me so angry. Im vegan, and was at Popeyes and asked for a chicken sandwich, but the idiot at the counter didn’t realize that I was vegan just by looking at me (vegan) and understanding my vegan aurora, and sold me (vegan) REAL chicken in my sandwich. I (vegan) realized this and told him (not vegan) that I’m vegan and that I’m going to murder his whole fucking family because I (vegan) believe that animal death and cruelty is bad. He (not vegan) told me (vegan) he (not vegan) was going to call the police, and I (vegan) told him (not vegan) that you can’t do that because I’m vegan and I save lobsters at whole foods on the weekend. The cops (not vegan) arrested me (vegan) and they took all my fucking lobster that I (vegan) heroically saved, and now I (vegan) have no one to talk to (lobsters).
Okay, this comment kinda has nothing to do with the post, but the hentai image made me think of, well, hentai, which made me think about how NTR is an absolutely terrible hentai category. It's almost as bad as Gore, in my opinion
The whole premise of it is that there's this really good guy who has a beautiful girlfriend who cheats on him with someone who's usually an asshole, a scumbag, fucking hideous, two of these things, or all three at the same time. And it makes no logical sense whatsoever.
First of all, the really kind and emotional guy walking in on a beautiful girl getting fucked by an ugly guy is completely nonsensical. Why would she actively choose to go for the ugly asshole? Cuz he has a big dick? Cuz she's an asshole too? It's both misogynistic and misandristic in that it portrays all women as assholes who prefer huge cocks over good-looking and kind fellas, and it portrays men that are emotional as weak and foolish while portraying the other men as ugly dickholes. Nobody wins here!
Another thing I hate about it is that why would you ever want to feel sad or depressed while jerking off?! I can kinda get why you'd jerk it if you're depressed, even though it would actually make you MORE depressed after the brief euphoric boost, but to actively become sad when reading hentai? That's a whole nother level of cuckolding! You actively WANT your lover to cheat on you AND upset you in exchange for brief sexual satisfaction on your end? How much of a fucking loser are you? Even if your dick is small, even if you're terrible at sex, if she's unsatisfied then she should just LEAVE YOU! Cheating is never okay, even if the guy wants to be cheated on! That guy doesn't need to be cucked, he needs to seek therapy!
As for the woman's side, for the women who like reading NTR, if you enjoy cheating on your boyfriend with some fucking hideous motherfucker, then perhaps we should recreate the fucking SCARLET LETTER and slap a sign on you for the rest of your life that reads "I AM A FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT WHO DOESN'T DESERVE RIGHTS!" Because THAT'S HOW YOU ARE! But that brings me to a whole OTHER genre of NTR: where the genders are reversed! When there's a beautiful and kind-hearted lady who's with a total Chad of a guy who cheats on him for some bitch! THAT'S EVEN LESS OKAY THAN THE ORIGINAL ONE! Treat women with respect you fucking loser! What, she doesn't have big enough tits for you? She doesn't actively want to have sex? THEN RESPECT HER WISHES AND MOVE ON! Cheating, from EITHER party, is wrong! Horribly wrong! And if you're a girl who likes getting cucked as well, then once again, WHAT. THE FUCK. IS WRONG. WITH YOU?!
I really fucking despise NTR and everything it stands for. I swear, the entire NTR category is worse than when Disney hijacked Stan Lee's old Twitter account to promote an NFT of a character that nobody gave a shit about. It's worse than THAT! Sorry for making a long ass comment that barely has anything to do with the post, but I needed a place to rant about this bullshit.
TL;DR: NTR fucking sucks ass. Read some wholesome shit. Get in a good mood. Drink some hot cocoa. It's Christmas, not Valentine's Day. Be happy.
When both teams are even in gold, MLXG feels that RNG is at a great advantage and thus he does not hesitate to start a team fight. When RNG is 3k behind in gold, MLXG thinks that RNG is at a small advantage, and he so he starts a team fight to secure their "lead". When RNG is behind 7k in gold, MLXG thinks that RNG is at a disadvantage and so he looks for a team fight to regain control of the game. When RNG is 10K behind in gold, MLXG thinks that the team has reached a desperate situation and they are only waiting passively for their death if he does not start a team fight.
You ever wonder why the white man is so much more intelligent than his colored counterparts? One theory is that the early humans that migrated to colder climates, and thus loss the melanin in their skin, had to develop long-term decision making in order to survive the harsh winters where food wasn't readily available. It was this adaptation that led to the signature cunning wit often found in Caucasians. This division of man is still found today, not only in the bountiful jungles of Kenya and the merciless snows of Europe, but in the extraordinary bosoms of modern women and the delicate and beautiful chests of precocious young girls. Men of lesser constitutions often view these girls as unfit, or unripe, not yet ready for reproduction. But the white man knows. He knows that an investment of just a few short years is nothing compared to a relationship that lasts a lifetime. He knows that there is a clear and obvious negative correlation between length of marriage and number of previous sexual partners. And he knows that younger mothers give birth to much healthier children. These reasons sound cold and clinical when written out plainly, but the white man is not so cold, for years of evolution has cultivated this knowledge not in his head, but in his heart; the knowledge is expressed in the form of his love, and the white man has an opulence of love to give. The lesser man looks at a fully developed woman and sees an opportunity for a few minutes of fun. The greatest man looks at a small girl child and sees an opportunity for a lifetime of love and passion.