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AITA for pooping in my friend’s shower and blaming her dog

    Pooping in shower copypasta
    Last weekend I (16M) visited a friend of mine (17F) for a sleepover. I asked if I could shower because I wasn't feeling so fresh. She let me and I stepped in. I was flatulent so I farted, but gas wasn't all that came out. I must admit that I do this on purpose when I'm home but I've never done it at a friend's house. I was really embarrassed so I just stomped most of it down the drain. Some splattered over the wall though and the shower was not handheld, so I decided to leave it and hope for the best. I cleaned myself and put on some clothes and pretended like nothing happened. The next day her mother decided to take a shower and saw the mess. She was LIVID, screaming at my friend for the mess she'd made. She started crying and left the room. She returned a few minutes later and she had a look of death. I panicked, and we argued. I decided to deny all allegations and blame her dog for the mess. She said that her dog would never projectile shit all over the shower walls, yet I kept denying it. She eventually calmed down and I left. I personally think I did nothing wrong since it wasn't even a big mess, and a dog could easily have done that. My friend won't respond to any of my texts, she's probably expecting me to apologize or something

    Screenshots of people’s NFTs

      You think it's funny to take screenshots of people's NFTs, huh? Property theft is a joke to you? I'll have you know that the blockchain doesn't lie. I own it. Even if you save it, it's my property. You are mad that you don't own the art that I own.
      Delete that screenshot.

      Browse every NFTs copypasta here

      A Drive Into Deep Left Field By Castellanos

        I pride myself and think of myself as a man of faith, as there's a drive into deep left field by Castellanos and that'll be a home run. And so that'll make it a 4-0 ballgame. I don't know if I'm going to be putting on this headset again. I don't know if it's going to be for the Reds. I don't know if it's going to be for my bosses at Fox.

        You’re fucked, bud.

          I am tracking your IP address as we speak
          You kid have just made the biggest mistake of your pathetic life. Do you even have a fucking clue of who you are dealing with right now? My software is top of the line and I am tracking your IP address as we speak.
          I will find out your address. I will find out your name. I will find every piece of information I can find out about you.
          And then I'm gonna use every single resource I have to wipe you off the face of planet earth. I will send the most ruthless assassins after you. Who will not hesitate to turn you into a fine red mist you fucking sub-human piece of shit.
          You will wish you were never born and you will feel unimaginable pain for the rest of your life, which mind you, will be cut short.
          You're fucked, bud.

          Have fun regretting your existence, kiddo.

            Have fun regretting your existence copypasta
            Right now, I'm a click away from using an SQL injection attack to gain access to the database of this website and gain your login credentials, as well as your IP address. I'll then proceed to leak your IP address onto my hacker forums, and then using an IP locator, I'll easily find your house and your name. With that I can access your social media accounts and proceed to ruin your life. You think I'm bluffing? You think that just because a bunch of 7 year olds say they can "hack", but actually can't, that I can't either? Let me shatter that facade for you. Using my team of hackers, we can trace what websites you've visited and what keystrokes you've used, and with that, I can get into your parents' bank account. I can drain it and make you dirt poor. Have you ever felt what it's like to be homeless? Well, you're about to. I can also use cross-site scripting to redirect your web browser to one of my private sites, and download illegal files onto your computer and get your parents locked up in prison. I'm your worst nightmare, and I'm about to make you endure living Hell. I'm nowhere and everywhere at the same time. Have fun regretting your existence, kiddo.

            AITA for taking pictures of horse cock with my new camera?

              Reddit AITA for taking pictures of horse cock
              I (30m) on my 30 birthday I got an new expensive camera from my dying grandparents. So I decided take pictures of their horses since they weren’t going to see them soon. While taking pictures of their gracious bodies I seemed to slip on this sticky stuff on the floor. On the ground I was able to take pictures of their giant cock, I got carried away and started taking multiple pictures maybe 30 not a lot well not enough. I then showed them to my dying grandparents and they were furious (I don’t know why).
              Word got out and they said they were cutting me out of the will. So now my wife and family members know. My wife of 6 years is saying she going to divorce me and my family members have cut all contact. I don’t think i did anything wrong, just showing my grandparents the most interesting part of the horses. Anyway now everyone hates me so Reddit AITA for showing my dying grandparents 4k horse cock?
              Edit: So i’ve read some comments saying I’m not TA (downvoted for some reason) and haves taken their advice and take pictures of their ass instead.