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Sincerely, A Shen Main

    Shen copypasta
    A good Shen player will usually never ult just to save your ass. We are not your babysitters. When Shen ults he sees a possibility to turn the fight around for your team. He is very often leaving behind resources like XP and Farm just to turn around the fight, but when you decide to run away you most likely have given your enemy top laner free resources and the turret in return for nothing for Shen. This also shows us that you are usually not worth ulting for. Instead just walk into Taunt Range for Shen. This isn't just about Shen, though. Most Enemies will have spent their resources by then so you are giving Shen the opportunity to assist YOU in getting kills. A single taunt is usually more than enough to make you go from certain death to 2 easy kills bot lane.
    A Shen Main

    AMONG 💰💰 US 🆎 Funny 🤣 Moments!

      AMONG US Funny Moments! How to Free Robux and VBUCKS in SQUID GAME FORTNITE UPDATE! (NOT CLICKBAIT) MUKBANG ROBLOX GAMEPLAY TUTORIAL (GONE WRONG) Finger Family Learn Your ABCs at 3AM! Fortnite Impostor Potion! MrBeast free toys halal gameplay nae nae download حدث خطأ في الساعة 3 صباحًاحدث خطأ في الساعة 3 صباحًاحدث خطأ في الساعة 3 صباحًا Super Idol的笑容都没你的甜八月正午的阳光都没你耀眼热爱 105 °C的你滴滴清纯的蒸馏水 amongla download Meme Compilation (POLICE CALLED) (GONE WRONG) (GONE SEXUAL) (NOT CLICKBAIT) Minecraft Series Lets Play Videos Number 481 - Poop Funny Hilarious Minecraft Roblox Fails for Fortnite - How to install halal minecraft cheats hacks 2021 still works (STILL WORKS 2018) Impostor Gameplay (Among Us) Zamn
      AMONG 💰💰 US 🆎 Funny 🤣 Moments! How ❔❔ to Free 🆓 Robux and VBUCKS in 🔗 SQUID 🦑 GAME 😡🎮 FORTNITE 🎮 UPDATE! (NOT 🚯 CLICKBAIT) MUKBANG ROBLOX 😱 GAMEPLAY TUTORIAL (GONE 🧐 WRONG) ❌😔 Finger 👉 Family 👪 Learn 🧠 Your 🍌👉 ABCs at 3AM! Fortnite 👌🎮 Impostor 😠😤😠 Potion! 🍾🍾 MrBeast 🤑💵😎 free 💜 toys halal gameplay nae 👋👋👄 nae 🙆 download 📲 حدث خطأ في الساعة 3 🆕 صباحًاحدث خطأ في الساعة 3 ⭕ صباحًاحدث خطأ في الساعة 3 3️⃣ صباحًا Super 🔝 Idol的笑容都没你的甜八月正午的阳光都没你耀眼热爱 105 °C的你滴滴清纯的蒸馏水 amongla download 📲 Meme 😂👌 Compilation (POLICE 👮‍♂️😞 CALLED) 🔳 (GONE 🧐 WRONG) 👎 (GONE 🏃 SEXUAL) 🍆 (NOT 🤐 CLICKBAIT) Minecraft 🍑🚨 Series 📰 Lets 👪 Play 🎮🎴🤽‍♂️🎲🤾‍♂️🀄🤽‍♀️🃏 Videos 📼 Number 📱 481 - Poop 💩 Funny 😃🐟😛 Hilarious 😂 Minecraft 🍑🚨 Roblox 😱 Fails 🏳️ for 🔰 Fortnite 👌🎮 - How 😮 to install 💯 halal minecraft 🍑🚨 cheats 😡 hacks 2021 🤠😈😼🍻 still 👉 works 💦 (STILL 🙄 WORKS 💦 2018) 🔥😤💦 Impostor 😠😤😠 Gameplay (Among 💰💰 Us) 🪐 Zamn

      My nuts were ripped off.

        My nuts have detached from my body, I was in my bedroom messing around with my Rias body pillow when all of a sudden one of the broken threads from all the years of intense pickle pounding latched on to my grotesque testicle. It grabbed it with a tremendous force so flabbergasting that it ripped my balls right off. However it is very convenient because now I can fuck my body pillow to my greatest desire without making a mess!

        TIFU by playing Among Us with my (used to be) girlfriend

          So me and my girlfriend were on Discord together bored out of our minds. That’s when she came up with the idea to play Among Us. I agreed, and we joined a public lobbies playing together.
          So in one round I get the engineer role (for those who haven’t played among us for a while, it’s a role where you can vent as a crew mate) and I vent in front of her. She freaks out and presses the button and snitches on me, telling the people I was an Impostor.
          They didn’t believe her and they skipped. I then told her on vc that if I was the impostor I wouldn’t even kill her because that’s messed up. She on the other hand said “I would murder you first if I was the impostor.”
          So next round I’m the Impostor. I killed her first and I started laughing because she was so surprised by it. So I begin to finish the round off by winning. After I won, I continued to laugh about how she was so unaware of me killing her.
          Then she got angry at me and told me that I promised I wouldn’t kill her as an impostor, so I broke the trust I had with her. I thought she was joking at first because ITS AMONG US. A GAME WHERE YOU HAVE TO LIE.
          She then said things like “What kind of boyfriend does that” “You’re just like my ex” “you shouldn’t be laughing, that proves you don’t care about me”
          So I argued back with her telling her it was a game about fucking beans and she’s getting so worked up over it.
          We kinda yelled at each other on VC which led to her breaking up with me because she couldn’t trust me anymore.
          WHAT THE FUCK. 😭I really just lost my girlfriend over amogus. Here’s a little bit of our convo after we got off vc and stuff.

          TL;DR: My girlfriend and I played among us together. I killed her as an impostor and she went off at me which ended in us breaking up.


            Bogdanoff copypasta from 4chan
            Meet the Bogdanoff brothers. Quick rundown on them:
            rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
            in contact with aliens
            rumoured to possess psychic abilities
            control france with an iron fist
            own castles and banks all over the world
            direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
            will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
            own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
            first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies
            both brothers said to have 200+ IQ
            ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
            They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
            You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
            The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
            They learned fluent French in under a week
            Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
            The twins are 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.
            In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the Bog bang to the end of the universe
            The Bogdanoffs will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love

            Take a spin, fuckboy

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