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    Was deleted by this reason; very bad. oh, really? why? because is not a fucking shitty fanart of a generic anime/videogame? because it not contains explicit sex? because not contains some wierd fetish? or is very bad only because someone, some piece of shit like you thinks that? well.. i just have one thing for say to you, asshole; go and fuck yourself, little piece of insignificant trash! i dont fucking care about your fucking opinion, so take that shit and shove it deep into your fucking ass, bastard!
    and by the way I challenge you to create something original 100%, and unique, you will not be able to do it, because you probably do not have a single fucking drop of creativity, it is easy to criticize, is very easy, but I challenge you to make a unique drawing, not a stupid fanart , or any of those kind of shit, whoever eliminated this, for that reason, must be a poor, pathetic person with nothing better to do with his empty, and insignificant existence.

    Were you looking for ‘Fuck you. You useless piece of shit‘ copypasta?

    Femboy brigade deployed to Ukraine.

      We have sent femboys brigade over to Ukraine
      Blackhawks fly into Ukraine blasting Gucci Gang 2 days after US SEAD operations bomb Russian anti-air back into the Stone Age.
      A group of troops quickrope to the ground in maid outfits.
      Immediately whip out their phones to post on TikTok /#FemboyPower
      Russia gets firing solution based on the geotagged TikTok post.
      It misses, The femboy force is already en route.
      The Russian artillery was tracked by Enhanced Prophet operating out of a US FOB.
      The trap worked.
      Realizing their error, the russians scramble to abandon their entrenched artillery.
      They’re coming
      Without warning, Caramelldansen Trap Remix (misheard lyrics) starts coming from the wood lines all around them.
      (LRAD acoustic systems mounted on humvees projected the haunting tune deep into Russian controlled land.)
      The Russians take up arms, but the ghoulish voices surround them.
      They fire into the darkness, but miss their targets.
      🎶“Dance on my balls”
      The Russian commander drops dead. Direct hit.
      🎶”Cat fucking a handbag”
      More Russians succumb to the volley of fire. The music masks the shooters position
      🎶”yours only yours, we’re a single dance band.
      F-35s cruising at FL350 take out the Russian artillery with surgical precision while swatting flankers out of the air left and right.
      🎶”it’s no lie, Lisa in the crowd said”
      The FemboyForce emerges from the wood line unscathed and starts recording on their GoPros.
      🎶”look Larry had a vagina malfunction”
      The Russian troops commit ritual suicide after realizing they’ve been bested by a team of homosexual Americans.
      Decisive American Victory.

      Billie’s 18th Birthday

        Happy Birthday Billie!! How old are you now? Wait... You just turned 18??? Oh my god... oh fuck.... Billie.... shit.... OHHHHHHHHH SHITT...! Fuck... I'm so sorry, Billie, I didn't mean to cum, I swear!! Please forgive me, and forget about this... unless...? Okay, confession time!!!! Billie, ever since you started music, I've loved you, you and your music, and I've done some naughty things... looking at your pictures... Well, now that you're all grown up, do you... love me... too? Please, Billie, I've always wanted to do things to you... and now you're finally 18, we can have legal sex!! Please, Billie, respond to this message quickly, and say yes!!!! I'll be waiting...

        Happy ratio

          did care + did ask + I love white people + laugh about it + stay happy +don't get real + L (happier) + cute mald seethe get teraphy harder + hoes happy 😊 + interesting + harf-working issue + ratio(happy) + you flew off + the audacity is nice + not triggered + I asked + bluepilled + get a life with me+ ok and I love it? + uncringe + nice grass touching + undonowalled + based + your're a (insert fnaf character) + funny laugh + youre + grammar is sue + go inside stay safe+ get better + not reported + cute ad hominem + GG! + ask deez nuts please + ez clap good game + straight cash + ratio(happy) again + final ratio(happier) + stay cool + please don't stay pressed + pedophile (i don't think this is a bad word!) + not cancelled + done for today good job+ free + freer than air + rip bad people + slight_smile + not cringe again + lol :) + relevant + healthy + not jealous + go ahead write a song about it + our problem + I care even more + not sex offender (please don't offend him!) + sex defender 🛡️ + okay + glhf + unproblematic



            I hate Mordecai

              I fucking hate Mordecai copypasta
              I fucking hate Mordecai so fucking much that Israel is a legitimate state. Fuck that soy, cuck, simp-ass bird. I am going to shove my cock so far down his stupid twink throat, my God. Why the fuck did Regular Show have to make such an insufferable character? He fucking complains all the time and is such a little bitch boy. How the hell does he even have a single fan? Like who the fuck enjoys the fucking idea of a crybaby who complains about how women don't understand him. He is literally a goddamned neckbeard 4chan redditor but because he looks somewhat like a femboy, y'all are fine with it. I want to snap his thin bird legs and throw him off a cliff. I would murder this bird if I had the chance. Fuck you Mordecai. And you can tell me to seethe and cope all you want, but in the end you know I'm right