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Doug Dimmadome

    My name is Dummsdaledimmadaledimmadimsdomedudidome Dimsdimmadimmadome, owner of the Duhdimmsdimmadaledimmadimmsdome Dudiduhdimmsdaledimma Dimmsdale Dimmadome! Thank you for locating my long-lost son, Dale Dummadomedimmsmadomedimmadomedimmsdaledudimmadomedougsdaledimmadome, heir to the Dimmsmadomedimmsdomedimmadaledaledimmadoodougdimmadimmsdomedaledome fortune! If there’s anything I can ever do to repay you for your kindness, all you need to do is ask
    Timmy Turner, my name is Doug Dimmadome owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome. Thank you for locating my long lost son Dale Dimmadome, heir to the Dimmsdale Dimmadome fortune. If there's anything I can do to repay you for your kindness, all you need to do is ask!

    You Reposted in the Wrong Dimmadome

    Hurricane ⛈ IDA is CUMMING 💦

      heY 👋 u StOrMii 🌧 ☔️ SLUTZZZ 😬😋Hurricane ⛈ IDA is CUMMING 💦💦 & so is this DICK 🍆🍆‼️....Ladies 👯‍♀️ you ready for some Category 5️⃣ ASS fuCkIn ??? 😈🌨🌧 A state of 🚨EmerJIZZcy 🚨has been 😱 DICKlared 🚔 for New WHORE-leans, 😵 MissiTITsi, 😂👌🏼PENISSEE 🤠 & ArkansASS 🍑‼️No matter🙅🏼‍♂️where you at 🌎 dAt pussy’s 🐱gonna be DRenChEd! 🤣🤪 When IDA CUMS 💦 it's gonna be WET n WILD. 🤘🏽So make SURE to get the PROPER 😉 PROTECTION 🍆. Cus the wind 💨 is not gonna be the only thing BLOWIN tonight 😉👅. SEND to of your 1️⃣0️⃣ WETTEST bitches to get DRENCHED 😍 by Daddy tonight! 😍😘😘👅👅.

      In order to be born…

        Femboy copypasta
        In order to be born you needed: 2 parents, 4 grandparents 8 great-grandparents 16 second great-grandparents 32 third great-grandparents 64 fourth great-grandparents 128 fifth great-grandparents 256 sixth great-grandparents 512 seventh great-grandparents 1024 eighth great-grandparents 2048 ninth great-grandparents For you to be born today from 12 previous generations you needed a total of 4094 ancestors over the last 400 years. Think for a moment - how many struggles? How many battles? How many difficulties? How much sadness? How much happiness? How many love stories? How many expressions of hope for the future? - did you ancestors have to undergo for you to exist in this present moment, and you want to be a femboy slut.

        I like watching videos of black men shaking their booty cheeks.

          I like watching videos of black men shaking their booty cheeks. I don't know why, but when I watch videos of black men shaking their cheeks, my mouth starts to drool, and I dance with the black man as well. When I'm looking at the mirror, I sometimes hallucinate, and see a black man twerking on my couch, and that brings a smile to my face.

          Generic Youtube gaming video be like:

            Loud 🔊 dubstep intro 🕳 with rotating 🔄 3D 🤩‼ text 📲 Hey 👋, whaddup guys 👨, it's your 👉 boi 🗳✔, <insert 🍌👋 edgy 🍆 name 🏷 here> here, and today 📅 I'm 😮 gonna show 📺 you 👆 this easy-to-do awesome 👍 little 👌 glitch for easy 🐳🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 unlimited 💪 money 🤑 solo 💯. Before 😂 showing 📺 you 👆 this glitch I'd 😣 just like 👍 to take 👫 a minute ⏰ and talk 🗣 about what I ☝ want ⚠ to do with the channel 🌍📺 in the future 📡. I 👁 know 🤔 you 👆 guys 👨 have been liking 👍 my latest 🥳 videos 🎥 a lot 💯 but 🍑 I'd 😗 love 😍 to see 👀 some comments 🍆 on how to improve 💸 my videos 📹 in the future 📡. And guys 👦, last ♿ video 🎥 had the amazing 🤩💙💛 amount 💱 of likes 👍 of 1.000 ⬆, so let's 👏 see 👀 if we can get more than that, maybe 🤔 2.000!! So be sure 💯 to smash 😩 that likebutton and if you 👉🏻 haven't already 😞, be sure 💯 to subscribe 🥵. If we make 🛠 it to 2.000 likes 👍, I ☝ might 🤔 do a sharkcard giveaway 🎉 next 👉 week 🌖🌑, so you 👉🏻 don't wanna 😱 miss 😞 it! So don't forget to both subscribe 📥✅ and hit 👊 that bell 🛎🔕🔔 next ♊ to the subscribe 📷 button 💯, and then apply 😤🤔 for getting all 😳 my notifications 👀, so you 👉🏻 can be sure 💯 to see 👀 my next ♊ videos 📼. I 👁 make 🛠 a lot 💯 of daily 📆 GTA content 🗞 that I'm 😮 sure 💯 will fit 🙌 most of you 👆 guys 👦 out there. They range 👻🤛🟨 from glitches, to highlights and all 🏳️‍🌈 kind 🖐🏾 of neat 😫😡 stuff 😜. But 🍑 if you're not only into GTA, that's ↗ ok 👌🏻, as I 👁 have a cool 😎 G2A coupon 🎫 code 🚱: "G1TGUD", which gives you 👉🏻 a whooping 3 🔡🔀⏬% off your 👉 purchases 👷‍♀️. And I'm 👈 not only giving 👉 you 👆 that coupon 🎫 code 🚱 so I 👁 can build 🏢 up ⬆ reward 🎁🅱 money 🤑 from a shady 🌑 company 🏢👁, but 🍑 also 😝💝 give 🎁 something back ⬅ to you 👆 guys 👨 for helping 💁 me out a ton 💰 on this channel 🌍📺. I 👁 have got 💪 to say 💬 that it's all 🏳️‍🌈 possible 🙅🏻‍♀️👨‍👨‍👦 because of you 👆 guys 👨. I 👁 can't 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️ say 🗣 this enough 💦, thank 🙏 you 👆 guys 👨🏾 so much 😩😂🙀 for your 👉 support ✔. You 👆 really 💯 mean 😏 the world 🌍🌎🌏 to me. But 😳 I ☝ think 💭 I'm 👈 just rambling too much 😩😂🙀 here, so I ☝ think 🤔 we'll 🤔 move 📦 on to the actual glitch. Ok 👌 so guys 👦 this glitch was found 🔎 by my friend 🐶 xXx_B00tYm4$ter_2001_xXxSwagzX and he 👨 just started 🆕 his 👋 youtube 👨🏾‍💻 channel 🌍📺 and could really 💯 use some of your 👉 guys' 👦 help 🆘! I'll 🤒 leave 🍑🍆💦 his 👋 channel 🌍📺 in the description 🗣 down ⬇ below 👇🏻 so be sure 💯 to check ✔ him 👴 out after 2️⃣ this video 🎥 and give 🎁 his 👋 videos 📼 a ton 🏋️‍♂️ of likes 👍 and subscribe 📥✅ to him 👴 so he 👨 can find 🔎 more of this awesome 👍 glitches, just for you 👆 guys 👦!! Ok 👌🏻 so for this glitch you'll need a garage. Get your 👉 car 🚗 to the garage, kill 🔪 yourself and there you 👉🏻 have it! Awesome 👍 duplication glitch and see 👁 you 👆 guys 👦 in the next 👉 video 📼! Loud 🔊 dubstep outro with rotating 🔄 3D 😎 text 📲 and annotations 😏 to other videos 📹 with clickbait 😲🤤 thumbnails

            *notices dead chat*

              notices dead chat
              OwO what's this? 🥺
              performs CPR UwU
              ch-chat.... i r-resurrect you 🥺🥺🥺🥺
              breathes into mouth of server
              notices heartbeat
              UwO what's this? you're finally back to life s-server!! 🥺🥺🥺
              thank god 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i was so worried about you!! 😥🥺
              what ever would i do without you, daddy discord server? 🥺🥺
              now we can finally live happily ever after, just you and me, daddy discord server..... 🥺🥰