Comi o cu da pastora da igreja evangélica

Lá estava eu, novamente sentado assistindo ao culto, quando notei que havia uma contenda entre o pastor e a pastora, os quais eram casados. Provavelmente tiveram alguma briga naquele dia e inevitavelmente não puderam esconder a fervorosa e raivosa troca de olhares durante o culto. O nível de estresse dos dois era altíssimo e eu pude captar isso de longe.
Assim que o culto acabou, fui rapidamente ao púlpito e disse aos presbíteros da igreja que eu precisava falar com a pastora sobre um assunto urgente. Afirmei aos presbíteros que era um assunto que deveria ser tratado somente com ela, e ainda acrescentei que era sobre uma revelação divina que deus tinha me dado sobre a vida dela.
Pedi à pastora que ficássemos à sós e ela aceitou. Trancou-se comigo na sala de orações dela. Lá dentro eu expliquei que tive uma revelação divina sobre a briga dela com o marido e deus havia mandado eu comer o cu dela em cima do púlpito para aliviar o estresse gerado pela briga. Ela imediatamente disse ter amado a proposta, deu graças a deus e concordou que aquilo seria altamente benéfico para apaziguar a situação e aliviar o estresse. Mas, ela preferiu que o ato fosse feito em sigilo, pois poderia parecer algo "profano" diante dos demais fiéis. Demos um aperto de mãos, entramos em um consenso e começamos.
Assim que eu tirei o pau pra fora, ela já começou a dar graças a deus e caiu de boca no mesmo instante. Dava pra ver que o estresse dela já havia diminuído 75,7% só com aquela mamada. Ela dava glórias e glórias nas alturas enquanto gemia muito alto e rebolava no meu pau. Jamais imaginaria uma pastora rebolando tão bem como ela fez. Parecia até uma dançarina de funk. Nos beijamos muito, ela lambuzou meu pau de tanto que mamou e, por fim, gozei tanto, que a sujei as paredes, o cabelo dela, os peitos, a roupa toda dela, bem como a bíblia do marido. Ela deu uma risadinha e disse que estava tudo bem, enquanto lambia até as paredes para engolir toda a porra que disseminei pelo local.
Após isso, ela saiu toda descabelada, e eu, com o pau mais duro que a haste da bandeira do Brasil da Praça dos Três Poderes. Era tão difícil esconder, que usei a bíblia para tentar cobrir a haste erguida.
Ela saiu com os olhos revirados de tanto prazer que sentiu, respiração ofegante, cabelo todo bagunçado, descalça (pois já nem conseguia se equilibrar nos saltos) e me implorando para fazer aquilo de novo.
Open English translated
There I was, again sitting watching the service, when I noticed that there was a quarrel between the pastor and the pastor, who were married. They probably had a fight that day and inevitably couldn't hide the fervent and angry exchange of glances during the service. The stress level of the two was very high and I could see it from afar.
As soon as the service was over, I quickly went to the pulpit and told the elders of the church that I needed to speak with the pastor about an urgent matter. I assured the elders that it was a matter that should be dealt with only with her, and even added that it was about a divine revelation that God had given me about her life.
I asked the pastor to be alone and she accepted. She locked herself with me in her prayer room. Inside I explained that I had a divine revelation about her fight with her husband and God had told me to eat her ass on top of the pulpit to relieve the stress generated by the fight. She immediately said that she loved the proposal, thanked God and agreed that it would be highly beneficial in defusing the situation and relieving stress. But, she preferred that the act be done in secrecy, because it could seem something "profane" in front of the other faithful. We shook hands, came to a consensus, and got started.
As soon as I took the dick out, she already started to give thanks to God and immediately fell out of her mouth. You could see that her stress had already decreased by 75.7% just with that feeding. She gave glories and glories in the heights while moaning very loudly and wiggling on my cock. I would never have imagined a shepherdess wiggling as well as she did. She even looked like a funk dancer. We kissed a lot, she smeared my dick so much she sucked and, finally, I came so much, that I soiled the walls, her hair, her breasts, all her clothes, as well as her husband's bible. She giggled and said it was okay, as she licked up the walls to swallow all the cum that spread around the place.
After that, she came out all disheveled, and I, with a dick harder than the flagpole of Brazil in Praça dos Três Poderes. It was so difficult to hide that I used the bible to try to cover the upraised rod.
She left with her eyes rolled back from the pleasure she felt, breathing heavily, hair all messed up, barefoot (because she couldn't even balance on her heels anymore) and begging me to do it again.