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Minha namorada transa de fone de ouvido

    Começou recentemente quando ela começou a pedir pra eu colocar música na TV enquanto a gente fazia, daí de uns dias pra cá eu comecei a reparar que ela coloca o fone bluetooth antes da gente começar, como fazemos no escuro eu nunca tinha visto até que um dia eu fui falar com ela e ela não me respondia aí eu percebi que ela tava ouvindo música, quando questionei ela, ela me disse que ajuda ela a concentrar naquilo, sem desviar a atenção, eu comecei pensar tipo (sou tão ruim assim que a pessoa fica com a mente voando?) Mas ela me disse que não tem nada haver comigo pq ela gosta de ouvir música pra fazer tudo, disse que até aumentava o tesão pq conseguia focar na penetração "realmente eu percebi que ela tá mais presente na hora H" acho estranho e legal ao mesmo tempo, imagina aí vc transar ouvindo a 5° sinfonia de Beethoven

    Open English translated

    My girlfriend fucks on headphones. It started recently when she started asking me to put music on the TV while we were doing it, then a few days ago I started to notice that she puts on the bluetooth headset before we start, as we do in the dark I had never seen it until a day I went to talk to her and she didn't answer me then I realized that she was listening to music, when I questioned her, she told me that it helps her to concentrate on that, without diverting her attention, I started to think like (I'm so bad that the Does anyone get the mind flying?) But she told me that it has nothing to do with me because she likes to listen to music to do everything, she said that it even increased the horny because she managed to focus on penetration "I really noticed that she is more present at the time H" I think it's weird and cool at the same time, imagine having sex listening to Beethoven's 5th symphony


      "Based"? Are you fucking kidding me? I spent a decent portion of my life writing all of that and your response to me is "Based"? Are you so mentally handicapped that the only word you can comprehend is "Based" - or are you just some fucking asshole who thinks that with such a short response, he can make a statement about how meaningless what was written was? Well, I'll have you know that what I wrote was NOT meaningless, in fact, I even had my written work proof-read by several professors of literature. Don't believe me? I doubt you would, and your response to this will probably be "Based" once again. Do I give a fuck? No, does it look like I give even the slightest fuck about five fucking letters? I bet you took the time to type those five letters too, I bet you sat there and chuckled to yourself for 20 hearty seconds before pressing "send". You're so fucking pathetic. I'm honestly considering directing you to a psychiatrist, but I'm simply far too nice to do something like that. You, however, will go out of your way to make a fool out of someone by responding to a well-thought-out, intelligent, or humorous statement that probably took longer to write than you can last in bed with a chimpanzee. What do I have to say to you? Absolutely nothing. I couldn't be bothered to respond to such a worthless attempt at a response. Do you want "Based" on your gravestone?

      No More Saying Cuss Words Guys!

        No. More. Saying. Cuss words! It. Is. Not. Good. I'm putting a video on YouTube about no more saying cuss words. No more saying cuss words guys! It's inappropriate and violent! If you say a cuss word then you're like, going to jail, and you're like, and when you go to jail, i- ba- when you go to jail, if you say, if you say a cuss word you go to jail and if you go to jail cause you said a cuss word, then... You're only gonna eat BROCCOLI and OTHER VEGETABLES for your WHOLE LIFE. You don't want to eat vegetables. Sometimes people like eating sweets but, I eat broccoli. So, I'm okay with broccoli but I do not want to go to jail. You can not go to jail. And saying cuss words is ILLEGAL. They are now gonna make a law about that. It is illegal, it is inappropriate, it is really violent. I better warn my school about that.

        100T owner Nadeshot proudly waited outside the PCroom

          100T owner Nadeshot proudly waited outside the PCroom after the final round to give Asuna and the players on his victorious new-look team an appreciative fist pound on Sunday afternoon. Duelist Will yelled out, “There you go! There you go.” Master clutcher Derrek gave a look of pleasant surprise. IGL Stellar yelled out, “We got an [expletive] squad now.” And before Asuna hit the PC room door, former 100T great Hiko hugged him and said, “Y’all look so different.”

          AITA the asshole for killing tens of millions of people because I wasn’t accepted into art school ?

            I (56M) am an Austrian living in Germany and always wanted to be an artist since I was a child, I lived in a poor household and frequently moved houses and so I didnt have many friend and so I took an interest in drawing, I used to draw all the time with passion, as soon as school finished I used to quickly go home and start drawing, and before I knew it it was night already, that's all I really did all day in my childhood and teens, putting my heart and soul into each and every art piece I've made, I was so proud and full of joy each time I complete a art work, it was the joy of my life, and I was sure that I was gonna continue to pursue this hobby all my life making it my career, so fast forward a couple of years, I dropped out of school at age 16, because I had other goals in life and went on to continue pursuing my art journey and applied at Germany's biggest art school, Academy of Fine Arts, I entered and left the exam room confident in my acceptance, I spent the rest of the day feeling immensely ecstatic, eagerly waiting for the letter to come in the mail, and soon enough hear it came, a gold coloured letter with fine writing, I though by the image of the letter it would say that I was accepted, but I was wrong, I was beyond shocked and surprised, the thought of it saying rejected hasent even crossed my mind since I applied, I was overly confident, I nearly fell unconscious, I felt sick, I felt betrayed, I felt depressed as all my life came crashing on me, that was the only thing I was good in, that was my life, and now it was all gone, I have no purpose in life, I started becoming an alcoholic to escape my depression and years later after forcibly fighting in a world war and seeing death all around me, It made me feel better, knowing that there were people who had it worst than me and that gave me the motivation to make myself a big figure and rise to highest ranks people to command people so I could fuel my happiness and to also take my revenge from the bastards who rejected me, am I the asshole?

            National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

              If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please reach out. You can find help at a National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
              USA: 18002738255 US Crisis textline: 741741 text HOME
              United Kingdom: 116 123
              Trans Lifeline (877-565-8860)