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Mario Victim #1

    Mario Victim #1
    Mario Victim #1 creepypasta has been solved!
    Mario Victim #1 is a classic creepypasta about a mysterious ROM hack of Super Mario World. An image, commonly assumed to be the corpse of Victim #1, is hidden in the "3007014.txt" file packaged with the hack. The image can also be found in the files of the hack's creator on SMW Central, named "victim1.jpg". 
    The image’s origins were shrouded in mystery for many years, until it was found by user “G O D” from the Victimcord discord server. 
    The image was taken from an ARG for the band "Common Man Down" hosted on 4chan. The original image is an edited photo of a cosplayer of Kyo, vocalist for heavy metal band Dir En Grey, which was discovered on 1st September 2023.
    The origin of "Mario Victim #1" image

    ULTRAKILL Gabriel

      Machine... I will cut you down, break you apart, splay the gore of your profane form across the STARS! I will grind you down until the very SPARKS CRY FOR MERCY! My hands shall RELISH ENDING YOU... HERE! AND! NOW!
      Machine, turn back now. The layers of this palace are not for your kind. Turn back, or you will be crossing the Will of GOD... Your choice is made. As the righteous hand of the Father, I shall REND YOU APART, and you will become inanimate once more.
      What? How can this be? Bested by this... this thing? You insignificant FUCK! THIS IS NOT OVER! May your woes be many, and your days few!
      Your choice is made. As the righteous hand of The Father, I shall rend you apart, and you will become inanimate once more.
      Machine, turn back now. The layers of this palace are not for your kind. Turn back, or you will be crossing the Will of God.
      What? How can this be? Bested by this... this thing? You insignificant FUCK! THIS IS NOT OVER!
      May your woes be many, and your days few!
      Foolishness, machine. Foolishness.
      An imperfection to be cleansed...
      You are LESS than nothing!
      Machine, I know you're here. I can smell the insolent stench of your bloodstained hands. I await you down below. Come to me.
      Limbo, Lust, all gone... With Gluttony soon to follow. Your kind know nothing but hunger; purged all life on the upper layers, and yet they remain unsatiated... As do you. You've taken everything from me, machine. And now all that remains is PERFECT HATRED.
      Twice!? Beaten by an object... Twice! I've only known the taste of victory, but this taste... Is- Is this my blood? Haha- I've never known such... Such... relief..? I- I need some time to think... We will meet again, machine. May your woes be many... and your days few.

      Daddy 🤠 Trump 🥵 getting RAILED 🚅

        😱 UH OH 🫣 the loooong 😏 💪 arm 💪 of the law 🇺🇸👩🏻‍⚖️ has swung 🍒 low 🍒 to give Daddy 🤠 Trump 🥵 a good 👏 SLAP 💥😜 The 🏙️ DEEP state Georgia 🍆 DICKstrict 🍆 Attorney's 😯 criminal 🔎 invesTITgation 🍈🍈 into Trump's 💦 ERECTION interference 🤯🫢 is getting 🔥 🔥🔥 HOTTER 🥵 and now the President’s ASS 🍑 is on the line☝️🧐 in FulCUM County JAIL 🔐😤😫
        Send this to 🔟 of your 😜💅 SLUTTIEST 💕 seditionists 🤪 and if you get 0️⃣ back ☹️, get ready 😬 to do some 😏🍆 HARD TIME 👎😱 If you get 5️⃣-🔟 back, you can Hang 🤙Mike Pence 👴 by his wrinkly balls 🏐🏐 If you get 🔟➕ back then 🦅 Daddy Trump 🫡😘 will Make America GAPE Again 🍆 God Bless 🙏🇺🇸 Our Sexy Troops 😩🥰😩

        I used to work at an abortion clinic

          It would be a shame if this crash ProLifeWhistleBlower website...
          I used to work at an abortion clinic and I saw some extremely fucked up shit there which is why I'm so anti-abortion now. This is just SOME of the horrible stuff I personally witnessed:
          • ⁠A 23 year old woman came in 11 months into her pregnancy and said "I don't want my stupid baby anymore, kill it" and the doctor said "okay" and he put jumper cables up her baby hole and connected them to a car battery and let it run for six days straight
          • ⁠A little 8-year old girl wandered in and said "I want an abortion but I am not pregnant" and the doctor said "we'll fix that" and he stole a baby and cut the girl open and put the baby inside her and sewed her shut and then woke the girl up and said "congratulations it's a healthy six year old boy" and the girl said "can I keep him" and the doctor said no and then backed over her in the parking lot with his brand new Ford Raptor
          • ⁠They made me sign an agreement promising to stop drinking from the medical waste container (I signed somebody else's name)
          • ⁠One of the doctors there developed a futuristic ray gun that could make anything he shot have an abortion, even trees, cars, or barns
          • ⁠The receptionist threw nail polish at an elderly man
          • ⁠The doctor's assistant invented this thing she called "the silly slide" and it was a really fun little water slide that connected a woman's vagina to a paper shredder so a newborn baby could briefly "enjoy the high life"
          • ⁠The oldest child we aborted was in his late 70s, we didn't even know he was a baby until his wife brought in photos
          • ⁠The doctors put all sorts of crap up a woman's uterus including a clown nose, bicycle handlebars, a calendar, and an entire Sears retail outlet (before bankruptcy)
          • ⁠During every successful abortion, the doctor would shout "take that, baby" and he'd push a red button that made sirens go off and confetti fell from the ceiling and we'd all get Del Taco for free
          • ⁠Sometimes the doctors would play "abortion roulette" where they'd grab a random baby from the waiting room and abort it just for fun
          • ⁠There was this one patient who came in and said "I want an abortion but I don't want to get my period" and the doctor said "we can do that" and he put a rubber band around her cervix so her period would just go backwards into her body and she died
          • ⁠The clinic was right next to an Olive Garden and one day the manager of the Olive Garden came in and said "I'm here to talk to you about your music" and the doctor said "what music" and the guy said "the music that's been blaring from your clinic all day and night, it's really disrupting our customers" and the doctor said "oh, that's just the screams of the dying babies" and the guy said "can you turn it down a little" and the doctor said "sure" and he turned up the volume
          • ⁠We once had a woman come in who was pregnant with quadruplets, and the doctor said "well, we can't very well abort just three of them can we" and so he aborted all four of them
          • ⁠We had this one patient who came in and she had an abortion and she was really happy and she was like "I feel so much lighter now" and she floated up to the ceiling and we had to get a ladder to get her down

          I want Demi-fiend to fuck me

            Demi-fiend from SMT copypasta
            I want Demi-fiend to fuck me so hard.
            Just imagine it. Going to bed after a long trip through the Vortex World. Not even having to take off much clothing, seeing as he's already showing off his sexy muscles. Unzipping his tight pants and seeing his huge tattooed cock swing out fully erect. Gently touching it and seeing it throb with hot black sticky demon precum. Putting it in my mouth and just going ham. Seeing his tattoos change glow in pleasure. Them him just grabbing me by the hair and pulling me all the way in as the cum fills my tummy.
            Putting me on the bed and preparing my ass for the upcoming. Then him ramming his whole dick in there in one go. Scraping it and hitting it nonstop. Using me as a sperm dump. Filling my ass full. Hitting me so hard that I can't sit for a week.
            Then him shoving his whole fist inside and Deathbounding inside my ass, destroying my insides. Making my asshole all bloody and drooling with Magatsuchi. Summoning Mara to stretch my ass, which then cums inside too to create a Vortex World inside my ass. Then Demi-fiend just straight up Gaea Raging me and making my whole body tear apart oh my fucking god so hot I get hard just thinking about it~
            Then him summoning some demon lolitas to eat my remains oh fuck yes

            Shin Megami Tensei – Oni

              Oni from Shin Megami Tensei (SMT)
              I have never beaten Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. I can’t beat Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne.
              It all began the first time I got to Ikebukuro. I finally defeated the matador by buffing retards so he’d kill them instead, and when I finally reached the town I was greeted by the biggest, manliest demon I’ve ever seen: Oni.
              Oni is perfect. Those crimson abs, gigantic, powerful biceps that could snap your spine in half, and small beady eyes. It took every bit of willpower that I had to power through the Mantra HQ and continue with the game. But then later came the Ikebukuro tunnels.
              Immediately knowing that I was going into a dark tunnel complex with four big, strong Oni lurking around got me super aroused. I was sweating buckets, my hands clamming up and my Captain America underpants were getting tight. When I ran into the first Oni down there I completely lost myself. When it attacked me, I couldn’t bear to attack back. I just wanted to let myself be brutalized and taken deep into the tunnels by these 4 big manly demons, never to be seen again.
              God, I could just imagine it. My battered body being thrown over the thug’s shoulder and carried for hours to the deepest point of the tunnels. Being roughly hurled to the ground as all 4 of them whip out their giant, red floppy dongs and let loose a torrent of warm, golden liquid all over my bare, bruised buns. Relieving themselves completely all over me, leaving me helpless in a growing pool of their glorious golden nectar. Coming back time and time again to pee on me, using me like a cheap magatsuhi battery.
              To this day I have never gotten through the tunnels because I cannot muster the willpower to willingly escape these obscenely sexy demons.
              I need help, r/megaten. How can I complete Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, when every fiber of my being begs me to end my journey through the vortex world being showered in Oni pee and surrendering all my magatsuhi?