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God I love the limited 3D they use for this game. It’s so charming

    God I love the limited 3D they use for this game. It's so charming
    God I love the limited 3D they use for this game. It's so charming
    god i love the limited 3d they use for this game its so charming
    god i hate the limited 3d they used in this game. its so infuriating.
    god i love the limited 3d they use for this game its so charming
    god i love the charming 3d graphics in this game its so limited :D
    god i charm the love the limited 3d game god use in this charm its so gaming
    Yo this might be an unpopular opinion but I love the limited 3D in this game!
    God I love the limited Soup they used for this game its so tasty
    God this game is so charming with its limited 3d
    god i love the animated 2D sprites that they used for this game its so charming
    God I Love The Limited Salty D K Dans Season 2 Of Friendlocke Its So Entertaining.
    God chungus I love the chungus the limited 3D chungus they used in this chungus game chungus its so chungus
    Hey Derek whats your thoughts on the limited 3d they used on this game. I think its so charming.
    god i love the limited 3d they use for this game its so charming
    Shod Shy Shlove Shuh Shlimited Shree Dee Shits Sho Sharming deh deh deh deh deh deh deh deh deh deh
    God I love the limited chat jokes its so charming
    god i am limited 3d
    God i love the limited 3d they used for this game its so charming
    Bianca hold me down and blow me while I say how the 3d limiter use in this game is good.
    Ive recently been drawing pokemon as guns im boutta draw jay as a Igglygun btw i donated earlier and it didnt show and i love the charming 2D graphics in this game layers tool goes brrrrrrr
    Im pretty indifferent to the limited 3D in this game I dont mind it all that much
    God I love the wa wa wee wa in this game its a very nice
    God I love the limited 3D they used for this game it's so charming
    I was born with no depth perception. Thankfully this game uses charming 2d graphics so I can watch.
    my heavens i enjoy the scarce three dimensional graphics the developers used for this video game. it is quite the sight for sore eyes
    . .. / .. / ... ... . / .... . / ... .. .. . .. / ... .. / .. . / .... .. ... / . . . .. / .. .. ... / ... / .. .... . .. .. . .
    god i love the limited charming graphics in this game theyre so 3d
    God I love the chungus the limited 3D chungus they used in this chungus. its so chungus
    God I game the love the 3D game is so graphics
    Yo these limited charming 3d graphics look like the Battle Pass
    Hey dude just wanted to know your opinion on the limited 3D they used for this game?
    Saltman if you catch a Trubbish I will piss myself. Hard. Full force. Please let me piss hard Im desperate.
    Hey Joe welcome to the party. What do you think of the limited 3d they used for this game? I think its so charming.
    Charm game limited haha funny word combination make funny laugh joke made laugh my butt butt off. Now that my friend is what we call a callback.
    Hello welcome to Olive Garden were having a special on unlimited 3D if you order the fortnite pasta
    God I love the limited moveset of Jay hes so charming
    god i love the limited big chungus they used for this game its so big and chungus
    this is the fuckin 3d ever
    does Limited 3D Graphics Have Cute Charm as an ability?
    Charming Limited 3D is the Sus Imposter Amogus of this Friendlocke stream.
    Wow! The repetitive 3D joke thats most likely causing the donation lag and causing my sanity is so charming!
    went to get some cookies and oh my god the chat is STILL spamming the 3d charming joke. the cookies were good though i thought id share :
    Damn I love the limited white vans they used on Daniel its so charming
    Damn Daniel back at it again with the charming limited 3D
    Damn Daniel back at it again with the charming limited 3D

    Baby Gronk

      Livvy just convinced Baby Gronk to commit to LSU. Baby Gronk is the number one college football prospect in the country. He averages 300 yards and 5 touchdowns a game. On his visit to LSU, Livvy rizzed him up. Livvy even hugged Baby Gronk. He might be the new Rizz King. Do you think Baby Gronk will lead LSU to a national championship?
      Livvy just convinced Baby Gronk to commit to LSU. Baby Gronk is the number one college football prospect in the country. He averages 300 yards and 5 touchdowns a game. On his visit to LSU, Livvy rizzed him up. Livvy even hugged Baby Gronk. He might be the new Rizz King. Do you think Baby Gronk will lead LSU to a national championship?
      Baby Gronk just stole Livvy from the Drip King. On his visit to LSU, Baby Gronk rizzed up Livvy and they started dating. They're so in love, Baby Gronk got Livvy's name tattooed on his arm. Is Baby Gronk the new Drip King? Or is Livvy just using him for clout?
      Baby Gronk may have just found his rival. Livvy Dunne's boyfriend, Baby Gronk, is the number one college football prospect in the country, but his number one spot was just challenged by his new enemy, Baby Diggs. "It's a parade inside my city, yeah!" Baby Diggs is an elite player who plays both wide receiver and quarterback. He is currently the number one football player in the class of 2030 in New York. He also called out Baby Gronk to 1v1 him. "Baby Gronk, I'm calling you out, 1v1 me." Who do you think would win in a 1v1: Baby Gronk or Baby Diggs?
      Livvy just convinced Baby Gronk to commit to LSU.
      Baby Gronk is the number one college football prospect in the country.
      He averages 300 yards and 5 touchdowns a game!
      On his visit to LSU Livvy rizzed him up!
      Livvy even hugged Baby Gronk!
      He might be the new rizz king.
      Do you think Baby Gronk will lead LSU to a national championship?

      A micropenis is the optimal penis

        Okay so hear me out. If you are a man blessed with a millimeter defeater you have ultimate powr. Everyone says "no mircropenis bad" and "female get no plesur." One would think these things mean you have less success as the alpha male you are but this is the complete opposite truth. With the amazing micropenis, you can imparaganate all the females your heart so desires.
        How to imparaganate: You have yor micropenis, but you wanna knoe how to use it right. Imagine this- you are at the club and see all the amazing maidens surrounding you. You just know you haev to imparaganate at least one of them. Quietly, you unzip yor pants and reveal your mini marvel. You walk around and find the most fertile female at the party. You accidentally bump her from behind. She thinks that this is just mistaek since there are so many peeple. Little does she know however that you have rammed your tiny injector all 2.346 millimeters insid her. Instantly from all the amaezing plesur that you feel you bust a massive load. But she feels nothing cause yor weenor is so smol. After this 0.00000000001 second exchange you pull out and apalogize for your silly silly mistakey bump. She dusts off and walks away. As you also step back from the scene you smile because you know that you just gave this female the fruit of your loom. She shall be the wonderful bearer of your child.
        With this amazing knowlidge, you know run around imperaganating all the females of the world while they have not a clue. Your micropenis has singlehandedly carried on your bloodline for thousands of millennia.
        The takeaway: Micropenis = stealthmode = fertilization = carry on the legacy of the great father of the new generations

        Cum has ruined food for me

          A few days ago, after ejaculating, I noticed that my cum had a delicious aroma and decided to give it a taste. I both regret it more than any other decision I have made in my life and see it as a positive, life-changing experience.
          Cum has a taste like no other. It has both a subtle sweetness that I didn’t know was possible to achieve and a tangy, bitter aftertaste that I can’t describe as anything other than divine. The consistency depends on my fluid intake, but the viscous yet fluid type is what I like. I have noticed that I need to have 1.5-2 liters of water, 6 hours before ejaculation to achieve this consistency, which is neither too runny, nor too jelly-like. This is the kind that can be consumed straight after ejaculation, without any additives.
          The runny kind does have its uses, though, unless it is too runny. I’ve tried making cumlettes with it and they’ve turned out really well, except for the quantity, of course.
          I like to have the spongy, jelly-like stuff (which comes out when I’m dehydrated) with a bit of powdered sugar on top as dessert and it is absolutely scrumptious.
          The bad thing about this is that I can only cum so much every day, which makes it harder to secure nutrition, as normal food seems bland to me now.

          Sperm banking is wildest process on the planet.

            Before you do anything, they have to check pretty much everything. You need a weight check, you need to get a lot of blood drawn, you need to get felt up by a nurse, the whole nine yards.
            You have to sign a document labeling what to do with it in case you die before using it. One of the options was giving it to somebody for their own personal use. I have no fucking idea what that meant, but it scared me that anyone wouldn't just toss it once they died.
            I had a doc tell me I have wildly high sperm production in density and amount. You ever have a medical practitioner tell you that you cum buckets of premium jizz? I have!
            They had fucking charts on the walls with instructions and diagrams. Detailed descriptions, instructions what to do in case of a spillage, and literally seven signs telling people to wash their hands before and after.
            They had an entire cupboard filled with bottles of lube. They restocked the room after every patient. There was a button you could use to call someone in case you RAN OUT OF LUBE!
            The couch was the LEAST SKIN FRIENDLY MATERIAL ON THE PLANET. Idk what it was but it was terrible in every way.
            There was a sink. There was not a paper towel dispenser.
            It was not a soundproof room but they had a fucking world class sound system to watch porn on. IT WAS SURROND SOUND! FOR PORN!
            There was 5 locks on the door.
            There was a lamp. I have no fucking idea why or in what context the lamp would be used for. There were no magazines.
            They had no instructions for the confusing as hell TV. 80% of the videos they had were gay porn.
            When you're done, you had to take your sample out of the room to bring to the nurse. The hallway to the nurse was in full view of the waiting room. You would have to walk by at least one innocent citizen holding a cup of your jizz.
            I was deeply uncomfortable for the entire process.
            I could go on and on about this enigma of an experience.

            Oh my god drop the porn addict shit

              oh my god drop the porn addict shit dude A porn addict would have their dick in their hand on the constant. They would be unable to stop and they would be unable to focus unless they have their hand on their dick or a finger in their puss. Your painting me as someone who watches people fuck like a 4 year old watches cocomelon. And to that I say, I listen to porn not watch it. It's more stimulating. But thats besides the point, right now I wanna focus on the fact that your painting me like someone who wont shut up about it, can't not talk about it, wont talk about anything else other than sex. Which isn't true. Of course your kind of forcing my hand to talk about it, but fun fact! I do talk about other things. When it comes to people I actually, oh Idunno, care about, I do talk about other stuff and throw in a horny joke because its FUCKING FUNNY. I make jokes about current conversation and if I can turn it from T for Teens to M for Mature with one sentence and its tasteful? Hell yeah i'm gonna do it. You've obviously never talked to (woman) with her filter off, or her friends, or my friends, or really anyone at this school. Sex really isn't that taboo of a subject especially when TEACHERS ARE MAKING JOKES ABOUT IT TOO. Is it common? No not at all, but i've been at the forefront of these jokes before. Front and center, best seat in the stadium to (teacher) making a sex joke, or that one time on the VERY FIRST FUCKING DAY someone made a daddy kink joke to (teacher). Directly to him and the entire class, no hesitation. So yeah. it may be my fault, but it sure as hell aint only my fault. I'm surrounded in it and one consistent thing i've seen with ALL THE PEOPLE LIKE THIS, including myself... We all stop if someone speaks up about being uncomfortable.
              So yeah, your gay.
                  * guitar riff *