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    Definition of gooning
    "Gooning" may be most simply defined as that state usually achieved after a prolonged edging session, when a man becomes completely hypnotized by the feeling radiating his penis. Since a gooning state can only be achieved after edging, the man's dick will have become mightily aroused at this point and every caress the male genitals are subjected to will trigger potent elation. As the man keeps edging and thus keeps experiencing intense pleasure, he enters a state of trance where his mind intimately merges with his cock : the gooning state, where he and his dick become one. To be even more accurate, when the gooning state is achieved, the man's body becomes for all intents and purposes an appendage to his erection. When this state is achieved, the male becomes freed of all social codes of conduct, and his arousal, alone, dictates his reactions. As a result, a gooned out man will become very expressive and demonstrative : he may become very vocal, while his body and face might take on undignified expressions and poses, all in response to the intensely exquisite caresses his penis is exposed to. Hence the term "goon", since at this point the man effectively looks like a silly, foolish, or eccentric person.
    Gooning is not a narcissistic manifestation. Narcissism is extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one's own talents. Rather, gooning is closer to a meditation experience, where the mind and the body align, focused on a single thought (or feeling, in this case).
    I spent 10 hours gooning over the weekend.

    Official Statement Regarding My Mom.

      Official Statement Regarding My Mom.
      Ok, I’m sorry for the off topic thread, but I feel like this needs to be said. Yesterday, at around 6:46 PM Eastern Time, a fellow redditoir in this sub- who I won’t name- claimed that they “slept with my mom”.
      Let me get something straight. This anonymous redditoir didn’t sleep with my mom. In fact, none of you have ever and will never do something liek that. I know that for a fact.
      So, please, nobody believe them. If you’ve seen the comment in question, just ignore them. Ok? Thanks
      I’m sorry for derailing the chicanery but this needed to be said.

      I keep seeing Landorus-Therian everywhere and it’s ruining my life.

        This post is a cry for help. I can’t stand this anymore. Everywhere I go, this stupid orange shitstain somehow finds me and ruins my life. No matter how many defense mechanisms I have, it always come back.
        Yesterday, I was working at my job when I heard it. That fateful sound of a stat drop. I quickly leaped out of my chair and turned around, but the fucker had already used intimidate on all of my coworkers. I ran towards the bastard to punch him, but he set up stealth rocks in my cubicle, preventing me from working again. I quickly bolted to the office fridge to grab some ice cubes, but by the time I screamed “KYUREM USE ICE BEAM” the fucker had already u-turned out the window. I couldn’t work anymore because of the stealth rocks, so I had to leave so I could get a defog tm from my car.
        As I grabbed the defog tm from my car, the thing jumped me from behind and used knock off, smacking the tm into the middle of the road. Before I could go grab it, a car raced by and crushed the tm, making it worthless. As I was standing there, shocked by what happened, the orange demon used earthquake on my car, giving me 4 flat tires simultaneously. Filled with rage, I grabbed a keldeo plush from my car, shoved a pair of spectacles onto its face, and hurled it at the thing, while screaming “KELDEO USE HYDRO PUMP.” Just like always, however, my hydro pump missed, and the fucker u-turned away again.
        After I took a bus home, I was exhausted. As I was lying in my bed, depressed, my 6-year old daughter came into the room. She started talking about her favorite TV show, when suddenly, her face began to change. No. NO. As she continued talking, her face continued to morph, until it was identical to Landorus-Therian. I was ready this time, though. I quickly kicked off my shoes, revealing that I had duct-taped ice cubes to my feet. I then proceeded to triple axel the ever loving shit out of that thing. I looked up and screamed with joy, thinking it was all over. However, as I came to my senses, I saw my daughter unconscious on the floor and realized what I had done. The orange bastard had tricked me. My wife stood in the doorway, shocked, before she pulled out her phone and dialed 911. I’m writing this in the woods right now, the police are probably going to find me soon.
        Fuck Landorus-Therian.


          Silky is a demon in the SMT series
          Bro my ass could not survive the conception.
          I mean, first off, everyone who wasn't in the Shinjuku medical center died in the conception, and I don't live anywhere near Shinjuku (which is apparently a real place? Must have been made as an SMT reference).
          But if I did miraculously live to see the vortex world, I'd immediately start seeking out some sexy demons to try and negotiate with them. Maybe a Pixie, they're cute and all, but my dream would be a Silky.
          They're so pretty. Tall and elegant, with long hair that flows gracefully down their back, held back by that nice little hat to keep it out of her face when she's cleaning. She has that simple yet beautiful old European style dress that is so modest I haven't got a clue what lies underneath (the mystery is part of the appeal).
          I'd find one, walk up to her to begin negotiations and she'd say something like "So, how do you feel about cleaning?" To which I'd respond "I think it's very important and do it regularly." (Silky is a faerie that is associated with housekeeping and cleanliness, which is why I know she'd appreciate this answer, even if it's a lie).
          But then she'd probably respond to me by saying something like "Then why don't you clean your guts off the floor?" Then break off negotiations. She'd immediately hit me with a physical attack, which would be kind of hot, except she'd hit me hard enough to break my skull in two and leave me dead on the ground.