God why can’t this be me? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKK. My rage will never be satiated, the hatred that grows within me will never be tamed by Kikuri’s hand beating against my body. This world is cruel and pointless, God himself has condemned me to this disgusting cockroach planet with nothing. I’m tortured by the view into a better world while being condemned to this godforsaken planet. I hate it so much, I can’t take being here anymore. Every second without Kikuri assaulting me and calling me slurs before hatefucking is a second of pointlessness and agony. Every second without her threatening to smash my fucking skull in as I sob and beg for her to stop is the worst pain any human being can experience. My pain is constant and sharp, and I don’t wish for a better world for anyone.