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How am I the problem child wtf

    I don't smoke, vape, or do any drugs other than what the doctor gives me. Still got the ol' V-card too. Heck, my rizz levels are probably in the negatives as I haven't even had my first romantic kiss, let alone held hands in a romantic context. I also get okay grades in school so overall, no issues here, right?
    I just had to go and turn out fucking trans and apparently my parents aren't happy with my existence all because I'm not the gender they picked out for me.
    In gamer terms, I guess I'm basically trying to customize my skin because I hate the default one assigned at spawn, but the mods don't care and they say I gotta play using the default skin anyway no matter how much I dislike it. Being mods they also notice when I try using cheat codes to get around the rules. The whole thing is a load of BS honestly.