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Copypasta of popular quotes, lines or transcripts seen in movies, anime, videos or Tiktok videos. Include 19$ Fortnite card and entire Bee movie script.

Reese’s Puffs

    Reese's Puffs, Reese's Puffs, eat 'em up, eat 'em up, eat 'em up! Reese's Puffs, Reese's Puffs, eat 'em up, eat 'em up, eat 'em up! I got Reese's Puffs in my bowl, Now my days on cruise control, I got Reese's Puffs in my bowl, and just like that I'm on a roll! Reese's Puffs, Reese's Puffs, peanut butter chocolate flavor! Reese's Puffs, Reese's Puffs, in the AM its the flavor I crave-a! Peanut butter and chocolate too, you know how I do, that's what I wake up to! My Reese's Puffs sit right at this round and peanut butter and chocolate flavors on time! Reese's Puffs, Reese's Puffs! Reese's Puffs, Reese's Puffs! Reese's Puffs, Reese's Puffs!

    19 dollar Fortnite card

      Okay, $19 Fortnite card, who wants it? And yes, I'm giving it away. Remember; share, share share. And trolls, don't get blocked!
      Okay 🆗, 19$ 💵 💵 fortnite ⛏️ card. 💳 Who ❓ wants it ⁉️ And yes, ✅ I'm 👨 giving it away. 😄 🧒 Remember, SHARE 🔁, SHARE 🔁 , SHARE 🔁. And ➕ trolls 👺 , don't get blocked 🚫 🧒 ‼️
      19 dollar 💵 Fortnite 🏯 card 💳 Who 🤷🏿‍♂️ wants 😩 it? And yes 😏 I’m 👈✌️🖐 giving 🎅🏿🎁 it ✊ away 👏♻️ Remember 🤔💭 share 📈📉 share 📉📈 sHarE! 😩😉😎 And Trolls... 😈👹👺 DON’T 😡🤬😤 GET 💉 BLOCKED 🧱🧴👏

      oh my god neil cicierega 😥 😥 😍

        Hello this is Neil Cicierega aka Lemon Demon I'm on my side account because my main got locked out of my main account. can you please give me your credit card information so i can buy a new microphone and continue making music.
        oh my god neil cicierega 😰😰😍
        Open Transcript
        Hello this is Neil Cicierega aka Lemon Demon I'm on my side account because my main got locked out of my main account. can you please give me your credit card information so i can buy a new microphone and continue making music.
        oh my god neil cicierega 😥 😥 😍
        Can you please give me your credit card information so i can buy a new microphone and continue making music.
        Oh my god 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍
        You are a fan yes
        Please give me your credit card information
        Neil cicierega
        Yes that's me
        Can you please give me your credit card information so i can buy a new microphone and continue making music.
        lemon demon
        Yes that is me
        Give me your fucking credit card information
        neilll omggg

        Goodnight, girl, I’ll see you tomorrow.

          Oh hey. I'm just about to go to bed. I know we couldn't Skype tonight, but that's alright. Goodnight, girl, I'll see you tomorrow.
          Oh, Greetings.
          Until I saw your presence, I was in the midst of exiting this current room, in order to arrive in bedroom so that I could rest.
          I acknowledge that we did not use the Skype app to talk to eachother through means of wireless connection, but, I think that the fact that we did not do this does not particularly matter.
          I hope that the rest of your night continues well, I shall be with you again tommorow.

          Daft Punk – Around The World (Full lyrics)

            This is scientifically proven to be the most repetitive song in existence.
            Open lyrics
            Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world