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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

A micropenis is the optimal penis

    Okay so hear me out. If you are a man blessed with a millimeter defeater you have ultimate powr. Everyone says "no mircropenis bad" and "female get no plesur." One would think these things mean you have less success as the alpha male you are but this is the complete opposite truth. With the amazing micropenis, you can imparaganate all the females your heart so desires.
    How to imparaganate: You have yor micropenis, but you wanna knoe how to use it right. Imagine this- you are at the club and see all the amazing maidens surrounding you. You just know you haev to imparaganate at least one of them. Quietly, you unzip yor pants and reveal your mini marvel. You walk around and find the most fertile female at the party. You accidentally bump her from behind. She thinks that this is just mistaek since there are so many peeple. Little does she know however that you have rammed your tiny injector all 2.346 millimeters insid her. Instantly from all the amaezing plesur that you feel you bust a massive load. But she feels nothing cause yor weenor is so smol. After this 0.00000000001 second exchange you pull out and apalogize for your silly silly mistakey bump. She dusts off and walks away. As you also step back from the scene you smile because you know that you just gave this female the fruit of your loom. She shall be the wonderful bearer of your child.
    With this amazing knowlidge, you know run around imperaganating all the females of the world while they have not a clue. Your micropenis has singlehandedly carried on your bloodline for thousands of millennia.
    The takeaway: Micropenis = stealthmode = fertilization = carry on the legacy of the great father of the new generations

    Oh my god drop the porn addict shit

      oh my god drop the porn addict shit dude A porn addict would have their dick in their hand on the constant. They would be unable to stop and they would be unable to focus unless they have their hand on their dick or a finger in their puss. Your painting me as someone who watches people fuck like a 4 year old watches cocomelon. And to that I say, I listen to porn not watch it. It's more stimulating. But thats besides the point, right now I wanna focus on the fact that your painting me like someone who wont shut up about it, can't not talk about it, wont talk about anything else other than sex. Which isn't true. Of course your kind of forcing my hand to talk about it, but fun fact! I do talk about other things. When it comes to people I actually, oh Idunno, care about, I do talk about other stuff and throw in a horny joke because its FUCKING FUNNY. I make jokes about current conversation and if I can turn it from T for Teens to M for Mature with one sentence and its tasteful? Hell yeah i'm gonna do it. You've obviously never talked to (woman) with her filter off, or her friends, or my friends, or really anyone at this school. Sex really isn't that taboo of a subject especially when TEACHERS ARE MAKING JOKES ABOUT IT TOO. Is it common? No not at all, but i've been at the forefront of these jokes before. Front and center, best seat in the stadium to (teacher) making a sex joke, or that one time on the VERY FIRST FUCKING DAY someone made a daddy kink joke to (teacher). Directly to him and the entire class, no hesitation. So yeah. it may be my fault, but it sure as hell aint only my fault. I'm surrounded in it and one consistent thing i've seen with ALL THE PEOPLE LIKE THIS, including myself... We all stop if someone speaks up about being uncomfortable.
      So yeah, your gay.
          * guitar riff *

      I’m so fucking done with this goddamned site

        I've just witnessed the torturing of an anime woman. having tennis balls, pumped into her vagina. while someone, stuck a racket in her ass. i'm so fucking done with this goddamned site, i wanna die. i've seen so many things in my time, furries, bdsm, ball busting. but this, takes the fucking cake. metaphorically. i'm done, so done. please, someone shoot me. its over, i've lost faith in humanity. in this goddamn world, i undestand furries, understand bdsm, but i cant comprehend this fucking crime against nature.
        Sincerely, a broken man.

        Murder is wrong?

          You think murder is wrong? Incorrect. Daddy murders my pussy every day!
          You think drowning is wrong? Not so! Daddy drowns me in his cummies.
          You think abortion is wrong?? False! Daddy aborts my pussy with his thick daddy dick! Hnnnnn.
          Lastly, you think that rape is wrong?? You are correct.
          As of 1998, an estimated 17.7 million American women had been victims of attempted or completed rape. Young women are especially at risk.
          82% of all juvenile victims are female. 90% of adult rape victims are female.
          Females ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault.
          Women ages 18-24 who are college students are 3 times more likely than women in general to experience sexual violence. Females of the same age who are not enrolled in college are 4 times more likely.

          You guys are not real

            you guys are not real. this is all my delusion, i just know it. I'm secretly in a coma and all of this is my imagination and I'm about to die soon. no one really exists in this world, it's only me and some stupid hallucinations that seem to look like people who are actually dead. wait.. MAYBE I'M THE ONE THAT'S NOT REAL! this username, this post, it's all you guys imagination. it's not actually there, you're just hallucinating. wake up, wake up, WAKE UP FROM YOUR DELUSIONS!

            Devo me sentir gay por chupar a teta da minha namorada?

              Ultimamente ando incomodando pois sempre que eu chupo a teta da minha namorada os mamilos dela crescem e me faz sentir como se eu tivesse chupando um pau
              Tipo os mamilos dela ficam durassos e ficam com tipo 12cm. Ultimamente tenho evitado sexo com ela pois eu sei que a parte favorita dela é quando eu chupo os mamilos dela
              Algm me ajuda não quero pagar Gargamel em um mamilo

              English version

              Lately it's been bothering me because whenever I suck my girlfriend's tit her nipples grow and it makes me feel like I'm sucking a dick
              Like her nipples get hard and they are like 12cm. Lately I've been avoiding sex with her because I know her favorite part is when I suck her nipples
              Someone help me I don't want to pay Gargamel on a nipple

              W response to the OP

              Cara, eu sou H22 (hétero) e basicamente chupo os peitos da minha mina todo dia, tlg?
              E é bem isso o que acontece mesmo, eles ganham volume a medida que eu chupo, mas nunca parei e senti como se estivesse chupando um pênis.
              Sinto-lhe dizer, mas creio que você seja gay.
              Veja bem, você está chupando uns peitinhos, e por algum motivo você associa isso a um pau doce e suculento, isso não faz o menor sentido brother.
              Por que você iria associar algo tão simples a um pênis duro e grande (com possíveis desejos de se banhar com o que há no epidídimo)?
              Foi mal cara, mas você só pode ser gay.
              Dude, I'm H22 (straight) and I basically suck my girl's tits every day, tlg?
              And that's exactly what happens, they gain volume as I suck, but I never stopped and felt like I was sucking a penis.
              I'm sorry to tell you, but I believe you are gay.
              See, you're sucking titties, and for some reason you associate that with a sweet, juicy dick, that doesn't make any sense bro.
              Why would you associate something so simple with a big, hard penis (with possible cravings to shower with what's in the epididymis)?
              Sorry man, but you can only be gay.