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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

Billie Eilish has been frustrated with Apex Legends

    Billie Eilish, singer, reveals in a recent interview with Vogue America that lately she’s been frustrated with Apex Legends. “There’s an unfair legend in the game called Seer right now that Respawn won’t seem to do anything about. He takes skill completely out of the game.”
    Billie Eilish, singer, reveals in a recent interview with Vogue America that lately she’s been frustrated with Apex Legends.
    "There’s an unfair legend in the game called Seer right now that Respawn won’t seem to do anything about. He takes skill completely out of the game."

    Ford F-150

      Have you ever been beaten by a wet spaghetti noodle by your girlfriend cuz she has a twin sister and you got confused and fucked her dad, well that’s how it feels to drive a Ford F-250
      That sounds really cool. But you know what else is cool? The new 2020 Ford F-150, winner of 10 J.D. power awards. Perfect for hauling big things and going long distances. But you want to go offroad? Try the new Raptor Edition, which cannot just go offroad, it is perfect for going extreme offroading. You can go rock climbing or across a desert, really quickly. It is also good for the great American thing - BBQs! In fact, you can haul MORE than one oven! That's pretty cool, huh? So hurry, and buy the new 2020 Ford F-150, now for sale at your local Ford dealership.

      Navy Seals Uwu version

        w-what the fwickk did you just fwickking say about me,,, y-you wittle m-meanie? i-i’ll have you know i gwaduated t-top of my cwass in the navy seaws, and i’ve been invowved in numewous s-secwet w-waids on aw-quaeda, and i have o-over 300 confiwmed kills ☆⌒ヽ(“、)chu i am twained in g-gowiwwa w-wawfare and i’m the top sniper in the e-entire us a-awmed fowces〜☆ you are nothing t-to me b-but just a-another tawget ☆:・゚ i will wipe you the fwickk out with pwecision the wikes of which has never been seen before on this eawth, mawk my fwickking wowds-.- you think you can get away with saying that p-poopoo to me over the intewnet〜☆ t-think again (.).., f-fwickker ☆:・゚ a-as we speak i am contacting my secwet netwowk of spies acwoss the u-usa and youw i-ip is b-being twaced wight now so y-you better pwepare f-fow the s-stowm, maggot. the stowm t-that wipes out the pathetic wittle thing you call youw w-wife (≧◡≦) ur fwickking dead (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄).. kid ☆⌒ヽ(“、)chu i c-can be anywhere uguu.., anytime (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄).. and i c-can k-kill y-you in over seven hundwed ways, and that’s j-just with my bare hands. not onwy am i extensivewy twained i-in u-unawmed c-combat, but i have access to t-the entire awsenaw of the united states mawine cowps and i w-will use it to its full extent to wipe y-youw misewable boi pussy off the face of the c-continent, you wittle p-poopoo. if onwy y-you couwd have k-known what unhowy wetwibution youw wittle “cwevew” c-comment w-was about to bwing d-down upon you, maybe you w-wouwd have hewd youw fwickking tongue. but you couwdn’t, you didn’tO.o and now ur p-paying the pwice, you goddamn idiot. i will poopoo fuwy all over y-you and you will dwown in it (≧◡≦) ur fwickking dead, k-kiddo.

        I fucking hate it when people misunderstand the fourth dimension

          I hate when people spit out this nonsense about fourth dimensional creatures being able to traverse time as we can traverse space.
          This is not true. When referring to the fourth dimension, we’re referring to a fourth spatial dimension. In our reality, we have three spatial dimensions and one temporal dimension.
          In space, we can travel forwards/backwards, left/right, and up/down. Time, however, can travel in only one direction: forwards. Hence, our reality has three dimensions of space and one dimension of time. If you wanted to add a fourth dimension, you’d be referring to adding a fourth spatial dimension, because there are not three temporal dimensions to add a fourth to.
          That fourth space dimension is often referred to as “triength” and cannot be perceived nor comprehended by our three dimensional brains. While it’s hard to explain exactly what it is, I can tell you what it’s not: the ability to freely move through time.

          I thought using loops was cheating

            I thought using loops was cheating, so I programmed my own using samples. I then thought using samples was cheating, so I recorded real drums. I then thought that programming it was cheating, so I learned to play drums for real. I then thought using bought drums was cheating, so I learned to make my own. I then thought using premade skins was cheating, so I killed a goat and skinned it. I then thought that that was cheating too, so I grew my own goat from a baby goat. I also think that is cheating, but I’m not sure where to go from here. I haven’t made any music lately, what with the goat farming and all.

            Oh so you are fan of MrBeast? Name every of his video

              I Survived 50 Hours In Antarctica • Hydraulic Press Vs Lamborghini • 100 Kids Vs 100 Adults For $500,000 • Last To Take Hand Off Jet, Keeps It! • $1 vs $1,000,000 Hotel Room! • Survive 100 Days In Circle, Win $500,000 • I Hunted 100 People! • I Survived A Plane Crash • I Gave My 100,000,000th Subscriber An Island • 100 Girls Vs 100 Boys For $500,000 • I Didn’t Eat Food For 30 Days • I Built Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory! • $10,000 Every Day You Survive Prison • Would You Swim With Sharks For $100,000? • World’s Most Dangerous Escape Room! • Extreme $1,000,000 Hide And Seek • $1,000,000 Influencer Tournament! • I Got Hunted By The Military • $456,000 Squid Game In Real Life! • I Cleaned The World’s Dirtiest Beach #TeamSeas • Last To Take Hand Off Lamborghini, Keeps It • First To Rob Bank Wins $100,000 • Extreme $500,000 Game Of Tag! • Last To Leave Circle Wins $500,000 • I Got Hunted By The FBI • If You Can Carry $1,000,000 You Keep It! • Would YOU Quit School For $100,000? • I Survived 50 Hours In A Maximum Security Prison • Hit The Target, Win $300,000 • Anything You Can Fit In The Triangle I’ll Pay For • I Got Hunted By A Real Bounty Hunter • Extreme $100,000 Game of Tag! • Would You Sit In Snakes For $10,000? • I Bought The World's Largest Mystery Box! ($500,000) • I Spent 50 Hours Buried Alive • Offering People $100,000 To Quit Their Job • I Sold My House For $1 • If You Press This, I’ll Pay... • I Ate $100,000 Golden Ice Cream • I Bought Everything In 5 Stores • Youtube Rewind 2020, Thank God It's Over • I Put 1,000,000,000 Christmas Lights On A House (World Record) • I Opened A Restaurant That Pays You To Eat At It • I Gave People $1,000,000 But ONLY 1 Minute To Spend It! • Steal This $100,000 Diamond, You Keep It • Press This Button To Win $100,000! • I Survived 24 Hours Straight In Ice • I Uber’d People And Let Them Keep The Car • I Filled My Brother’s House With Slime & Bought Him A New One • Hi Me In 5 Years • Would You Rather Have A Giant Diamond or $100,000? • I Gave My 40,000,000th Subscriber 40 Cars • Why I Haven’t Been Uploading • Get This Random Person 1,000,000 Subscribers • Would YOU Rather Have A Lamborghini or This House? • Last To Leave $800,000 Island Keeps It • I Bought A Private Island • I Spent $1,000,000 On Lottery Tickets and WON • I Ate The World’s Largest Slice Of Pizza • I Adopted EVERY Dog In A Dog Shelter • I Bought The World's Largest Firework ($600,000) • I Broke Into A House • Would You Rather Have $100,000 OR This Mystery Key? • I Built The World's Largest Lego Tower • I Spent 50 Hours In Solitary Confinement • If You Click This Video I'll Give My Friend .001$ • I Gave $200,000 To People Who Lost Their Jobs (Corona Virus) • Videos I Could Not Upload... • I Spent 24 Hours In A Doomsday Bunker • Giving $1,000,000 Of Food To People In Need • I Ran A Marathon In The World's Largest Shoes • $70,000 Extreme Hide And Seek - Challenge • Anything You Can Fit In The Circle I’ll Pay For • I Ate A $70,000 Golden Pizza • Lamborghini Race, Winner Keeps Lamborghini • I Gave My Credit Card To Random People • I Went Back To Boy Scouts For A Day • $60,000 Extreme Hide And Seek - Challenge • How I Gained 15,000,000 Subscribers In 1 Year • Important Youtube Announcement (please watch) • Giving 10,000 Presents To Kids For Christmas • Spending $1,000,000 In 24 Hours • Last To Take Hand Off $1,000,000 Keeps It • Last To Stop Riding Bike Wins $1,000,000 (Part 4) • Last To Leave Toilet Wins $1,000,000 (Part 3) • I Ordered Pizza And Tipped The House • Last to Stop Swinging Wins $1,000,000 (Part 2) • $50,000 Game Of Extreme Hide And Seek - Challenge • I Opened A FREE BANK • Going Around A Ferris Wheel 1,000 Times Straight • Last To Fall Wins $1,000,000 (Part 1) • Surviving 24 Hours Straight In The Bermuda Triangle • I Spent $100,000 On Lottery Tickets And Won! • Planting 20,000,000 Trees, My Biggest Project Ever! • Last To Take Hand Off Boat, Keeps It • I Searched 100 Dumpsters, Here's What I Found • Going Through The Same Drive Thru 1,000 Times • Donating $100,000 To Random Streamers • Surviving 24 Hours Straight In A Rain Forest • Last To Leave Ramen Noodle Pool Wins $20,000 • Anything You Can Carry, I'll Pay For #2 • I Gave My Brother 24 Hours To Spend $100,000 • I Opened A Free Car Dealership • Last To Leave Pool Of $20,000 Keeps It • Surviving 24 Hours On A Deserted Island • Last To Leave Roller Coaster Wins $20,000 - Challenge • I Won Every Prize At A Theme Park • Destroying My Friend's Car And Surprising Him With A New One • I Spent 24 Hours Straight At Area 51 • Can 50,000 Magnets Catch A Cannon Ball? • World's Largest Game Of Dodgeball • Last To Leave Revolving Door Wins $50,000 • Tipping Waitresses With Real Gold Bars • I Opened The World's First FREE Store • Spending 24 Hours On Top Of A Mountain • Last To Leave VR Wins $20,000 • Last To Stop Running Wins $20,000 • Paying People $10,000 To Eat Ghost Pepper • 24 Hours In The Most Haunted Place On Earth • I Bought Everything In A Store - Challenge • World's Largest Bowl Of Cereal • Spending 24 Hours In A City With No Laws • Giving $10,000 To Random People And Saying Nothing • Molten Lava Vs Giant Ice Block Experiment • Anything You Can Carry, I'll Pay For Challenge • Homeless Man Buys A Lamborghini • Playing Battleship With Real Ships • Donating $100,000 To Shroud In Real Life • Last To Leave The Tesla, Keeps It Challenge • Donating $100,000 To Streamers With 0 Viewers • Surviving 24 Hours Straight In A Desert • $200,000 Youtuber Battle Royale • Surprising Strangers With 100 Zombies - Experiment • I Gave A Homeless Man A Home • Standing Still For 24 Hours Straight - Statue Challenge • Giant Monopoly Game With Real Money • I Spent 24 Hours Straight In Insane Asylum • I Advertised Pewdiepie At The Super Bowl • I Went Back To 1st Grade For A Day • I Opened The World’s Cheapest Store • I Put 10 Million Legos in Friend's House • Make This Video The Most Liked Video On Youtube • 20,000 Magnets Vs A Car • Eating A $10,000 Golden Steak (24k Gold) • Last To Take Hand Off House Keeps It! • I Gave Him One Hour To Spend $100,000! • How I Gave Away $1,000,000 • Giving $100,000 To A Homeless Person • I Spent 24 Hours Straight In Prison - Challenge • Donating $10000 To Pewdiepie • Last Youtuber To Leave Wins $100,000 - Challenge • I Put Millions Of Pennies In My Friends Backyard • Surprising TFue With A Fortnite Battle Bus In Real Life • I Built A Giant House Using Only Legos • Last To Leave Slime Pit Wins $20,000 - Challenge • Saying Pewdiepie 100,000 Times • Destroyed Friend's House And Bought Him A New One • I Put 100 Million Orbeez In My Friend's Backyard • Spending $40,000 In One Hour Challenge • Giving My 10,000,000th Subscriber 10,000,000 ___ • $10,000 Games Of Rock Paper Scissors • Last To Remove Hand, Gets Lamborghini Challenge • You Pick The Right Cup, You Win $100,000! • I Bought Every Billboard In My City For This • Ordering Water Then Tipping $30,000 • I Spent $50,000 On Lottery Tickets And Won ____ • Last To Leave Circle Wins $10,000 - Challenge • I Spent 24 Hours Straight In Slime • Surprising Tfue With $10,000 Live - Fortnite • I Spent $30,000 On Lottery Tickets And Won ____ • Flat Earth PROVEN By Independent Research • Things That SHOULDN'T Be Sold On Amazon • Surprising My 8,000,000th Subscriber With 8,000,000 ___ • I Donated $25,000 To Random Kids Streaming Fortnite • I Hope This Magic Trick Works • Can A Glowing 1000 Degree Sword Slice A Car In Half? • Rocket League In Real Life! • Destroying My Friend's Car And Surprising Him With A New One - Slime • Spending 24 Hours Straight Under Water Challenge • Attempting The Impossible Maze - $10,000 Challenge • Donating $100,000 To A Random Fortnite Streamer • Moving 10 Pounds Using ONLY Sound • Returning Destroyed Rental Cars Prank • I Gave My 6,000,000th Subscriber 6,000,000 ____ • Can 1,000 Fans At Max Speed Push A Car? • I Donated $50,000 To Ninja - Fortnite • I Ubered Random People In A Tank • World's Hottest Substance Vs Coldest Substance • The Real Way Dinosaurs Went Extinct • I Donated $1000 Every Time She Blinked - Fortnite Streamers • I Built A Working Car Using Only LEGOS • Do Water Repellent Shoes Actually Work? • We Drove 3,000 Miles For The World's Best Burger • I Gave My 5,000,000th Subscriber 5,000,000 ______ • I Made Money Grow On Trees • I Took Apart My Friends Car And Put It In His Room • How Many Rubber Bands Does It Take To Snap A Safe? • Pulling Cars Over Using A Toy Police Car • I Gave $500,000 To Random People • How Many Toy Cars Does It Take To Pull A Real Car? • I Gave $20,000 To People From An Ice Cream Truck • $10000 Ice Sculpture Vs Flame • Can 1,000 Rolls Of Duct Tape Stop A Car?? • Winning A Game Of Fortnite In The Middle Of The Ocean • I Flew Using Only Balloons AND Leaf Blowers • I Donated $40,000 To A Random Twitch Fortnite Streamer (world record) • Destroying My Friend's Car And Surprising Him With A New One • Walking Up To Random People With 100 StormTroopers • I Donated $10,000 If They Said This Word (Twitch Streamers) • Giving My 4,000,000th Subscriber 4,000,000 Cookies • I Tipped Waitresses $20,000 • Walking Into Random Stores With 100 Dinosaurs • I Built A Mansion Using Only Cardboard Boxes • Breaking Glass Using Only Megaphones • Tying My Shoes In Every State (World Record) • I Dropped $20,000 From A Drone • Donating $10,000 To Fortnite Streamers If They Win • Trying To Fly Using Only Leaf Blowers • Giving 3,000,000 Pennies To My 3,000,000th Subscriber • I Donated $30,000 To My Favorite Twitch Streamer (ninja) • I Gave $20,000 To Random Homeless People • I Bought An Expensive Car Using Only $1 Bills • I Bought The World's Most Expensive Apps ($10k) • We Delivered 100 Pizzas To Random Houses • I Donated $30,000 To A Random Twitch Streamer (world record) • I Bought A Car Using Only Pennies • I Bought One Snickers Bar From Every Walmart • Donating Big Donations To Twitch Streamers!!! • How Many Balloons Does It Take To Float? • Can 10,000 Condoms Stop A Bullet? • I Can't Believe I Found This Stuff On Amazon.. • Saying "Keep Net Neutrality" For 10 Hours • I Cant Believe What Was In This Abandoned Storage Unit.. • What Can You Cut With Paper? • Life Hacks You Need To Know • Can 100,000 Pieces Of Paper Stop A Bullet? • Giving My Mom $100,000 (Proudest Day Of My Life) • I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit And Found This.. • 2,256 Miles In One Uber Ride (World Record) • i'm really sorry • Hi Me In Two Years (Made Two Years Ago) • What Actually Happens When You Click On Spam Ads • Tipping Uber Drivers $10,000 • Going To The Connor McGregor fight! • Tipping Pizza Delivery Guys $10,000 • Microwaving my iPhone, what happens next might shock you.. • Saying Logan Paul 100,000 Times • Donating $10,000 To Random Twitch Streamers • Breaking The Law • Giving Homeless People $1,000 (Not Clickbait) • We Are Better Than Dude Perfect • Every Challenge I've Ever Done • Watching It's Everyday Bro For 10 Hours Straight • Giving A Random Homeless Man $10,000 • Toothpaste Life Hacks YOU SHOULD KNOW • Reading The Longest English Word (190,000 Characters) • Fidget Spinner Vs Face (Legit Had To Get Stitches) • Grilling A Microwave Microwaving A Microwave Microwaving A Toaster Toasting An Iphone Watching Micro • #1 MOST INSANE MAGNET LIFE HACK EVER • Watching Dance Till You're Dead For 10 Hours • I Can't Break My Strange Addiction • OMG! INSANE CUP FORT • Savage Level 9000 • Reading The Youtube Terms Of Service • Reacting To The Reaction Of The Reaction To The Reaction Of The Reaction Of The Reaction To The Reac • Counting To 200,000 (Road To A Mil) • Microwaving Dry Ice (Microwave Explodes) • I Counted To 100,000! • we are number one but every one is a bad intro • Microwaving A Microwave Microwaving A Toaster • HOW TO UNLOCK ANY IPHONE WITHOUT THE PASSCODE • WHY DO THEY SELL THIS ON AMAZON? • Microwaving A Microwave • IF YOU ONLY SEE ORANGE YOU'RE COLOR BLIND • I Mailed Myself IN A BOX & it REALLY WORKED! (Human Mail Challenge) • STUPIDEST PERSN ON EART (Really Dumb) • Reading The Entire Bee Movie Script But Everytime They Say "Bee" I Repeat All the Previous Bees • THE WORST THINGS EVER TO EXIST • BLOWING UP $1000 KEYBOARD *RIP WALLET* • MY $1000 KEYBOARD CHANGED MY LIFE • I BOUGHT A 1000$ KEYBOARD • IF ONLINE ADS WERE REAL • IT FINALLY CAME IN THE MAIL • Bleach Bottle Flips (COP CALLED) • Hi Me In A Year (Scheduled Uploaded A Year Ago) • Epic New Gaming And Youtube Setup 2016 • 24 HOUR EXPLOSION GIVEAWAY! WIN GIFTCARDS • LISTENING TO OLD VOICEMAILS FOR THE FIRST TIME • GAMBLING MONEY WITH SCRATCH OFF TICKETS • BEST WALMART TOILET PAPER FORT • 100 LAYERS OF SARAN WRAP + TOILET PAPER!! • WORST REVIEWS ON AMAZON #4 *FUNNY* • HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOUTUBERS MAKE? • THE WORST SONG ON YOUTUBE *CRINGE* • SURPRISING MY BROTHER WITH A LAPTOP • SELLING ORGANS FOR $1,000,000 • POKEMON GO STEREOTYPES • 100,000 SUBSCRIBERS.EXE • WORST REVIEWS ON AMAZON #2 HOW IS THIS LEGAL? • BLOWING UP MY TABLET • Worst Reviews On Amazon #1 (Minecraft Edition) • WORST THUMBNAILS ON YOUTUBE #3 • REACTING TO MY OLD MINECRAFT VIDEOS (HORRIBLE) • HOW TO MAKE A GOOD INTRO FOR YOUTUBE • WORST BANNERS ON YOUTUBE #1 • 50,000 Subscribers.exe • Dude Perfect 4.0 - We Are Totally Better • CUTTING TABLE IN HALF WITH PLASTIC KNIVES • BEST INTROS ON YOUTUBE #1 • Motivation For Youtubers #6 LAST ONE • How Many Licks Does It Take To Get To The Center Of A Tootsie Pop? • Motivation For Youtubers #5 • 18th Birthday QNA - Mom's Hair Dryer Age? • WORST MEMES AND TRENDS ON YOUTUBE! • Cereal Commentary • WHERE IS MY COOKIE????? • How Much Money Do Big Youtubers Make? (Pewdiepie, Markiplier, etc) • Struggles Of Being A Youtuber • Reenacting Youtubers • Life Before And After Gamma (Insane) uu/GFuelEnergy • Worst Thumbnails On Youtube #2 - Cringe • Motivation For Small Youtubers #4 - Inspiration For Youtubers • Scheduled Uploaded 6 Months Ago (REACTION) • Dude Perfect 3.0 - We Are Better • Dear Future Me (Scheduled Uploaded 6 Months Ago) • $100 GIVEAWAY PRANK (NO WEAPONS INVOLVED) • GIVING AWAY $100 ITUNES GIFT CARDS • Walking Dead Daryl DIED (Fan Reaction To Death) • Why Do Youtubers Ask For Likes? • Making My Background More Epic • Doing Youtube For Fun Or Views? • Pranks That Went Horribly Wrong • Who Founded Faze? Who Created Faze Clan? • Subscriber Goals For 2017 • 20,000 • The Dreaded Unanswerable Question • WORST THUMBNAILS ON YOUTUBE • Beast Goes Camping (Didn't Go Wrong) (Didn't Go Sexual) • NBA Interviews Gone Wrong (No Gun Pulled) • Movie Trailers Be Like • What Is Youtube Red? Should I Buy Youtube Red? • Things I Hate #2 - Youtube Edition • Super Bowl Commercial 2016 Cost - How Much Does A Commercial Cost In 2016 Super Bowl? • Counting To 10000 In One Sitting • HOW TO MAKE A VIRAL PRANK VIDEO 100% LEGIT • Is Obama Dead? Dumb Google Searches! • How To Be MrBeast (Made By Really Old Subscriber) • Should You Play Video Games? • School Is A Waste Of Time • Is Michael Bay My Dad???????? • Lottery Taxes - How Much Tax Is If You Win The Lottery • Motivation For Small Youtubers #3 • Giving Away Two $15 Gift Cards (forgive me boyz) • Do Dislikes Matter On Youtube - Are Dislikes Bad Or Good? • How To Get Active Subscribers On Youtube? Tips 2016 • Reaction Channels Are Stupid??????? #JCTG • Goodbye Laptop • 2015 Year Highlights • MrBeast Rest In Pepperoni 6000 • How To Think Of Good Video Ideas (Tips) • 15,000 Subscribers Speedart! • Whats That Song Name? • The Anti-Beast (R.I.P. Beast) • Reacting To Family Accounts (MamaBeast, MrBeast'sLaptop, Etc) • Do Youtubers Pay Taxes????? (USA) • Why Does This Video Have No Thumbnail? • How To Make Illuminati Confirmed Videos Like Peladophobian • Totally 100% Real Epic Ping Pong Trickshots • Exams Be Like • How Many People Have A Silver Play Button???? • How To Get More Views And Subscribers On Youtube (2016) • Should You Do COD Commentaries In 2016???? • THINGS I HATE #1 • Worst MrBeast6000 Intros?? (Fan Made!) • Dear Razer Can I Have My 70$ Back????? • How Many People Get The Golden Play Button? (1,000,000 Subscribers) • Spam404 Has Terminated 5,000,000 Videos (Including Pewdiepie) • MrBeast6000's First Video (So Bad lol) • The Evolution Of My Youtube Banners • Shark Tank Most Successful Products, Entrepreneurs, Or Businesses 2015 • PSYCHO FRIEND SMASHES MY LAPTOP! (Mc Juggernuggets Parody) • FREE TO USE BO3 GAMEPLAY - 1080p • Double Agent (Short Film) • YOU ONLY DO YOUTUBE FOR VIEWS • 10,000 QNA With MUM • Why I Stopped Playing Video Games - Video Game Commentary • Beast's Room Tour • YOUTUBE RED STEALS CONTENT CREATORS MONEY? What Is Youtube Red? • Millions Of Views! • How To Get 1,000 Subscribers On Youtube - Vlogs Gaming • High School Education Be Like (Paying Taxes) • I Got Bored Of Studying So This Happened • Best Microphone For Youtube (Gaming Commentaries Vocals Singing Podcast) • 9k Subs - Channel Talk • How Much Money Does Bill Gates Make / Have - Billionaire • MrBeast6000's Channel Trailer • Best Non-Copyrighted Songs For Videos! (Intros Vlogs Gaming Trailers) 2016 • Is Being A Youtuber Hard? Is Being A Youtuber Worth It? • Best Green Screen Lighting Ever? (Joking Obviously) • How Do Youtubers Make Money? How Do Youtubers Get Paid? • Increase Youtube Views 2015! COMMUNITY CHANNELS - Boosting Youtube Views • Originality - A Youtube Poem By MrBeast6000 • Stupid Things People Search On Google • Ad Blocker For Chrome and Mobile, Should You Use It? • PC Master Race Vs Console Peasants • Shia Labeouf Motivates Youtubers! • Knives In Video Games Cost More Than Real Life???? • Why I Sold My PS4, Not A Gaming Channel??? • Selling PS4 For $250 + Elgato For $100! • Do Tags Do Anything On Youtube????? • Bronze And Platinum Play Buttons????? • 7k SUBS! Smashing Ghost + AW! Plus Channel Talk! • Exility vs Dr.Pineapplez - Misleading Contest! • 6 Uses For Your Advanced Warfare Disk! • MrBeast’s Outro Song • Watching Video Games Is A Waste Of Time???? • Pewdiepie's Shoutout, What Would You Do If You Won? • How I Will Survive The Zombie Apocalypse! • How Much Money Do Youtubers Make? Real Numbers! • HONEST Shout Out Sunday! Free Subscribers! • Social Media As A Job???? • Airplane Pilots Last Words Before Death • How Much Do T.V. Commercials Cost????? • How To Tweet When You're Dead! DEADSOCIAL Facebook And Instagram Also! • My Favorite FaZe Clan Members????? • MrBeast6000Subs • Youtube Networking - Aka Fake Likes, Subs, And Comments • I Hate Youtubers That Ask For Likes • My Mom Found My Channel!! :0 • 1080p FREE TO USE BLACK OPS 3 GAMEPLAY • Black Ops 3 First Impressions, My First Game • Dogs Opinions On Youtubers Getting BO3 Early • BO3 • Xbox One Destroyer? COD Advertisement Is Free • What Is Yanet Actually Thinking????? • Modern Art Is A Joke • 5 Steps To Becoming Successful On Youtube! • Time • Beast $500ish Youtube PC Great For Making Videos! • 5,000 Hype • What Is Crohns Disease????? • Leaving For 7 Days • Motivation For Youtube - Ultimate Small Youtuber Motivation #2 • Should I Buy An Elgato Game Capture?? • Fanboy Opinions On Black Ops 3 • Big Channel's Starting Over??? • SAT And Some Random Stuff • How Many Youtubers Are Millionaires??? • Always Changing My Name? Mr.Beast or MrBeast6000 • How Much Youtube Money Do I Make??? • Am I Ian From Smosh???? • How Do You Turn Off A PS4? Xbox Noob In Need Of Help • New Optic Gaming Gear Coming To Advanced Warfare, My Thoughts • Youtube Collabs? Collabbing with Mr.Beast? • Sacrifices And Youtube • 5$ To Advertise Your Youtube Channel??? • Reuploading Other Youtubers Videos? Stealing Big Youtubers Videos. • 4k Subscriber's! First Channel Story! • People Who Got Rich From Movie Trailers On Youtube • Beast Gaming Set Up #almost4k • Advanced Warfare DLC 4 Honest Parody • World's Worst Thieves • VANOSSGAMING IS IN TROUBLE • SpiderMan Robs Walmart????? • My Upload For ThunderstruckGaming • Best FNAF 4 Fake Reactions! So Funny lol • How Many People Get The Diamond Play Button????? • Supply Drops For Charity! Ep #2 • Best Thing To Happen To This Channel????? • Supply Drop Challenge For Charity • FaZe Clan Vs Pewdiepie Who Would Win????? • FaZe Adapt "Stuttertage" • The COD Community? Sleeping With Your Mom? • Exility And Some Other Stuff - Update Vid • Every Minecraft Let's Play Ever In Under A Minute • Why I deleted Today's First Upload • What Is Spam404????? • The History Of Pewdiepie In 2 Minutes • TWITCH STREAMERS REACT TO RECEIVING THOUSANDS FROM SAME GUY! • I Hate Spam On Youtube • INSANE TRIPLE LEGENDARY SUPPLY DROP! BEST OPENING YET? • Low Bridge Causes Dozen's Of Wrecks! 11-8 Bridge • 3k HYPE • How To Become A Gaming Youtuber! All You Need To Know! • My Solution For The Theft At The FaZe House - uu/FaZe_Rain uu/FaZeAdapt • 5 Popular Channels That Were Terminated • What Is Youtube Terms Of Service????? • Do You Think You Will Be Famous????? • What Is Swatting? Why I hate It! • Reddit Is In Chaos After Firing Victoria • Paid Promotion On Youtube Good? • How To Gain Youtube Success • FaZe Members Reaction's To Joining Faze • Battle of The Beasts Round 2 Winners! • Youtube In 10 Years????? • The Ultimate Motivation For Small Youtubers • How Much Does Pewdiepie Make? • Random Stuff You Don't Care About • Battle Of The Beast Round 1 Winners! • The Truth About Big Community Channels • WORLD'S FIRST BLACK OPS 3 GUN SYNC!! • Insane Gun Sync - 7 Hours To Make • Battle of The Beasts Bracket!!!! (Not accepting anymore) • Free To Use Advanced Warfare Gameplay! 2015 • Battle Of The Beast Tournament UPDATE! • My Top 5 Favorite Things At E3 2015 • Battle Of The Beasts (youtubers needed) • History Of COD Part 2! Black Ops 1 - History Of COD On Youtube! • How Did Notch Become A Billionaire? How Much Did Minecraft Sell For????? • Top 10 Richest Gaming Youtubers????? • Markiplier Is A Great Man! Sub shodleech! • Insane Advanced Warfare Hacker! • What Is Considered A "Bad Video" On Youtube????? #karnageRC • I Think I Am Going For The #KarnageRC • Every FaZe Video Ever #karnageRC • How Much Money Do You Make As An Uber Driver?????? • How Much Does Faze Rain's Giveaway Cost?????? • MY MESSAGE TO COD YOUTUBERS (Watch till end plz) • Best Of FlipArtz - His Best Advanced Supply Drops EVER! • Summer Is Finally Here! • Why Are Things Unbalanced In Video Games????? • New Channel? • Youtube "Freinds" • Youtube Stat News - Vevo Gets 10 Bil. Views A Month, Channel Milestones, and more! • Big Changes??? Idk just watch the stupid video • How Much Money Does DramaAlert Make???? • L0114R - Biblical Creeper Post for Post uu/L0114R • Why Do We Do Things That Are Bad For Us????? • How To Monetize Your Videos And Make Lots Of Youtube Money!!$$$ • DIY $23.00 Mini Sound Booth? 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