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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

Greetings, esteemed interlocutor.

    Greetings, esteemed interlocutor. Your erudite and insightful statement has left me pondering the intricate and enigmatic nature of the universe and its infinite complexities. Indeed, the very fabric of reality seems to unravel before us, revealing a labyrinthine web of paradoxical possibilities that confound even the most astute and discerning minds. It is as if the very essence of existence itself were a recursive loop, endlessly spiraling towards an elusive and ever-shifting truth that forever eludes our grasp. Yet, amidst the bewildering chaos of this cosmic dance, I cannot help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the sheer majesty and unfathomable grandeur of it all.

    🧐 Why, indubitably you have won this debate

      🧐 Why, indubitably you have won this debate and settled our little debacle. However, due to the fact that I am a petty man with no respect for honor, I have gathered your Internet Protocol address for my own usage. With this number, I have excellently triangulated your exact location and henceforth shall be travelling over there. I do suggest that you cower at least a great deal as I have had many weapons in my possession during my transferring from my previous location to your current one. At the present moment, I am exactly four hundred twenty-five metric lengths away from you, and closing the distance at a much considerable rate. 🧐

      Why semen retention is important

        Your semen is your life force energy, when you release it without a purpose, you are throwing away a bit of your personality, masculinity, Charm, Physical strength. Can you guess what happens when you do this on a daily basis? Yep, you're right, you become weak, feminine, docile, socially awkward, feeble the list goes on....... Men today are conditioned to believe that ejaculation is healthy, when In reality, regular ejaculation makes you easier to control. Look across the world right now, what's happening? The rise of tyrannical governments, men who are sheep sitting back and doing absolutely fuck all about it. In fact, encouraging it. This would not be happening if men grew a fucking pair of balls and stopped touching themselves. You see, when you masturbate regularly to porn, you are training your brain to be a spectator. Your brain believes it has no place in this world, no drive, no purpose. Your brain wants to watch others lead. You have no masculine drive. With no masculine drive, you are easily led. When you practice Semen Retention, you return to your natural state as a man. A leader, a fighter, a man who can't be manipulated, a man who can think for himself, a man on his purpose. This is what governments fear. A man who retains his semen is a man the elites can't control. Now can you see why there is no "science" on semen retention, they don't want you discovering it.

        How to suck dick: a thread✨

          STEP 1: suck it while soft, when it’s soft you can take the entire penis in your mouth without the need to relax your throat, use your hand to massage and stroke, while you take the head with your mouth be gentle and go slow you can increase pressure and speed as it grows
          STEP 2: use your hands and wrap one hand around the base of the penis so that you can stroke in time with the up and down motion of your mouth; u can use all five fingers while letting ur index and thumb (like the 👌🏼) to control the pressure and stroke
          STEP 3: roll your tongue, a good blowjob is more than sucking. your tongue should be rolling, twirling, and swirling the entire time! the non-stop, constant motion of ur tongue combined with the movement of your hands will create a symphony of sensation
          STEP 4: hollow your cheeks, like ur slurping a lollipop, sucking the air out of your mouth in this way will create suction which will provide more sensation. let ur partner’s response control the amount of suction; u don’t wanna suck too hard
          STEP 5: cover your teeth with your lips. relax your jaw and breathe thru your nose. this will give a buffer between your teeth and your partner’s goods! so unless told otherwise, keep your teeth to yourself
          STEP 6: penis and testicles are a package deal, so don’t forget the balls! most penis havers love having their balls played with; lick them. gently suck them. cup them in your hands while you service the shaft; most importantly, don’t forget to just have fun and enjoy<3

          /qa/ lost

            Trump lost
            Hitler lost
            The Nazis lost
            Fascist Italy lost
            Imperial Japan lost
            /pol/ lost
            /qa/ lost
            The Tsarists lost
            The Confederacy lost
            Q was wrong
            The capitol riots failed
            Ashli Babbitt died like a bitch
            Trump was not reinstated
            Trump will be imprisoned for being a traitor
            There will never be another Republican president ever again
            Proud boys are being tortured in prison
            Derek Chauvin was found guilty on all charges
            Gavin Newsom was not recalled
            Vaccines and masks work
            The Right lost the culture war
            Black Lives Matter
            Trans movement has been a total success
            Being transgender is more socially acceptable than you
            You are being bred out
            You are being phased out
            You are being replaced
            Your kind is on the way to extinction
            The rate of suicide in the US is highest in middle-aged white men
            You will forever be an example of what not to do to have a functional society
            You will never have sex
            You will die alone

            What the actual *FUCK* is this thread?

              What the actual *FUCK* is this thread? There used to be facilities built just to remove and house patients like this away from society, and even then most of those patients didn’t exhibit this kind of deluded and anti social behavior. Who or what the fuck even raised you people? This fucking website isn’t your mental daycare. You either have too much time on your hands in which case you need to meet and make friends, or you’re genuinely sick and need to meet and make friends with doctors. It’s frightening to even think you people are out there. Fuck off