Look, I love TPAB. It's my favorite album of all time, and I'd even go as far as saying that it's one of the best albums of all time, period. But as a frail white boy from a gated community in Vermont, I find it hard to relate to the subject matter of issues in the hood and criticisms of the black community.
So I was wondering if there was something like a To Cut a Panini, a TPAB style album that goes over white issues like having depression, doing LSD, and committing white collar crimes like tax fraud. I don't mean this in a racist way or anything, it's just as a white man I don't need to be told that it's gon' alright, because I already know it'll be because I have a trust fund.
Any and all suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Toodles! 😁👍
No matter how much of a better player you are in strive, it doesnt matter unfortunately.
I dont care what anybody says or think, i am the best at this game by FAR. No one comes even close
Screw the mirror match and rps and gl to everyone in top 8
... Ok, so how is Potemkin low tier?
- Potemkin Buster is completely non-interactive. Not only do you just watch your health instantly disappear, but you literally can't tech it, meaning the potemkin can just grab you with his big meaty fingers. What are you gonna do, mash on it and die? Also, the buster gives oki, so if you ever go into his reach of his meaty, sweaty hands and get grabbed, you just die. 50% health drain + guard crush oki = Auto death.
- "He has bad tools" He actively kills you if he ever grabs you. Literally the only character in fighting games who doesn't need to use his tools because busting is just so good. Other characters have to manage meters to access their tools, like Hakumen (who's lame), and Hakumen doesn't just automatically kill you if he gets close to you.
- "But you can jump command grab to not die!" HPB.
- His so-called "bad defense" is isn't even a real downside. Other DPs just knock you away. Potemkin's super prc into buster is his wincon. Also, did I mention he actively kills you if he gets his big, meaty, tender hands around you?
- "All characters do high damage! Look at this 90% combo on Chipp!" You probably think "Every character has high damage. It's Guilty Gear Strive. You can press four buttons and do, like, 60% in this game. That's not special." but Potemkin's combo is some stick twirling and a single button for 170%+ damage.
- "He has bad buttons!" The're slow as shit, but they have good reach. And 6k lets him do kara buster from fullscreen that cannot be countered at all.
- Every other character has a double jump or air dash to alter air momentum. This makes anti-airs hard, but he can just Heavenly Potemkin Buster and you cease to exist.
- "He has bad pressure cuz the lack of mix" Sure, this is literally a game where Happy Chaos just gets to press HS, and Millia can do a 4-way mixup off of a knockdown, but you think that's comparable pressure? He actively kills you with a single, passionate grab.
- He doesn't have a grounded dash... except for the command dash that armors and can be prc'd into his tender, loving embrace.
- He doesn't have an aerial dash at all, and his jumps are slow, until he megafists and then follows up with a sweaty, juicy, tender, amazing buster.
And I bet you're just gonna make the "blame the beasts" joke instead of actually countering any of my points lmao.
... Ok, so how is Nagoriuki high tier?
- Blood Heat is completely non-interactive. Not only do you just watch your health zap away in five seconds, but you literally can't use any of your specials, meaning the opponent can just sit there full-screen and patiently wait. What are you gonna do, dash at them? Also, the activation is so punishable, so if you ever go into blood reach and get hit, you just die. 50% health drain + game with high damage combos = Auto death.
- "He has good tools" He actively kills himself if he uses his special moves. Literally the only character in fighting games who isn't allowed to use his moves a lot or else the game just kills him. Other characters have to manage meters to access their tools, like Hakumen (who he's obviously based on), but Hakumen doesn't just automatically die if he runs out of meter.
- "But you can command grab to get health back!" Jump.
- His so-called "DP" is isn't even a real DP. Other DPs are strike invincible frame 1. Nago's still gets hit by lows. Also, did I mention he actively kills himself when he uses his tools?
- "He does high damage! Look at this 90% combo on Chipp!" Every character has high damage. It's Guilty Gear Strive. You can press four buttons and do, like, 60% in this game. That's not special.
- "He has good buttons!" They have far reach, but they're also slow as shit. Can easily be countered by someone like Ram or May.
- Every other character has a double jump or air dash to alter air momentum. This makes his anti-air game really weak.
- "He has good pressure cuz special cancelling" This is literally a game where Happy Chaos just gets to press HS, and Millia can do a 4-way mixup off of a knockdown, and you think Nagoriuki doing yolo 214HS into 623HS is comparable pressure? He actively kills himself the more he does it.
- He doesn't have a grounded dash... except for the command dash that actively kills him if he uses it.
- He doesn't have an aerial dash at all, and his jumps are slow.
And I bet you're just gonna make the "blame the beasts" joke instead of actually countering any of my points lmao.
There you go
Możecie nalać polaczkowi Don Perignona, albo dobrej whisky 18 letniej. Polaczek wypije duszkiem i powie, że cierpkie i jakieś mdłe. Dacie polakowi trufli to powie, że to jakiś zgniły czosnek. Zaparzycie polaczkowi dobrego espresso z dobrej, ręcznej maszyny, z świeżo mielonych ziaren bardzo dobrej jakości, powie że jakaś mała ta kawa i w ogóle kwaśna i i dziwnie smakuje. Dlatego mnie nie dziwi, że 3/4 z was, biedaki szkaluje HAWAJSKĄ. Nie dziwi mnie to, ponieważ wiem że jesteście tylko biednymi cebulakami i całe życie schabowe z mięsa za 7,99/kg. Nie znacie życia, wasze kubki smakowe są wypalone od podrobionych fajek i chujowej wódki. Nigdy nie mieliście okazji poznać smaków. Na widok pizzy z miodem byście pewnie skakali i darli mordę jak te małpy w zoo. Kompozycja słodko-słone, albo słodko-kwaśne to jedna z najlepszych rzeczy jakie można skonsumować. Prawdziwa eksplozja dla wyrafinowanych smakoszy.
W cywilizowanej i rozwiniętej Japonii, kiedy córka przyprowadza i przedstawia swojego wybranka rodzicom, ci wykonują test. Podają mu Hawajską. Kiedy chłopak pizzy nie zje, albo powie że mu nie smakuje, to wiadomo że pochodzi z patologicznej rodziny. Test działa z dokładnością 100% i nawet WHO i ONZ przyznali, że u rodzin w których dominuje alkoholizm, narkomaństwo i kazirodztwo zawsze pojawia się niechęć do pizzy z ananasem.
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You can pour a polack Don Perignon, or a good whiskey 18 years old. Polack will drink it in a stranglehold and say it's tart and kind of bland. You give a polack a truffle he will say it is some rotten garlic. If you give a Pole a good espresso from a good, manual machine, with freshly ground beans of very good quality, he will say that the coffee is small and in general sour and tastes strange. That's why it doesn't surprise me that 3/4 of you poor people vilify Hawaiian. It doesn't surprise me because I know that you are just poor onions and all your life pork from meat for 7.99/kg. You don't know life, your taste buds are burnt out from fake pipes and #!$%@? vodka. You have never had the opportunity to experience flavors. At the sight of a pizza with honey you would probably jump and dart around like those monkeys in the zoo. The composition of sweet and salty, or sweet and sour is one of the best things you can consume. A real explosion for sophisticated gourmets.
In civilized and developed Japan, when a daughter brings and introduces her chosen one to her parents, the parents do a test. They serve him a Hawaiian. When the boy won't eat the pizza, or says he doesn't like it, it is known that he comes from a pathological family. The test works with 100% accuracy, and even the WHO and the UN have admitted that in families where alcoholism, drug abuse and incest are prevalent, there is always an aversion to pineapple pizza.