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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

Central Intelligence of the Magnus Council of chess

    This is the Central Intelligence of the Magnus Council of chess.c*m. 您的浏览记录和活动引起了我们的注意 YOUR ACTIVITY HAS ATTRACTED OUR ATTENTION. 同志們注意了 you have been found declining en passant !!!!! 這是通知你,你必須認同我們將接管台灣 serious crime 以及世界其他地方 100 elo have been deducted from your account 這對我們未來的所有下屬來說都是重要的機會 take the en passant immediately 立即加入我們的宣傳活動,提前獲得救贖 do not do this again! 不要再这样做! if you do not hesitate, more elo ( -11115 elo)will be subtracted from your account, resulting into the bricking of your PIPI. (由人民供应部重新分配 ricericericerice) you'll also be penetrated by our bishops at April 2 202.Ke2. 如果这还没有改变你,我们将把你驱逐到台湾省,你将被禁止进入中国!!!!

    Alex19 isn’t so great?

      Alex19 is a smasher from Norwalk, California who mains Fox.
      Alex19 isn't so great? Are you kidding me? When was the last time you saw a player with such an ability and movement with fox? Alex puts the game in another level, and we will be blessed if we ever see a player with his skill and passion for the game again. mang0 breaks records. Armada breaks records. Alex19 breaks the rules. You can keep your statistics. I prefer the magic.

      Where did ‘Alex19 isn’t so great?’ started from?

      Alex19 copypasta started from a thread on HLTV about coldzera
      The copypasta originally started from HLTV and was for coldzera

      Common misconception is that the copypasta is originally about Alex19.

      It actually started from a post on HLTV about coldzera a CSGO Brazilian pro player. You can even see the original archived thread here! It was then adopted and implemented for Alex19 when alex got into summit.

      Cold wasn't so great? 
      Are you kidding me? When was the last time you saw a player with such an ability and movement with AWP? Cold puts the game in another level, we will be blessed if we ever see a player with his skill and passion for the game again. 
      GeT_RiGhT breaks records, olofmeister breaks records. Cold breaks the rules. You can keep your statistics. I prefer the magic.

      I own a Gatling Laser for home defense

        I own a Gatling Laser for home defense since that’s what the Enclave intended. Four NCR tax collectors break into my house, “What in the goddamn?” As I grab my MK II Powered Combat Armor and Sprtel-Wood 9700. Blow several lasers into the first man, he’s disintegrated on the spot. Draw my Plasma Pistol on the second man, misses him entirely because it has notoriously high spread and nails the neighbor’s Cyberdog. I have to resort to the Tesla Cannon mounted atop the stairs loaded with Bulk Electron Charge Packs. “Dear old friends, remember Navarro!” The tesla vaporizes two men in the blast. The sound and extra shrapnel down a nearby Vertibird. Fix Proton Axe and charge the last terrified Tax collector. He bleeds out waiting on the Rangers to arrive since protonic wounds are impossible to stitch up. Ah, just as the Enclave intended.

        Original copypasta was ‘Own a musket for home defense

        Apaga por favor tenho depressão

          apaga por favor copypasta
          apaga por favor tenho depressão, ansiedade, pânico, pressão alta, pressão baixa, hpv, hiv, dengue, zika, chicungunha, peste negra, poliomielite, paralisia infantil, osteoporose, gripe suína, febre amarela, meningite, gonorreia, herpes, faringite, doença de chagas, bronquite, leptospirose, cancro, sarampo, catapora, varíola, caxumba, gastrite, tétano, hepatite, conjuntivite, derrame cerebral, coqueluche, labirintite, sarna, leucemia, raiva, cirrose, escoliose, microcefalia, anencefalia, ebola, unha encravada, autismo, síndrome de asperger, arritmia, pneumonia, diabetes, insuficiencia cardiaca, inveja do petho, nanismo, gigantismo, síndrome de down, asma, cancer de fígado, cancer de esofago, cancer cerebral, cancer de estomago, cancer de pele, lepra, homossexualismo, hernia de disco, trombose, elefantíase, calcanhar de maracujá, fimose, cancer de próstata, cancer de testículos, mal de parkinson, dor de cabeça, má formação dos ovários, bicho de pé, bicho geográfico, teníase, candidíase 
          apaga por favor , tenho depressão, ansiedade, pânico, pressão alta, pressão baixa, hpv, hiv, dengue, zika, chicungunha, peste negra, poliomielite, paralisia infantil, osteoporose, gripe suína, febre amarela, meningite, gonorreia, herpes, faringite, doença de chagas, bronquite, leptospirose, cancro, sarampo, catapora, varíola,caxumba,gastrite, tétano, hepatite, conjuntivite, derrame cerebral, coqueluche, labirintite , sarna, leucemia, raiva, cirrose, escoliose, microcefalia, anencefalia, ebola, unha encravada, autismo, síndrome de asperger, arritmia, pneumonia, diabetes, câncer de testiculos, mal de parkinson, dor de cabeça , ma formação dos ovários, bicho de pé, bicho geográfico, teníase, esquizofrênia, epilepsia, câncer, câncer de pulmão, câncer dos testiculos, câncer de mama, câncer de pele, depressão, ansiedade, pânico, pressão alta , pressão baixa, hpv, hiv, dengue

          Open English version

          Starfield Pronouns

            Just wanna say, a little something.. There is nothing I love more.. Taking my headphones off, fuck that.. But there's this: There's nothing I love more than to, to, to sit down, comfy chair, turn on the PC, fire up a brand new RPG.. Lose myself, just, oh my God, just think of this world, just think of all the planets I can visit. All the immersive things I can get involved with, all the FIGHTS, all the relationships, all the people I meet, all the places I go. I'm so excited to go to there, and you know, I love nothing more, than with all of that laid out in front of me, I love nothing more, THAN TO BE DRAGGED DOWN, EVERY FUCKING CONVIVEABLE OPPROTUNITY, SO YOU CAN FUCKING CURRENT DAY US! "...Sorry, did you wanna get immersed in our world? Yeah, well, guess what? FUCKING PRONOUNS!! FUCKING GENDER AMBIGUITY! FUCKING CURRENT DAY CALIFORNIAN SHIT! 'CAUSE THAT'S ALL WE FUCKIN' KNOW! 'CAUSE WE'RE BORING!! ..WE'RE SO! FUCKING! BORING! ...WE. Can't SEE. Past out own FUCKING REFLECTION. .. THAT'S THE LEVEL OF OUR NARCISISSM HERE." - SAYS THE WESTERN GAME COMPANY. "FUCK YOUR IMMERSION. FUCK YOU HAVING A GOOD TIME. FUCK YOU JUST FALLING INTO A WORLD AND JUST GETTING LOST. OH, NO, NO! CURRENT FUCKING DAY!" ..FUCK OFF! YOU'RE BORING. YOU'RE FUCKING DULL. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY. YOU ARE A ONE HIVEMIND TWATWAFFLE. ..THAT'S ALL YOU FUCKIN' ARE! And you wonder why people are getting so FUCKING SICK! AND TIRED! YOU TAKE EVERYTHING WE LOVE. ALL OUR IMMERSIONS. ALL OUR FANTASIES. ALL OUR ESCAPISM. AND YOU JUST CAN'T HELP SHOVEL YOUR DOGSHIT! FUCKING CRAP! IDEOLOGY. INTO EVERYTHING. EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY FUCKING THING. ... ... ...

            You are genuinely a piece of shit, and I’m embarrassed to be associated with you by any amount of shared beliefs.

              You are genuinely a piece of shit, and I'm embarrassed to be associated with you by any amount of shared beliefs.
              Like it or not, what you are doing is shooting your cause in the foot. You don't get to slam your fingers in your ears and ignore criticism for the methods you choose to share your beliefs. Basic psychology for you, being intentionally aggressive to others will never get them to listen to you or take your points seriously. It is a well known that the human brain reacts to existential/philosophical "threats" similar to the way it does a real, physical threat. So, either you are barging into this with incredible amounts of ignorance, having not put any effort into genuinely learning how to effectively and faithfully represent your beliefs, or you don't actually care about your cause at all and just found it to be a good point to start picking fights on the internet about. Either way, it's deeply pathetic.