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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

Dr Disrespect banned tweets

    Slasher tweets on DrDisrespect ban

    These copypasta of Dr Disrespect originated from Slasher, someone well known for having insider information of the streamer sphere. His tweets of Dr Disrespect’s ban have become a meme because he never actually reveal any information after teasing many about it.

    People have accused him of desperately trying to stay relevant and his tweets have become a copypasta tradition whenever there’s talks about Dr Disrespect’s ban.

    byu/Fudgiedillol from discussion
    Doc is indeed done, and not just on Twitch. I know why and cannot say. But this is serious
    look: for several hours now I have been told from credible sources the reason DrDisrespect has been banned. however due to the importance and sensitivity around the subject I have refrained from going on it. i don't feel comfortable with it currently 
    for several hours now I have been told from credible sources the reason DrDisrespect has been banned. however due to the importance and sensitivity around the subject I have refrained from going on it. i don't feel comfortable with it currently

    Dragons using their sperm as method of defense

      Ok, hear me out: Even though interspecies breeding is unrealistic, a lot of times in nature when the sperm of one species enters in contact with the egg of another one, both are destroyed in the incompatibility. And since those eggs are the possible future child of that species, they wouldn't want to lose them.
      So, my idea is, having dragons use their own semen as a method of defense, if anyone reaches nearby them to attack, they immediately cum a giant load into them, which not only the target would want to avoid to not get it's eggs destroyed, but could potentially also slow them by it's thick consistency.
      "But what about males? This method would only protect against half of the possible attackers!" You ask. Well, the thing is that, just like humans, sperm isn't liberated alone, semen is also expelled to help them reach its target, but dragon's semen would also contain an incredibly potent aphrodisiac, and any male who enters in contact with it, would want to relieve themselves, not only losing their own sperm, but also, losing a good amount of time masturbating.
      "But how will the dragons expell so much cum?" This is the best part, because, these dragons would have six big dicks (because bestagons) that can produce immense amounts of cum, and they would be able to slightly move them for aiming, being able to protect themselves from all sides at once.
      Finally, humans could also potentially try to domesticate them for their potent aphrodisiac, being able to be used both in their skin, but also by drinking.

      People only sees Roxy as the most beautiful robo-woman in FNaF

        People only sees Roxy as the most beautiful robo-woman in FNaF franchise, but they never took a look at this wonderful and cute chick! Sometimes i like her stare, those eyes, and her pinky design. How can "chicken" can be that awesomely looking? While everyone simps for Roxy Wolf, they miss an opportunity to notice a more cutely looking girl - Glackrock Chica! She deserves some damn attention! 

        I am a 4 star General expert tactician with decades of experience on the battlefield

          Listen buddy. I dotn need your advice. I am a 4 star General expert tactician with decades of experience on the battlefield. I've been to warzones hotter than your breakfast. I've seen things no man can ever imagine. These hands of mine have taken more lives than you'll ever make love to. Im a decorated war hero with accolades from various countries. Ive fought alongside Navy Seals, SAS, GIGN, Delta Force, Shayetet 13, Spetsnaz, Joint Task Force 2, MARCOS, and Noble 6. I've been deployed to various conflicts throughout my life. And I tell you, when I am, I exhibit an unrelenting, merciless, devastating extermination upon my enemies. So don't come at me thinking you have the upper hand. I am the alpha male, I am the final boss. You haven't yet seen my final form, this is merely the begging of what's in store, an appetizer and the main course is on this way. So don't question me, don't give me advice, I don't need it. But you know what you'll need, a nice coffin for when I'm done with you. It's gonna be a closed casket funeral because there will be nothing left of you when I'm done. 

          “Dude why are you asking us, just go Google it, it takes like 5 seconds to Google someth-” SHUT THE FUCK UP.

            Jesus Christ I cannot fucking stand these kinds of comments. I just saw another one after seeing a dude ask if the Resident Evil 4 Remake's PSVR port comes with the Separate Ways DLC. Some poor fucking guy posts online some innocuous question like "hey is XYZ DLC included in this game?" or "is this feature in Windows 11??" and some smart-ass will go "uh why didn't you just Google this? It takes five seconds to Google something. What are you, stupid?" Oh yeah dude totally, fuck human connection. God forbid someone want to connect with someone else online, if only briefly, over an innocuous thing, just to remind themselves in a cold and sometimes isolating world that there are other people with the same fucking questions you have. That's just awful. We shouldn't be asking other humans for advice, just Google shit! Fuck it, why even have human conversations? Just talk to an AI man, that shit is easier! "Why would you go out of your way to have sex, man? It takes five seconds to look up porn." You fucking nimrod. (I don't mean YOU, person reading. In my head, I'm telling at a fake, hypothetical person who represents everything I've ever been annoyed by. You're fine.) Googling shit doesn't always give you the answer. Sometimes people want help from a goddamn person in the present and not pouring through the distant past of a NeoGAF user from fucking 2005 to figure out if your ammo refills when you upgrade your capacity in Resident Evil 4 or some shit. "But they can just Google it, it takes 5 sec-" guess what else takes five seconds? Answering the fucking question or clicking on a different post. Fucking asinine. Weren't we just bitching and depressed because of how isolating COVID felt? Didn't you, fictional victim of my yelling, just post the other day about how lonely you feel sometimes? Small fucking moments with fellow humans means something. Maybe that dude needs help with his Roku TV not playing an .MP4 he put together, or maybe he just needs someone to go "Yeah isn't that fucking annoying? God video codecs are frustrating" along with him because it's not just about fucking video codecs not working on Roku. Do you not ever want to just bitch for a second about technology not working? Google doesn't do shit for that, you can't Google "it is really frustrating that my laptop volume is so low" and get Google to say back, "yeah, that's really fucking annoying, isn't it? Have you tried Sonic Studio III?" because GOOGLE IS NOT A PERSON. Not to mention Google fucking sucks nowadays. You know how long it took for me to finally find the right Blu-Ray authoring software that actually worked and wasn't an over-expensive piece of shit through Google? I had to download like six fucking programs, each time trying and hoping to fucking God this one would be what I needed only for it to be a clunky useless piece of shit that just wants $50 from me. Oh yeah Google was a real help there. No, what ACTUALLY helped was posting online and getting a recommendation from someone who has actually done that shit before. Dude didn't just bitch at me for not using Google, now I'm working with a program that doesn't make me want to tear my face off. Oh noooo but I'm just lazy, right? If you aren't using the Mega Overlord Google Search Engine you're just lazy! Fuck you. Give me your friends, I'll ask them, clearly you don't need them since you get everything you need from typing into a search engine, right? God damn this shit pisses me off. Sorry, I know you guys are all ranting about important shit like human rights and the possibility of human collapse within the next century, but I have to get this off my chest now and the actual subreddit, you know, offmychest, that shit seems to be for personal trauma and I don't wanna barge in there with my neurotic anger over internet pretension. Then again if that were to bother someone and they didn't know what to do about it, I guess they should just fucking Google it, right? Better not talk to any humans about it. I'm tired.