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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

I Swear On Me Mum

    The original pasta was first seen in Body Building forums.
    u are 1 ****ing cheeky kunt mate i swear i am goin 2 wreck u i swear on my mums life and i no u are scared lil bitch gettin your mates to send me messages saying dont meet up coz u r sum big bastard with muscles lol ****in sad mate really sad jus shows what a scared lil gay boy u are and whats all this crap ur mates sendin me about sum bodybuildin website that 1 of your faverite places to look at men u lil ****in gay boy fone me if u got da balls cheeky prick see if u can step up lil queer.

    The josh fight was rigged

      The fight was rigged from the start
      There is no conceivable way that the results of the Josh fight were not rigged. The sheer prospect of a little kid winning even 1 fight in single combat is laughable, I counted at least 253 grown men also fighting for such title in just one video, and you mean to tell me, that NONE of them managed to best a child? As a Josh myself I cannot fathom the embarrassment that these weaklings will have to carry every single day for the rest of their miserable lives, I share a smaller amount of this burden because I was just too far away from Nebraska to attend, but I would've won, and I know this because I have beaten children into an inch of their lives since I was at school, and now as a fully grown, 27 year old man, I would've been able to kick his ass blindfolded. It is more than abundantly clear that Little Josh bought his way up the rankings, it's such a shame that more and more sports are falling victim to corruption. They are all lucky I didn't make it.

      How to respond to a dick pic

        This is an automated message generated by the Instagram team. Your image has been found to be a violation of 42 U.S.C. § 1283 (2021)
        An image you sent has been flagged as an unsolicited picture. Your account is scheduled to be reported to the police
        Our bot is currently in BETA testing; if you believe this message was an error, reply “HELP” Otherwise, you will be contacted by your local authorities within 24hrs

        Pokimane love you

          Pokimane is a popular Twitch streamer.
          Pokimane love you. I truly love you, You fill the void in my heart and stop the pain. really need you in my life, you complete me. would do everything for you, would sacrifice everything just to be able to spend a day with you, do everything please give me a chance.

          I am very secure about my pizza.

            I am very secure about my copypasta.
            I am very secure about my pizza. You have obviously never tasted pizza if you think mine look bad, and that is very sad for you. You should get a pizza right away so you will have some knowledge of pizza and not sound like a fool when you speak. Again, I would ask you to prove your own pizza making skills if you think you are capable of judging others so harshly. But that would require something well beyond your capabilities. You really should try pizza, it is quite delicious and you won't sound so stupid when you comment.

            Why do people automatically associate swords with autism?

              Why do people automatically associate swords with autism? I have a vast sword collection, mostly Asian and Old Norse blades which seem to be the main issues, and I don't understand how this makes me autistic. I'm a virgin, yes, but swords actually make me MORE likely to get laid. I have had countless conversations with cute, cute girls in my classes about the weapons I own. I have been able to speak to women for the first time because they want to know about my Viking Sword, or my latest Bamboo handled Katana. I dream of meeting a girl called Anya so I can say "I own a Katana but I want a cute Anya", that is when I will lose my virginity. But I'm not autistic. I buy these swords to use as often as I can. I have many friends.