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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

Goodbye, poki…

    I'm cancelling my tier 3 sub. 3 years, pokimane. 3 years I donated to you, moderated your chat and kept the scum at bay. 3 years of asking you how your day is, defending your honour in chat and even on twitter. 3 years... wasted.
    I hope you read this, pokimane. I'm throwing away my copy of just dance I bought just to play with you in online coop. What use do I have for this? For one, I have no one to play it with (THANKS A LOT) and secondly, I don't feel like dancing right now, ever.
    You danced right out of my life... and my heart.
    I've just followed kittyplays, so long, pokimane. Hope it was worth it.

    I’m the band kid and you’re new to the school

      T-pose! Sorry, I was just asserting my dominance... So you’re new here, right? Heh, I’ve noticed you’re a bit small there, you’re a little bit of a quiet potato. Me, I’m a big Chungus as you can see. Yeah, I’m in the band, uh, I play trumpet. Yeah and maybe a little bit of trombone, y’know? If I’m feeling it, yeah? Do you go on reddit? Do you like Rick and Morty? Me too! Do you watch callmecarson?

      Finally told my parents they’re gay.

        I did it. I finally did it. I told my parents they're gay. After 2 weeks of struggles and hardships I achieve the impossible. My parents were shocked and heartbroken at the same time. They never knew they were gay until I told them. They had no idea what to do. I was furious. How could they have been gay and not told me? I know one thing for sure, I have to make them realise that they are now gay and there is no stopping it.

        I know how to divide by zero.

          Laugh away:
          I know how to divide by zero.
          I haven't figured out the mathematical/physical ramifications of my discovery all the way, yet, but needless to say I feel a great responsibility to research its effects on reality before publishing my work.
          Like I said, laugh away, but I've outpaced Einstein and Steven Hawking by discovering math they couldn't envision and I'm withholding my ideas until I'm ok with understanding what will happen to the public when I expect to release this new, outrageously simple but pretty damn profound teaching that will redefine our view of reality and space/time.
          Again, laugh, but be ready to eat crow later.

          “Go fuck yourself”

            What if I'm already fucking myself? Behind this simple insult hides a universal paradox that may put your sexuality in question. Let's do a simple thought experiment: imagine us two standing in front of each other. I, of course, am wearing a pair of jeans, that are covering my genitals and my butt. You then command me to "go fuck myself". I may be fucking myself already. I may as well not be fucking myself already. Until my dick and its position relative to my ass is observed, it is simultaneously in my ass, but also outside of it - thus, it stays in superposition. The moment you lay eyes on my penis, both states collide with each other and become either one. You may have already guessed what the problem here is. As soon as a single photon reflected by my dick enters either one of your eyes, you become gay. The only way to avoid this is to not observe my penis. But if you don't look at it, then you will never know if your insult had any effect, thus rendering it meaningless. Since you have already made the insult, you are now, too, in superposition - you're either wrong, or gay. It's unfortunate, really - you dug a hole for yourself without even knowing it. All you can do now is accept it, and learn from your mistakes.

            Who asked?

              According to world population studies, approximately 108 billion people have lived on this planet. Assuming that the average lifespan of all these people was 25, there has been around 2.7 trillion years of life, if we multiply this by the number of days in a year (365), there is a total of 985,500,000,000,000 days of life (985.5 trillion days). Not once in any of those days did anybody ask.
              ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Who asked (Feat: No one) ───────────⚪────── ◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►► 5:12/ 7:𝟻𝟼 ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙️
              Greetings fellow user. I am saddened to inform you of the following information: as of now, we as a collective are currently unable to locate the whereabouts of the individual who asked.
              Nobody cares if you asked or not you fucking retard, nobody cares. The world doesn't revolve around you; not everybody gives a fuck about your opinion, you stupid fuck. I don't care.