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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

Yandere dev’s response to why the game runs terribly

    Yes, development began 6 years ago. But Yandere Simulator is much more ambitious and complex than an average indie game. The premise itself may seem straightforward, but the number of features and depth of mechanics is comparable to that of AAA open-world sandbox titles. It's unrealistic to expect a game like this to reach the optimization stage in less than 6 years, simply due to the unusually large scope and deep complexity of the game, coupled with the fact that it's mostly being developed by a single person. Nobody can accurately estimate how long it should take to teach the optimization stage, because there isn't a pre-existing project that Yandere Sim can be compared to.
    No solo developer has ever attempted to build a social stealth school simulation sandbox game before. The length of time that it takes for a single man to develop a game like this has simply not been established yet, so "it's been 6 years, you should have optimized the game by now" is simply not a valid statement.
    Even with the above information in mind, I do think that the game should be further into development by now, but there are factors that massively slowed down the game's development and put the game way behind schedule.
    Early in the game's development, I adopted an unreasonable update schedule; one major feature every 2 weeks. As a result, the game was developed under "crunch time" for several years straight; 15-hour workdays, no vacations, constantly sacrificing physical and psychological health, etc. This caused me to become "burned out", which severely reduced my productivity. Due to my ongoing obligation to devote most of my time to Yandere Simulator, I have never had an opportunity to recover from this burnout and return to normal levels of productivity.
    There is another factor that is much more important than that, though. I have been mischaracterized, misportrayed, misrepresented, and character assassinated by drama YouTubers who financially benefit from producing content where they ridicule, shame, humiliate, and vilify their target. Going through this experience has caused me to feel like my life and career are permanently destroyed, which has killed my motivation to work on the game, reducing my productivity further.
    The game could've been further into development by now, but being slandered and harassed on a daily basis for 5 years slowed me down.

    Ben Shapiro kindly asks his mom for Robux

      Now, let’s say hypothetically, you, my mother. Were to give me, your son, your credit card information. So I could make a purchase of 500 robux on the Contrary to what my sister will have you believe, I have done a very good job of doing my chores, including, but not limited to; The dishes, the laundry and the taking out the trash.

      Every simp ever

        Excuse me sir or ma'am
        but I couldn't help but notice.... are you a "girl"?? A "female?" A "member of the finer sex?"
        Not that it matters too much, but it's just so rare to see a girl around here! I don't mind, no--quite to the contrary! It's so refreshing to see a girl online, to the point where I'm always telling all my friends "I really wish girls were better represented on the internet."
        And here you are!
        I don't mean to push or anything, but if you wanted to DM me about anything at all, I'd love to pick your brain and learn all there is to know about you. I'm sure you're an incredibly interesting girl--though I see you as just a person, really--and I think we could have lots to teach each other.
        I've always wanted the chance to talk to a gorgeous lady--and I'm pretty sure you've got to be gorgeous based on the position of your text in the picture--so feel free to shoot me a message, any time at all! You don't have to be shy about it, because you're beautiful anyways (that's juyst a preview of all the compliments I have in store for our chat).
        Looking forwards to speaking with you soon, princess!
        EDIT: I couldn't help but notice you haven't sent your message yet. There's no need to be nervous! I promise I don't bite, haha
        EDIT 2: In case you couldn't find it, you can click the little chat button from my profile and we can get talking ASAP. Not that I don't think you could find it, but just in case hahah
        EDIT 3: look I don't understand why you're not even talking to me, is it something I said?
        EDIT 4: I knew you were always a bitch, but I thought I was wrong. I thought you weren't like all the other girls out there but maybe I was too quick to judge
        EDIT 5: don't ever contact me again whore
        EDIT 6: hey are you there?

        Angry g*mer from bangladesh

          Fam i'm 12 years old, and still smarter than you, and i'm from Bangladesh and live in England. I've been brought up in London for all my life and ive only been in Bangladesh on holidays. overall i've spent around 15 weeks there. i learned about Nazis a year ago and i'm all against them. There's also a game called Call Of Duty World War 2 where you go AGAINST the Nazis and fight in the American army. do you think i'm stupid and old enough (I'm 12 to remind you) to be a Nazi? You people are so jarring and you don't understand the impact of games and what they mean. I've always hated Nazis. why would you think a 12 year old gamer is a Nazi, you stupid bitch? Most of my life, I have spent gaming. This is not wasting my life and i play for fun. I am a Muslim and pray every day. I PRAY 5 TIMES A DAY AND YOU TELL ME HOW TO LIVE MY LIFE AND HOW TO PRAY TO A DIFFERENT RELIGION YOU RACIST CUNT!? 5 TIMES IS THE AMOUNT YOU ARE MEANT TO PRAY AS A MUSLIM! I MAKE ALL THE PRAYERS GODDAMMIT.

          Pfff haha 😂

            Pfff haha 😂 funny very 😂 funny funny 😂 😂 😂 lolololol 😂 😂 funnies 😂 😂 laugh out loud 😂 😂 so funny 😂 😂 very funny 😂 😂 laughing laughing 😂 😂 funnies funnies 😂 😂 hahahahahahaha 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 funny time 😂 😂 ROFL ROFL 😂 LOL 😂 XD 😂 XD 😂 XD haha 😂 funny 😂 fucking funny 😂 😂 haha 😂 ha ha ha ha ha ha XD XD XD 😂 😂 lol lol lol 😂 funny funny 😂 funnies ROFL ROFL ROFL 😂 😂super funny 😂 😂 so funny 😂 😂 hahahaha 😂 XD 😂XD 😂 XD 😂XD 😂 XDDDDD 😂 😂 XXXXDDDD 😂 😂 haha 😂 ha ha 😂 haha 😂ha ha 😂 funny funny funny 😂 😂so funny 😂 so very funny 😂 😂 so fucking funny 😂 😂 😂 hahahahah 😂 😂 LOL LOL LOL 😂 XD 😂 LOL 😂 laughing out loud 😂 funny laughing 😂 ha ha ha 😂 😂 😂 😂 funnies 😂 too funny 😂 😂