An Unpopular Opinion: "lmao" is used too much on the internet.
First, I'd like to start with an analysis, if you will.
L - Laughing - describing a sense of funniness
M My - referring to the self as the consumer of the humour
A Arse - referring to a part of the human anatomy to form a slightly offensive reference reinforcing the laugh reaction
O Off - ^^^
"lmao" is commonly used on the internet and especially forums or chat services to express enjoyment of a joke. In some ways, it is parallel of "lol", meaning "laughing out loud". This is one of the most seen acronyms used across the internet. "lmao" is spelled with an L at the front, which in lowercase appears like a capital I. Therefore, newcomers to the internet may try to pronounce it as "eye-may-oh", where in fact the general consensus is "ell-em-ay-oh" (to pronounce as an acronym) or "yl-may-oh" (to pronounce phonetically).
The fundamental concept that the pronouncing is not clear cut obviously shows that "lol" is the superior (and far more commonly used historically, as "lol" has been searched for consistently since 2004 while "lmao" only became mainstream around 2015, at a significantly lesser volume to "lol") acronym. "lol" is simple, clear-cut and phonetically easy to pronounce. In fact, if I was to write the pronunciation into text, it would be the same thing as the acronym essentially.
Second, the use of "arse". This may not offend a lot of people, but the inclusion of a word that may be rude or inappropriate to say for children in an acronym that may be used in places in the internet where children are. In "lol", no potentially rude words are included and the term is harmless. According to Ofcom, the British broadcasting regulator, "arse" is just as rude as "bloody" or "goddamn" and is considered mild.
In conclusion, "lmao"'s use as a drop-in for "lol" is unacceptable. It should be only used to reflect and react to extremely funny jokes or messages, and should not replace "lol". "lol" is clearly easier to pronounce, more acceptable to children, and and is generally an easier to look at acronym.
Receny revisited r/FemBoys and i was blown away by how little the sub has gone down. It must be either unmoderated or the mods dont care, becuase contrary to the name of the subreddit it has almost no actual cisgender men. 70% of the content there is transgender women. There is a seperate porn subbreddit for transgender women. When i go to a subreddit for fememine men, I expect feminene men, not women. In fact I find it ridiculous that this is allowed under reddit rules, as the implication that trans women are simply femenine men feels really transphobic.
FreeSpeech is not a sub for all free speech, ironically. It's a sub with rules that exists to discuss the concept of free speech. Rules, of course, being essential to any space that is restrictive in nature. In real life for instance, very few people decide to scream "penis" in a movie theatre. The reason is rules. Rules, of course, are socially maintained in regards to appropriate speech, recognizing that the right to say something does not signify the propriety of that speech. Online, these socially maintained rules are dissolved under the pretext of online anonymity, creating an environment where the destruction of online taboos is easy and common. To prevent, then, the online space from deteriorating into anarchy, strict rules are necessary.
With all of this being said, please unban me from FreeSpeech, I promise I will never post Sandy Cheeks Cock Vore Rule 34 again.
You are a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs, but that doesn't matter. You are a valid human who is trying to feel comfortable in her body.
All the “validation” you get is pure. Behind your back people love you. Your parents are happy and proud of you, your friends laugh at your jokes behind closed doors, and boys love you, and girls envy you.
Men absolutely love you. Trans folk who “pass” look ordinary and natural to a man. Your bone structure does not matter. Estradiol widens the hips.
You will be happy. You will smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, and deep inside you feel the euphoria creeping up like a weed. It is what defines you, not the transphobes.
Eventually, it’ll be perfect for you - you’ll come out, start HRT, get top surgery, and finally be your ideal self. Your parents will find you, happy and relieved that they finally have a happy daughter. They’ll congratulate you on your hard journey, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a woman is what you are.
This has been growing in me for a while, but the more I see what’s going on in africa and the middle east, and all the bullshit around the world in the name of religion, I’ve gotten to a point where I’m looking at all religious people as not even human. I don’t know if I quite see them as livestock or wild animals or whatever, but it’s pretty close to it. I still don’t understand why people say to respect other people’s religious beliefs. I certainly don’t. I actually think religious beliefs should be mocked, ripped apart, criticized relentlessly, and actually probably be made illegal. I hope to see a future where believers are looked at as mentally ill and mentally retarded, who need to be locked up and treated, or sent to jail. I’m just so disgusted by all of them.
Your artwork of Asui Tsuyu from Boku no Hero Academia came across my feed yesterday and I found it to be excellent. Your art style captured her subtle qurkiness perfectly, and the green-toned, water-themed background suited her equally well. Boku no Hero Academia is my favorite anime. You will draw me a picture of Todoroki Shoto, full body, eyes flaming (one of fire, one of ice in accordance with his double Quirk), engaged in a battle with Ashido Mina, subduing her with his superior strength. Draw her breasts extra full, and her body lithe. You have until 20:00 Mountain time this evening. Am I understood? Apparently I have not made myself clear enough for your peasant brain. I have stated the guidelines for which the artwork you will complete for me, and the time by which it will be completed. I suggest you get to work before you suffer the consequences. You are wearing my patience thin, missy. Hop to it. (That was not an intended Asui Tsuyu pun, though I am known to be clever.) I may be young in years, but it is highly evident that it outpace you in intelligence by an immeasurable distance. Begin my artwork now before I lose patience. Listen closely, little girl. Final warning. Have my requested artwork delivered via this DM chat by 20:00 Mountain time this evening, or else. I should have expected as much from an idiotic SJW dullard such as yourself. Additionally, I find your use of derogatory terms such as “weeaboo” and “weeb” to be highly offensive. I am neither a “weeaboo” or a “weeb”, I am proudly an Otaku. Consider my offer retracted. I will simply have to seek out the services of a better, more intelligent artist, whose beliefs and ideals align more consistently with my own. I am indeed rather close with Ishida-sempai, but I refuse to bore him with your dim-witted demand. Your inferior intellect offends me and would surely offend Ishida-sempai as well.