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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

wtf am i gonna go to a therapist for?

    wtf am i gonna go to a therapist for? so i can pay money for some bitch to tell me i’m gay? to find out i’m gay and in the closet? to help me discover that deep down i’m a gay ass homosexual man? LMAO pass. miss me with that shit. i’m straight. i am straight.

    Oh great! Another 2 sentence long pasta!

      Oh great! Another 2 sentence long pasta! What a game changer! I'm sure the 5 measly lines of text you just posted are going to be the next big copypasta in no time! This is hilarious! Great Stuff! I can really see this being the next big thing! It's gonna be the next "Navy Seal" or "Penguin Of Doom", I can feel it! I love how short and boring it was! Extra points for being extremely forgettable with no interesting lines, a complete lack of tone, and, as I mentioned earlier, an extremely compact 30 to 40 word length! You know what you should do? You should, unprompted, post this godawful pasta in the comments of a post on a separate subreddit and when people downvote you you can post it to r/AteThePasta! Now that would be funny! Almost as funny as the pasta itself, which, may I remind you, is extremely short! God I can't believe you came up with this all on your own! Thanks so much for this! It's truly a gift! And it made me realise that no matter how hard I try I will never find a copypasta as funny as this roughly 30 word paragraph that has already been forgotten by the 47 people who upvoted it, and the 20 people who commented !thesaurizethis over and over again! And I should give up all hope of coming up with such a great pasta in my life, so I'm simply going to kill myself tonight! This is your fault! Your copypasta made me kill myself! I'm going to write your reddit username in my suicide note, as well as the entire copypasta, which I should have no trouble fitting on the page since it's so fucking short! Thanks again! 😁

      Delete Your Warlock.

        First, your helmet does not match the set, the outfit is too buff to match that helmet.
        Secondly, the gauntlet does not fit the style of the set and does not shade well with the rest of the armor.
        Thirdly, the pants are boring, uninspired, but I will give u a pass on that cause all warlock pants are bad.
        Fourthly, the bond is horrible, does not stand out too much and the shading is very much off, wrong bond.
        And finally the chest piece is lackluster, lifeless, shades horribly, the red does not match the white color, and you have multiple colors and the shading is all over the place with mixed brown, red, white and black. But again warlocks don’t have many options when it comes to chest piece since majority of their chest piece looks like they borrowed from some homeless on the streets of last city.
        in end, a very boring look, seen it many times, altho can’t blame for that one due to my previous statement above, either way it’s ugly something I won’t stop to stare at it and say “nice” this is an abomination.
        Delete it.

        I like boobs

          Why yes, I do fancy myself an appreciator (a connoisseur, if you will) of the finest part of the weaker sex, those which are frequently identified as 'breasts', however those of a more crass vernacular may also refer to them as boobs, boobies, knockers, jugs, shoulder boulders, and a myriad other decidedly uncouth names, most certainly not refined enough to even begin to touch upon the true beauty of such soft, refined perfection, moulded by the lucky hands of God Himself. My own personal experience with these absolute sculptured artworks is rather limited, for reasons I can comprehend but will refrain from explaining, however I am currently accepting applications from those who wish to privately showcase their true beauty to me, mayhaps? ;)

          you are NOT a Pokémon Trainer

            Pokémon Showdown is a Pokémon battle simulator
            you are NOT a Pokémon Trainer. true trainers understand that battling requires us to see our opponents as equals. you flaunting Pokémon Showdown, whilst aiding in this riot, only shows your ignorance in what it means to be a trainer.

            Learn to spell you fucking idiot

              It's 'forget' not 'forgor'. It's 'remember' not 'rember'. How many fucking times do I have to tell you this? Go to a fucking school and learn how to spell you dumbass. Seriously, these 'forgor' and 'rember' things are NOT funny and will make you look like a loser.