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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

You’re fucked, bud.

    I am tracking your IP address as we speak
    You kid have just made the biggest mistake of your pathetic life. Do you even have a fucking clue of who you are dealing with right now? My software is top of the line and I am tracking your IP address as we speak.
    I will find out your address. I will find out your name. I will find every piece of information I can find out about you.
    And then I'm gonna use every single resource I have to wipe you off the face of planet earth. I will send the most ruthless assassins after you. Who will not hesitate to turn you into a fine red mist you fucking sub-human piece of shit.
    You will wish you were never born and you will feel unimaginable pain for the rest of your life, which mind you, will be cut short.
    You're fucked, bud.

    Have fun regretting your existence, kiddo.

      Have fun regretting your existence copypasta
      Right now, I'm a click away from using an SQL injection attack to gain access to the database of this website and gain your login credentials, as well as your IP address. I'll then proceed to leak your IP address onto my hacker forums, and then using an IP locator, I'll easily find your house and your name. With that I can access your social media accounts and proceed to ruin your life. You think I'm bluffing? You think that just because a bunch of 7 year olds say they can "hack", but actually can't, that I can't either? Let me shatter that facade for you. Using my team of hackers, we can trace what websites you've visited and what keystrokes you've used, and with that, I can get into your parents' bank account. I can drain it and make you dirt poor. Have you ever felt what it's like to be homeless? Well, you're about to. I can also use cross-site scripting to redirect your web browser to one of my private sites, and download illegal files onto your computer and get your parents locked up in prison. I'm your worst nightmare, and I'm about to make you endure living Hell. I'm nowhere and everywhere at the same time. Have fun regretting your existence, kiddo.

      You know what? I’m just going to say it.

        Discord copypasta rant "You know what? I'm just going to say it"
        You know what? I'm just going to say it. This server fucking sucks. I don't give a shit if the admins will mute me or if I get banned, but I want to get my message across, because it amazes me how many idiots in this server have a poor taste in quality. This server is like a fucking mental ward, and you all need to seek help. It's always the same damn shit everyday, and nothing new ever comes out of anyone's shriveled brains. Where are all the dank memes? Where are all of the good jokes? Where is all the dark humour? All I see is the same fucking Tumblr screenshots, and it's honestly boring as fuck. ALL of you are boring as fuck, if I'm being frank. I have pity for your parents, because I wouldn't question how would I able to nurture someone so milquetoast and ignorant for 18 years without putting a bullet through my head. You're all lame as fuck. I feel more stupider interacting with you all, and I wouldn't want to spend another second in this toxic atmosphere. Hell I'm actually glad this group exists. It keeps all the unfunny pricks away from the server that appreciate quality in their content. I hope you all get drafted and never come back. I'm done with you assholes.

        NFT’s are racist.

          NFT copypasta
          Well, believe me, it's crystal clear: NFT's are racist.
          You don't believe this, huh? Well, I'm going to explain it to you.
          First off, the name. The The Bored Ape Yacht Club wants you to believe that "NFT" stands for Non-fungible token. This name might be an accurate name for the images of apes that are sold, but it also stands for "n****r(s) for trade". This is absolutely not okay.
          NFT's have been fully covered on national news and they usual tell you that images of apes are being traded. What they don't tell you, is that those apes usually have big lips, golden chains and rings and contains an awful lot of stereotypes. NFT's use apes as a methaphor for the stereotypical black communty.
          This can be explained: NFT's were invented on 4chan. 4chan is the breedplace of 99% of evil on the internet. The /pol/ communty, already infamous for it's racism and anti-semitism. created NFT's because they want to insult black people. Using complex trading methods on specific websites on the internet and needing a fast connection to the world wide web they try to exclude as many black people (mainly the African continent).
          It even goes beyond that. Neo-Nazi artists, like Ben Garisson and StoneToss have recently used this way of trading to sell their art full of hate. They can do this because NFT's are completely anonymous.
          Republicans and right-wingers say they screenshot NFT's. This is not an harmless joke, they try to demonstrate how 'worthless' NFT's (abbreviation for: N****r(s) for Trade) are.
          Stop NFT's. Make a hashtag and cancel 'em. Cut off people that trade NFT's. Stop racism.

          69 is very funny.

            It's funny because 69
            Haha 69. It's funny because 69ing, or doing 69, is sharing oral sex with your partner; in other words, it’s giving and receiving oral sex at the same time.
            Oral sex is when people use their mouths to stimulate another person’s genitals.
            Oral sex on a woman is called “cunnilingus.” On a man it’s called “fellatio.” Anyone — girl or guy — can give or receive oral sex as long as she or he is comfortable with it and wants to engage in in oral sex.
            Oral sex cannot cause pregnancy. But it can pass on infections, whether the person is giving or receiving genital stimulation. These infections include gonorrhea, syphilis, chancroid, herpes, hepatitis B, cytomegalovirus, human papilloma virus (HPV), herpes, and, rarely, HIV and chlamydia. Oral sex is generally less risky for these infections than unprotected vaginal or anal sex, but there is still some risk.
            Using a barrier can reduce the risks. For safer oral sex, use a condom to cover the penis, or a Sheer Glyde dam, cut-open condom, or plastic wrap to cover the vulva or anus.
            In reference to the sex position, "69" has become an internet meme, where users will respond to any occurrence of the number with the word "nice" and draw specific attention to it. This means to sarcastically imply that the reference to the sex position was intentional. Because of its association with the sex position and resulting meme, "69" has become known as "the sex number" in certain communities.

            call me old fashioned

              call me old fashioned but i was raised to serve my wife. i clean the dishes and cook her food. i do whatever she says bc she is my wife and she makes the rules around the house. she owns me. i am her property. if she ever cheats on me it's bc i was lacking.
              call me old fashioned, but i was raised to take care of my husband
              make his plate every night, wash his work clothes for him, make sure he’s up for work the next morning, always have a clean house for him to come home to, etc. 
              and that’s exactly wife i will be
              call me old fashioned, but i was raised to take care of my husband
              chew his food for him and spit it directly into his mouth, wipe his ass for him after he shits, treat him like a big fat ugly oversized baby etc.
              that’s exactly the wife i will be