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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

Elden Ring Shut the fuck up

    You average Elden Ring fan
    Shut the fuck up you maggot. You clearly don't understand what makes a great video game. Elden Ring is a beautifully crafted masterpiece with a rich-open, beautiful graphics, fantastical gameplay, a great narrative, great quest design and it gives a ton of freedom and an actual challenge. Meanwhile all the other games that came out this year are overrated, mediocre games with boring, generic and repetitive gameplay, boring and uninteresting narratives and keep telling you what to do every 5 seconds. You and the people that support these kinds of doghit games are everything that is wrong this the gaming industry. These companies give you garbage and you guys eat it up and ask for more. Elden Ring is literally the only game that deserves to be called a true video game. Everything else is a joke and a scam. So fuck you, fuck all the people that pay for it, and fuck these companies that keep pumping these shitty mediocre kiddy games. I hope all of you fuckers die. Elden Ring and FromSoftware deserve all the praise and much more. They are single-handedly carrying the entire gaming industry with their state of the art games.

    Y’all remember the sissy game right?

      Sissy game copypasta
      So I'm not the only one who remembers the sissy game right? It that game you play on middle school/high school where one boy has to be the sissy. The sissy, who was never me btw, has to do what every other boy wants and can't do anything about it. Usually that meant sucking them off or getting your boy pussy pounded by the older kids. They'd all call the kid, who was never me obviously, sissy and all the girls would laugh. They'd also piss on him from time to time and make him swallow. Both the piss and the cum. Y'all also played this game right guys, right?


        GIVE ME YOUR BOOBS copypasta
        GIRL! i know this sound weird but, please. i beg of you, GIVE ME YOUR BOOBS! MY COCK HAVE BEEN STARVING FOR YOUR HOT-BIG BOOTIES! my penis cant handle it longer.... I NEED YOUR BOOBS PICTURE!!!! your nipples.... your breast... it ERECTS MY COCK! IT MAKE MY PENIS LONGER THAN THE EFFIEL TOWER! i could CUM LIKE RAIN IF YOU GIVE ME YOUR BOOBS! i want these bouncy boobs pics to jerk off to... i need it... I NEED IT! I NEED IT!!! I NEED YOUR BOOBS!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

        I literally get second hand embarrassment from this sub

          r/teenagers in a nutshell
          If a single post mentions a girl all you fucking see in the comments is shit like "booba" "milkers" "titties" like literally how the fuck aren't any of you embarrassed of yourselves, seriously look at yourselves. Would u want anyone in real life to see you commenting this shit? probably fucking not and your all like literally fucking 13 anyway. I'm convinced half this whole fucking subreddit is just 500 pound landwhales behind the screen, you all have literally no lives, how about you just go watch porn instead of living out your sexual fantasies in a subreddit for fucking teenagers. Y'all need to grow up.
          Also if I see one single fucking "but its horny teenagers what do u expect" im literally gonna go fucking insane or something, being hormonal isnt an excuse for this kinda shit, its weird.
          Please next time before you go to make some weird ass creepy comment, just think, would you still make that comment if you weren't anonymous? If the answer is no, then the comment doesn't belong here, go to a porn subreddit or something.

          I absolutely love sucking dick with all of my heart

            Least gay copypasta user
            I can’t keep it in anymore. I fucking love sucking dick; I love it when it’s soft and squishy, I love it when it’s hard, I love feeling it get hard in my mouth. I love the shape of it, the feel of it and the sweet sweet taste of precum! I love hearing my partner’s moans as I make love to his dick with my mouth, tongue and hands. I use it as a wordless medium to communicate to him how much I’m attracted to him and how I’ll be his little slut any fucking day. I usually fall into this sweet trance while doing it and for a while, it feels like time stops as I pour my heart out onto his cock. It’s a form of expression for me.

            POPULAR OPINION: April Fool’s Day is worse than 9/11

              April Fool’s worse than 9/11 copypasta
              I’m fucking shaking and crying right now y’all, and people aren’t taking me seriously. This is a DUMB FUCKING HOLIDAY, where people say shit that ISN’T FUCKING REAL for NO REASON. I’ve cut off 8 family members already for falling for this shriveled up, half-assed ANNUAL CORPORATE FIG LEAF like the NPC SHEEP THEY ARE. Maybe if they listened to REAL COMEDY like Bill Maher or political satire that validates what I already believe in, they’d be WORTHY OF INTERACTING WITH. BUT NO, I have to scroll through my timeline, seething, wailing and gnashing my teeth as I’m BOMBARDED BY LOW EFFORT CORNY CAPITALIST PROPOGANDA. THIS IS A SERIOUS DAY. I’m allowed to be this pressed about ha-ha corny joke day because IT’S SERIOUS FOR ME AND THEREFORE SHOULD BE FOR EVERYONE. My great uncle was tragically flattened while trying to rob a coca-cola vending machine on this date, and PEOPLE ARE STILL MAKING CORNU FUKUNG JOKES. I’ve had enough