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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

Ass is objectively better than tits

    Ass or boobs copypasta
    Before you start typing, hear me out:
    When you're having sex, what do you feel ass you penetrate your girl? That's right, her cheeks clapping on your crotch area. It enhances the pleasure and resists the impact of your thrusts, which allows you to go all in. When you're not having sex, what hurts to have more? That's right, tits. They give you back pain and it gets worse the bigger they are while ass cheeks give you a free pillow to sit on.
    And back to sex, specifically, lesbian sex. You know how they tease each others' nipples? That doesn't work with big tits, as they're less sensitive as small tits, so you're often better off having ass over tits.
    And back to straight sex, what the fuck can you do if your girl isn't big up there? You can grope and tease her, but titfucks are not an option. There are other ways to tease a woman like neck kisses and stuff.
    Now I like big tits, I love them, but I think it's rational to pick ass; So I was born a tits man, but I am an ass man by choice.
    Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

    You will never be a real gamer

      Based on the original YWNBAW copypasta
      You will never be a real gamer. You have no consoles, you have no games, you have no skills You are a filthy casual twisted by mobile games and ads into a crude mockery of Nintendo's perfection.
      All the “games” you have are mobile and match 3. Behind your back people mock you. Your “discord friends” laugh at your casual appearance behind closed doors.
      Gamers are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed gamers to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even casuals who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a gamer. Your gaming skill is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a rhythm gamer home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your iPhone, infected with Candy Crush.
      You will never be skilled. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the ads for a free continue creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
      Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a PC, download Genshin Impact, put around 3 hours into it, and plunge into the cold abyss of the gacha system. Your parents will find about you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your Apple ID, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a casual is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably normal.
      This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

      Discord I’d like to clear something up regarding the aaccusaations

        Least deprived Discord user
        I'd just like to clear something up regarding the accusations being made about me by some of the female members of this group. The accusations regarding my so called "behavior" are untrue and extremely hurtful. To the accusers (you know who you are kitten), a few points for your consideration:
        1. Yes I was asking for feet pics in DMs, I will admit to that. Apparently this can come off as inappropriate for some. So I reluctantly apologize for that.
        2. The feet pics I was attempting to accumulate from this group were strictly for artistic purposes and NON-SEXUAL in nature. Ever heard of a non-sexual foot fetishist?
        3. I have almost NEVER taken screenshots of the feet that have been sent to me and/or sent these pics to other people
        4. No I have not been making threats to those who choose to ignore my messages & friend requests. Telling someone who has clearly wronged me that there will be consequences for their actions is not a "threat". I consider it more a... life lesson per se. Learn the difference then report back to me. I'll be right here waiting for an apology.
        5. And finally, as you can see, I didn't tag any of the women who wronged me in this message, as doing so would not comply with my ethics, but I will always respect one's decision to have their own so called "opinion" no matter how misguided it may be.
        As you can tell, my interests lay mainly in the high arts and I can guarantee you that if and when you do decide to step down off your fucking throne and accept my humble friend requests (feet pics or not) at the very least you will end up having a very compatible and knowledgeable friend. Hopefully this clears a few things up with the more disgruntled members of the group.

        I fucking love the widespread use of “🤨” emoji

          back in my days when someone wrote something lowkey disturbing on the internet I had to type something long, like:
          What the fuck is this comment?
          or write entire ass essays. Now you don't need it anymore. You just hit people with ayo? 🤨🤨🤨 and embarrass the fuck out of them. The convo just goes like:
          - so you know, I seen this girl and I thought about something with he-
          - 🤨🤨🤨
          - no no you know like every men sometimes thinks about fuckin-
          - ayo? 🤨🤨🤨
          - it's just primal-
          - ayo? 🤨🤨🤨

          Gatinha você é muito based

            Gatinha você é muito based
            Gatinha você é muito based, minha dose de redpill, eu deixo de ser incel MGTOW e viro simp por você. Sem você sou só um soyboy cringe, sheesh você é perfeita demais No Cap, nem mesmo os sigmas conseguem te tankar, porque você é full chad. Seu mindset alpha me tilta de paixão, você é indie e eu fico poggers com a sua beleza, sou hypado em você e fico LMAO com seu humor shipposter edgy. Você é diferente das e-girls normies e tem um aesthetic único bem drip, cai no seu bait e virei beta, desculpa kekw mas é que você é tão full blessed que hitou meu coração e agora eu sou doomer longe de você, seu jeito cult nada bluepill me fascina, e já aviso que não sou pozer porque já te admirava antes de virar trend e meu amor por você nunca vai flopar!
            Translated to EN
            Kitten you are very based, my dose of redpill, I stop being incel MGTOW and become simp for you. Without you I'm just a soyboy cringe, sheesh you're too perfect No Cap, not even sigma can tank you, because you're a full chad. Your alpha mindset tilts me with passion, you're indie and I'm poggers with your beauty, I'm hyped on you and I'm LMAO with your edgy shipposter humor. You are different from the normie e-girls and you have a unique aesthetic well drip, fall on your bait and I became beta, sorry kekw but it's just that you are so full blessed that it hit my heart and now I'm doomer away from you, your cult way nothing bluepill fascinates me, and I warn you that I'm not a pozer because I already admired you before becoming a trend and my love for you will never flop!

            I let mine 5 year old son play this game

              An actual game review for PVZ
              I let mine 5 year old son play this game because he sad he liked game and want very much so I buy game for him but little later he come to me and say "daddy this game much scary!!" I look at game and it say: "ZOMBIE EAT YOU BRAIN!!!" and me was shock. how can this game be allow for childs? this game has blood and violins, zombie eat your vegetables!! zombie may no eat vegetable, my son eat vegetable!! he is now life shock and he have to take pills everyday!! tanks so very much electric art!!! this game much bad and scary, I rate 16 and over!! not play this game, this very innapropait!!! u has been warninged!!!!!