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Midbeast on 10 year life plan

    10 year life plan?
    Save money, invest. Millionare. Millionare? Buy TSM. Import all the best players. Nuguri, Canyon, Uzi, Ming. Put me in mid lane. Super team. Win Worlds. Hoist trophy. Future wife notices me. Married. Kids? 5. Top Beast, Jung Beast, Bot Beast, Supp Beast. Prodigies. Mechanical. Macro economical, I teach them.
    2037 League of Legends 2 World championship trophy hoisted once again by Dad Beast.
    "We owe it all to you dad!"

    I see this tournament as a lose lose for Europe.

      I see this tournament as a lose lose for Europe. KR CN and LMS are all off having a incredibly high level tournament where CH and LMS especially will learn a fuck ton from it and help their level of play drastically come worlds.
      EU on the other hand is stuck playing NA which we gain/learn very little from beating aside from some spicy new memes and trash talk for a few weeks, whereas the NA teams will benefit much more from the games against us.
      I dunno it just seems like Europe is getting the short end of the stick here where every other regions teams are benefitting but we arent (Guess the same goes for Korea too). but never the less i guess it will still be a fun tournament to watch for the pure rivalry aspect of it. Thoughts?

      Cloud Nein Gaymer house

        Cloud9 is an American professional esports company based in Santa Monica, California.
        It was dinner time in the Cloud Nein Gaymer house. Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi dishes up a steaming plate of pasta when he realizes he forgot the meat. William “Meteos” Hartman looks up from his plate with a gleam in his eye. “I got the meat right here for you baby.” Lubing up with Marinara Sauce, Meteos begins to pound his sausage into sneaky’s lightly buttered dinner roll. With a scream of delight Meat-eos releases his load calling an end to another successful team dinner.

        Doublelift fired up his stream for another day of soloQ

          Doublelift is a retired League of Legends esports player and currently streamer for TSM.
          Doublelift fired up his stream for another day of soloQ, but foolishly forgot to check if Imaqtpie was in a game. He opened up QT’s stream to find him sitting in queue… He frantically began tabbing between his client and QT’s stream, then one after the other… both queues popped. “I need the toilet” he said to his chat. He ran to the wall and unplugged his internet. He was safe for another day.

          Malphite you are a fucking worthless

            Malphite is a playable champion in League of Legends.
            Malphite you are a fucking worthless brainded scumfuck bastard pile of trash mental dickface that should be gunned down in the street like the degenerate you are

            And you call yourself “challenger”?

              Tyler1 is League of Legends most popular content creator.
              0/0/0? Lol. And you call yourself "challenger"? Don't make me laugh. There's a reason Europe never wanted you. Because you're bad. Your silver fanboys might like you, but I'd fuck you up on the rift. I'm only plat and I already get much better scores. Drop your smug little smile, kid.