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Cursed Thoughts

Cursed thoughts shared in discussions that is ridiculous and absurd in nature that it became a meme. Usually about popular characters and people.

When i was younger I got curious and ended up jacking off to the Diary of Anne frank.

    Anne Frank cursed copypasta
    When i was about 13 and browsing the internet i discovered that Anne Frank's father removed some of the pages of her diary which contained her talking about masturbation and other such topics.Me being curious kid i decided to read it and needless to say i got excited midway through.The post nut clarity hit me like a truck and i still regret it to this day.
    TL;DR:found removed pages of Anne's franks diary and masturbated to them

    Why futa is less gay than straight porn

      Actually, futa can be made less gay than straight porn. You see, straight porn has one guy and one girl. Because you're fapping to something with one guy in it, that's 50% gay. If you watch futa fuck a girl, that's one girl and a half girl, thus only 25% gay. You could make it 0% gay with two girls but the problem is, that makes them lesbian, which wraps back to being 100% gay.

      The straightest thing a straight man can do is having sex with a femboy.

        Sex with femboy is straight
        The straightest thing a straight man can do is having sex with a straight femboy. Its true, think about it. Women like men and liking men is gay thus making sex with women gay. However if you fuck a straight femboy straight away you both don't like men thus it wouldn't be gay, right? Wrong. Let me explain.
        You might think that because of the femboy being straight and not looking masculine, it wouldn't be gay to fuck him but in reality the femboy would be gay because you look masculine. Having sex with a man is gay, so you would become gay too. So in order to have straight sex, you too have to become a femboy yourself. If there is no masculinity involved and you both are straight, you both stay straight during intercourse. It's that simple.

        Fellas, is it gay to have sex with a woman? Yes.

          The gayest thing you can do objectively speaking is having sex with a woman. Think about it. It is literally a part of the body that EVOLVED to take dicks. Their own structure by nature accommodates dick. Not only that, and this is true I googled it, vaginas can also release baby boys which grow into men. So you are having sex with a potential man making factory as well. Not to mention vaginas store the energy of all dicks that have been inside there so it's basically like someone is slapping a bunch of hotdogs together in a damp cave. You are essentially fucking those ghost dicks alongside her. You are having sex with a man making dick pocket.
          Literally is there anything else gayer than this? There isn't.
          The straightest thing you can do is call up your boys.
          It is scientifically proven that men being around other men increases testosterone. That is the life blood of masculinity if you didn't know. In order to stimulate our testo-production you should embrace your boys in a circle to exchange masculine energy. Make sure you are all holding hands so there is no break in the masculine energy flow. Hold eye contact to establish dominance. Also, I recommend doing this nude and outdoors. Nature is always good, and the public should fear you.
          Being nude with your fellow men and seeing one another's muscles allows you to psych up if in a life or death scenario you could either A) take them in a fight or B) they would be useful to you in a 2v2. Once you are done massaging each other and potentially-probably masturbating, you will feel an elevation in your general prowess as a man.
          Like a rabid leopard fresh off the kill. You will be ready to yell at women on Discord, drink BANG energy drinks, misunderstand every major theme in American Psycho all while listening to Joe Rogan in no time. Just like a true straight man would.

          My girlfriend is shitphobic, i dont know what to do, pls help

            Shitphobic copypasta
            My girlfriend is shitphobic, i dont know what to do, pls help.
            So my gf was taking a shit in the bathroom and the door was unlocked so i walked into the bathroom. My gf told me to get out but i really wanted to eat some shit. I told her i would leave if she gave me some of her shit but she started screaming at me to get out. I ignored her and grabbed some of her shit and she started to scream even louder and kicked me out of the bathroom. This has been very traumatizing for me.

            utopia idea: all children are raised underground

              How much gun violence would happen? That's right, zero.
              utopia idea: all children are raised underground in education chambers. once they are 18, they are given a beretta and 5000$. (top students get an mp5.) after they are given their supplies, they are released onto the outside world and may integrate themselves in society. the society is built upon strict gun and open carry laws. "what do you mean by 'strict'?" you say. by strict laws, i mean you are not allowed to leave your home without a firearm and you must open carry. if everybody is strapped and trained, how much gun violence would happen? that's right, zero.