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Cursed Thoughts

Cursed thoughts shared in discussions that is ridiculous and absurd in nature that it became a meme. Usually about popular characters and people.

does this happen to anybody else or just me

    every time i play geometry dash, i get a boner. the feeling of finally beating a hard level after days of practice, it just makes me so hard. the harder the level, the harder i get. the other day i finally beat theory of everything 2 after months of trying, and when i finally finished the level, my penis felt like it was going to explode. i immediately jerked off and had the most intense orgasm ever. i ended up deleting the game in fear of what would happen if i ever beat an extreme demon. does this happen to anyone else? or am i just built different.
    edit: someone suggested that i play easier levels instead. i re downloaded the game, but i gave into temptation and i beat bloodbath. my erection lasted 6 hours, and i had to go to the hospital and they drained the blood out of my penis. this game has ruined my life. what started as a fun little game has now left me with a penis that no longer functions.

    I can’t play Terminids because they make me hungry.

      I honestly have a hard time playing Terminids on Helldiver 2 because I get very distracted by the thought of eating one.
      There are of course issues with some variety of Terminid. Anything with the word "bile" in it is likely inedible because it'd spoil instantly. So realistically, that leave you with Hive Guards, warriors and Scavengers.
      The Southerner in me tells me you'd could just throw a scavenger whole on a boil and it'd turn out pretty good. I bet they'd turn red. With a bunch of spices, potatoes and the holy-trio you could make a absolutely mean pot. Same thing with a scavenger gumbo.
      That or you could treat it like lobster. Same method, but as a solo dish with like a bread like scavenger-cakes. Plus, they wouldn't need butter because of the amount of oil so that'd very likely affect flavor.
      The crunch if it's soft-shelled or if hardshell you'd have to eat it like a crab or shrimp. We know for a fact that they are closer anatomically to crustaceans, but they reproduce through spores. So, I'm willing to bet they'd have notes similar to mushrooms. I wonder if the spores are edible.
      The thought just crossed my mind that their giant orange eggs are also likely tasty and maybe even some of their structures like the spore-emitters. The eggs are probably just giant caviar. As for the spore-towers, You can probably shave off some and use it like a seasoning. Though it could be wax like that of bees. Oh god, Bugs do have their own flowers that we see a bunch of. The sample flowers are exclusive to bugs so maybe they pollinate flowers for food. Terminid Honey? Then there's the exploding bug traps, maybe it could be like an herb. But, to get back to focus.
      I'm salivating just thinking about it. 

      Bojack is so fucking hot. Specifically Horsin’ Around era Bojack.

        I have a confession
        I’ve thought about this for years and I’m finally taking a stand and admitting this to the world. Bojack is so fucking hot. Specifically Horsin’ Around era Bojack. I love his sexy mullet, and those wild locks that fall over his eyes. He’s so charismatic, the scene where he dips Cindy Crawfish and kisses her passionately always gives me butterflies. He is so gorgeous, my dream man. I’ve never had a crush on anyone like I have with Bojack. I know he’s a total piece of shit, but man, that shit is sculpted into a beautiful hunk of a horse. And I’m NOT a furry. 

        Tesão por monstros afeminados

          Hey guys, sem julgamentos, mas vim perguntar se sou o único que sente tesão por monstros afeminados, tudo começou quando eu já não sentia prazer em porno normal, achava sem graça, aí comecei a sentir prazer nessas criaturas. imaginar que um ser que era para estar absorvendo sua alma está cavalgando na sua pika enquanto geme distorcidamente por prazer, me enche de tesão e pensamentos errados. Aquelas garras rasgando a pele, os dentes escorrendo saliva e o corpo deformado mas humanamente anatomico para me dar tesão, um monstro sem consciência sendo apenas movido por ódio e fome, mas com um corpinho violão... Da uma vontade imensa de fuder. Principalmente quando paramos para pensar as variações de monstros, como uma criatura penas feita de carne pode ser muito quente fazendo que o Ploc Ploc seja mais prazeroso, criaturas pequenas que seriam mais apertadas, slimes que seriam super molhados ou até mesmo insetos que a cada metida ele iam se contocer e estridularam enquanto gemem em um grande zumbido... Podemos pensar no paranormal, o que como seria bom ver uma criatura que com próprio rosto e de satanás com uma raba gigante enquanto lambe seu corpo, Agora toda vez que vejo alguma criatura que era para dar medo só consigo sentir atração, já fui expulso de de uma festa de halloween por isso. minha paixão e pelo desconhecido e queria saber se mais alguém e assim. 


          Hey guys, no judgement, but I came to ask if I'm the only one who feels horny for effeminate monsters, it all started when I no longer felt pleasure in normal porn, I found it boring, then I started to feel pleasure in these creatures. imagining that a being that was supposed to be absorbing your soul is riding your pika while moaning distortedly with pleasure, fills me with lust and wrong thoughts. Those claws tearing the skin, the teeth dripping with saliva and the deformed but humanly anatomical body to make me horny, a monster without conscience being only driven by hatred and hunger, but with a little guitar body... It gives me an immense desire to fuck. Especially when we stop to think about the variations of monsters, such as a feathered creature made of flesh can be very hot making Ploc Ploc more pleasurable, small creatures that would be tighter, slimes that would be super wet or even insects that with each insertion they would twitch and squeak while moaning in a great hum... We can think of the paranormal, which would be nice to see a creature that has Satan's own face and a giant tail while licking his body, Now every time I see some creature that was supposed to scare me, I can only feel attraction, I was already kicked out of a Halloween party because of it. My passion is for the unknown and I wanted to know if anyone else is like this.

          Gimmie Gimmie Chicken Tendies

            A classic 4chan chicken tendies pasta

            The poem originated from 4chan as part of a family of tendies (chicken nuggets) greentext stories. It was popularize after voice-overs of the poem was done by Youtubers.

            Gimme gimme chicken tendies,
            Be they crispy or from Wendys.
            Spend my hard-earned good-boy points,
            on Kid's Meal ball pit burger joints.
            Mummy lifts me to the car,
            To find me tendies near and far.
            Enjoy my tasty tendie treats,
            in comfy big boy booster seats.
            McDonald's, Hardee's, Popeye's, Cane's,
            But of my tendies none remains.
            She tries to make me take a nappy,
            But sleeping doesn't make me happy.
            Tendies are the only food,
            That puts me in the napping mood.
            I'll scream and shout and make a fuss,
            I'll scratch, I'll bite, I'll even cuss!
            Tendies are my heart's desire,
            Fueled by raging, hungry fire.
            Mummy sobs and wails and cries,
            But tears aren't tendies, nugs or fries.
            My good-boy points were fairly earned,
            To buy the tendies that I've yearned.
            But there's no tendies on my plate!
            Did mummy think that I'd just ate?
            I screech while hurling into her eyes,
            My foul, bowel-dwelling diaper surprise.
            For she who is un-pooped on is she who remembers:
            Never forget my chicken tenders.
            Gimme gimme chicken nugs, Be they crispy or scraped from rugs. Spend my hard-earned good-boy points, on Kid's Meal ball pit burger joints. Mummy lifts me to the car, To find me nuggets near and far. Enjoy my tasty nuggly treats, in comfy big boy booster seats. McDonald's, Hardee's, Popeye's, Cane's, But of my nuggets none remains. She tries to make me take a nappy, But sleeping doesn't make me happy. Nuggies are the only food, That puts me in the napping mood. I'll scream and shout and make a fuss, I'll scratch, I'll bite, I'll even cuss! Nuggets are my heart's desire, Fueled by raging, hungry fire. Mummy sobs and wails and cries, But tears aren't nugs, tendies or fries. My good-boy points were fairly earned, To buy the nuggets that I've yearned. But there's no nuggets on my plate! Did mummy think that I'd just ate? "NUGGETS NUGGETS GET THEM NOW, YOU FAT, UNGRATEFUL, SLUGGISH SOW!" I screech while hurling into her eyes, My foul-smell bowel-dwelling diaper surprise. For she who is un-pooped on is she who shan't be smug: Never forget my chicken nugs.