Looks 👀👉 like ☃ l'm 💰😂 gonna 🅱🔥 have to 💦 hit a ☢ Hollywood junkyard and dig ⛏ out 🎮 a 🐶👌 Delorean to travel 🛫 back to ➡ June 6, ❓❗ 2006 for 🙌📀 the 💌 National "Punch 👊 An ⬅ Emo ☹☹ Kid In The 🍑😎 Face" 😭😳 Day. 🌞 I 😩💰 mean, 😉😡 I get the 👏🕍 fact 🛡👩 that 💦😐 it 😞 no doubt 🙅👅 has to suck 😜 being 😑😑 so 👏 socially awkward that 🕵 you 👦🤖 had 💋🅰 to pretend 😢 to be 💀 depressed 🅱 just 🏻 to ⛪😱 fit in 📥 with Majic The Gathering dorks addicted to 💦 Lithium and ➕ Adderal, who 👶😂 totally 💯🚥 duped you 😬👀 into thinking that 🚟 listening 👂🎧 to My 🔌 Chemical Bromance will 👊😠 help 💁🚨 you score 💯 with hot 🔥 chicks. 🐔 And 📡🔟 don't 🚫🚫 try 😐 lying 🤥 to 💦⚠ kick it 🍆👏 homeboy. All 🏷 the 🔥 scene sluts ‼ who 👀 weren't lesbians 😱😲 or morbidity obese, were scooped up ♀ by Chaos Punx, Bootboys, and 🕰👏 Skinheads. That's 😐😐 the 👨 cold hard 💦🍆 truth. Anyways, my 😎💯 point ⬆ is 😩 that 🆚 just 💪 because 🍆📖 you're 🙅👏 not all 🌎🌎 that ✔🚟 awesome on 🔛💦 an intellectual level 🆙🔻 due 👅👅 to 💦😩 staying away 🌪💨 from 🙍😂 people 📣😑 and Sunlight, that's truly 🔝 no excuse 🚶 for 🍆 this complete 💯✅ lack of 💥 basic communication 📰🗣 during a 👏 simple online 💻💻 business transaction.